Saturday, August 17, 2013

MARTIN LUTHER REVEALED --- part 3 --- the parents and the rose cross...

the vid above is of an illuminist (in plain words, a warlock or sorcerer) performing a ritual called "the rose cross"...the rusicrucians were the predecessors of the freemasons, and had heavily borrowed from earlier gnostic movements...since i couldnt find a vid about luthers parents, and all these people performed similar rituals anyway (otherwise they wouldnt have had power over entire nations), the video fits neatly in here..

 we all learned in school katharina von bora was luthers faithful wife...but thats not entirely true... she was also from highest royalty, her name "elizabeth of denmark"...the birth+death dates overlap neatly, and the hairstyle + face match as well...both women are identical..
 hans luther, father of martin, was the same man as johann cicero, who passed onto martin his royal hohenzollern blood...
 since most of you arent familiar with him, here the wikipedia for john cicero, elector of brandenburg...
 here again luthers parents compared to his royal parents, and they are the same, even sporting the (almost) same name... definitely a full MATCH...
 here again the rosecross.... remember also the famous book of "christian rosenkreuz", a middle-age hermeticist and cabbalist..
 so margaret luther in fact was margarete von sachsen (margret of saxonia)...
so this is the reason why luther himself also has several royal identities...he was blue blood !

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