Friday, August 9, 2013

LDS INC. --- part 2 --- joseph smith´s immediate family

 after we have overcome the first shock, let us look a bit closer at the immediate families of both men. Heinrich Heine´s family was from Duesseldorf, in the Ruhr area (Midwest of Germany), that has traditionally been a coal mining location, but this famly was of the upper class, and the uncle of Christian Johann Heinrich Heine (his full birth name), who was called solomon heine, was a famous banker in town... HH was always a raging bohemian who loved the good life, and worked only to make ends meet, so his uncle probably had to bail him out more than once... look at the pictures above Betty Heine mother of HH and Lucy Mack Smith the prophet´s mother, are 100% identical. not only are they pictured always with the trademark hat, but also facial features and hand gesture are the same..
 she had an alias name as peira von geldern (like they all have), but thats not of too much importance to us...
this was the easiest part, now lets see if we can find any more...the founder of the mormon church had a brother, who was one of the "3 witnesses" to the authenticity *cough* of the golden plates and the book of mormon given to him by an angel. This brother called hyrum smith took various supporting offices in the emerging church movement...below you will see who he also was...
 one of the european alters of Hyrum Smith was Gustav Heine, or Gustav von Geldern ( he was knighted at around 1870 and became part of the lower aristocracy)...keep in mind the transatlantic traffic at that time (19th century) still took a few weeks time for each crossing, but that didnt hinder these people to play their roles authentically just like all of their ancestors as long as known history is recorded...there is nothing new under the sun...
 not only are the faces of both men identical (apart from the moustache), but also hairstyle, and especially the coat and collar... and look at that bowtie... Hyrum smith and Gustav von Geldern né Heine, are definitely the same person..
 just look at the ears, they line up as well...
 i also found a picture of the respective death masks of both joseph smith jr. and HH, you can see the picture below...
 on the left he is close to 60 yrs old, on the right side only 38... i suspect HH during his life enjoyed the company of many women, including many "madames faciles" in the red light districts of paris (a city known for its lax morality and "beau vivant" lifestyle...) but I highly doubt that he died at age 60, it would fall out of the usual pattern...
 here the wikipedia for both men, even if you´re a mormon familiar with hyrum smith, you might never have heard of Knight van geldern, proudly wearing his knights cross left side of his breast...

now to find the father was a bit tricky, there was no picture to be found of samson Heine, father of HH, but pretty shure that he is identical with Joseph Smith Sr. if anyone can find a good picture of Samson Heine, let me know, this long face is a great marker for identification... the lifespans also overlap pretty neatly, so i guess this was indeed the same guy...
 so now with Joseph Smith Finally busted, his mother as well, as Well as Hyrum Smith, it is obvious that the usual game is being played here, thus we can expect to find many more close relatives of both men to line up perfectly, if we just look carefully...
 HH is said to have been emotionally dependent on his mother for the entire duration of his life...
 this is salomon, his rich uncle...he also must have played part in the establishment of the LDS church, the whole endeavor from the beginnings in palmyra NY, then the trek to missouri and illinois, the building of the nauvoo temple, and later the trek further west to the utah wasatch valley didnt happen in a single week, it took many years... you can read about it on the website or another encyclopedia... rest assured all those places, the finding spot of the golden plates, the nauvoo temple, as well as the exact location of the SLC temple, are all geomantic locations of great significance. thats why today you have brass sculptures, monuments and obeliscs standing there, and people travel there to learn about LDS history, having no idea they are being led around like cattle.... i explained geomantics and the ley grid already in former posts...
 if you still dont believe it, and wanna weasel and start a debate, just look at the profile of both men, and the eyes in the above picture. Joseph Smith and Heinrich Heine were the same man, no butts, no ifs, no need to start a tantrum...has ALF ever lied to you, has he ever stolen your pocket-money to buy himself a tasty cat-burger ? no he hasnt...
here the women of HH, if you want to hunt for some of smiths plural wives, my bet is that the large majority of them were probably played by immediate family members (nieces, daughters, cousins) as well...
they probably were never photoraphed all together at the same time, but visited the prophet from time to time, wearing diffrent costumes and hairdo´s, pretending to be SB else...
the biggest university in Duesseldorf is named after Heinrich Heine... if i had known both are the same person, I would have visited this university long time ago, but since i didnt know i stayed right where i am.

 these are the two most important women in the lives of both men, however i´m not shure if they match.. Emma Hale Smith was born around the same time as joseph, 1805, while Mathilde Heine was said to be 18years younger than Heinrich... they make her out to be the daring fun-loving type daughter of a simple farmer, but we all know those jewesses of aristocratic background have no problem playing whatsoever character, and are graced both with a rancous mouth, sense of entitlement and impeccable education that you will find in NO OTHER TYPE of woman on were they the same.. look at the above pictures and compare, the hairstyle matches, the forehead, nose and strong chin as well.. both women also had a thin and healthy figure and were much admired...
so they might have been the same but i´m not shure... but now since we have a basic idea, its only a matter of time until we can book her as well in the New ALF Order penitentiary for her many misdemeanors and crimes including giving false information to ALF, spreading damnable heresies, prophesying with head uncovered, slander, subterfuge and many more...

more on the "church of the holy spook" in the next couple threads...

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