Tuesday, August 6, 2013

pretty shure Pope Clemens XI was Isaac Newton..

 another find i made by accident...
 clemens nose might have been extended and made even bigger(dorsum) than it was already..
the rest of the face fits like a glove...its obvious that none of all those popes were true italians, just italian identities assumed by our usual customers..
 few ppl know that isaac newton wrote EXHAUSTIVELY on theology, not just physics
 so this role fit him like a glove...further down you´ll see he founded a new library in the vatican and had them construct a sundial...
 look at the face... thats newton...we know that only high-grade masons are playing the pope....list below..
 yes he was an excellent theologian...both at home in eschatology but also mundane physics...
 the benchmarks for both men...
 some stuff that Clement XI did (among others a library & sundial)

ALF what are you doing, are you trying to usurp the holy see ? ....shhh dont disturb.... i´m practicing for my secret plot, to assume the title of pontifex next summer while the pope is on his annual trip to south america..
 those we found so far...but there must be many more...cant be too hard...


DieFreiwirtin said...

Echt zu cool, ich bin mal wieder platt! Wie eh und je führen alle Wege nach Rom ...

St.Mark said...

hallo freiwirtin... ich glaub wir muessen mal wieder telefonieren...ich komm grad gar net hinterher mit den uploads, so viele neue funde...und dauernd kommen neue dazu..