Friday, August 9, 2013

LDS INC. --- part 3 --- brigham young exposed

 since we now outed the "prophet" of this church deeply rooted in masonry (they even took the temple rituals of the scottish rite without bothering to change anything), lets look at his almost as illustrous predecessor. a man called Brigham Young. he is credited to have had one of the biggest harems of women ever on the american continent, and a great amoutn of children... in reality this was just a show, and minions of christian ministers, who rebuked the LDS church in the past 150 years, are just the laughingstock of these cryptos, who put one over them, laughing evry time they repeat "joseph smith married underage girls, joseph smith, committed adultery, joseph smith did this, joseph smith did that..."... see thats why the saying goes "knowledge is power"..

 i havent identified any of those wives yet, but most of them are very likely just made up persona...
 i found a 100% match for brigham young in john fitch kinney.  funny enough brigham young railed against lawyers in one of his famous speeches, while being a lawyer himself. john kinney was at difrent periods in his life chief justice, judge and lawyer in at least two diffrent states, utah being one of them...
we can see the world being run actually by far fewer men than what is commonly perceived...
 just look at those faces, even a preschooler can find this one out. it works every time. people cannot perceive you to be the same person, since they are so easy to give you their trust. remember parable of sheep and goats. sheep are incredibly dumb animals, they will jump into the ditch with the whole herd, to their shure death, just because SB told them to...but proverbs says "the foolish person believeth everything, but the wise testeth out the matter"...
 this was john Franklin Kinney, born 1860, either son or grandson, also a lawyer and member of the so often the jobs stay in the famly...
 this google shortinfo is really halpful, saves me a lot of time and shows birth & death dates, full names, family members as well as a useable picture, all by just a simple click... really good stuff indeed...
 here the incident with brigham yougn (after whom today BYU, or brigham young university is named, the biggest mormon university in the world, with main location in provo, as well as hawaii and at least one other)...good mormons always send their kids to BYU...their sports team are the cougars...since wild cougars, mediumlarge predator cats, are still living in the utah mountains....
 here brigham in a photograph probably around 1830, wearing his flashy tux...the only time in my life i wore a 3-piece-suit complete with shirt, tie, vest and jacket, was when i got one for free from the homeless shelter in SLC... i felt like a king, believe me ! in the old world, nobody bothers with 3-piece suits or dressing makes you miss the new world so much after a while, where people have an eye for proportions, beauty and healthy bodies...i can only agree with Heine/Smith when he writes "Denk ich an Deutschland in der Nacht, so bin ich um den Schlaf gebracht"...

of course this is a rabbit hole without end, i could now search for his wife, or many children, but leave that up to you, since i have so much more ground to cover...

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