Saturday, August 10, 2013

roberto clemente played baseball --- harry belafonte played roberto clemente...

people ask me what i do in winter when theres no baseball...I tell you what i do...i stare out the window and wait for spring... (rogers hornsby)
baseball is 90 percent mental, and the other half is physical...(yogi berra)
 baseball players are smarter than football players... how often do you see a baseball team penalized for too many players on the field ? (jim bouton)
a baseball game is simply a nervous breakdown divided into 9 innings (earl wilson)
the statue of liberty is no longer saying "give me your tired your poor, your huddled masses, she´s swinging a baseball bat and saying "you want a piece of me ?" (robin williams)
if it wasnt for baseball, many kids wouldnt know what a millionaire looks like...  (Phyllis Diller)
it took me seventeen years to get 3000 hits in only took me one afternoon at the golf course... (Hank Aaron)

this find was contract work for "Victor Sforza", another truth seeker browsing the internet up and down..
he paid me 200 big gold-dublones in recompense, which will go into my "Alef Base HQ trust" soon as the funds are collected by robbing more trains and stagecoaches in alta california with my sixshooter and loyal gang of followers...


victor sforza said...

Thanx but do i get a mention??? Just asking. Lol

victor sforza said...

I had long speculated his plane crash was suspicious. The earthquake was all too real unfortunately.

victor sforza said...

I want you to know that my next exposure i'm looking at. VINCE LOMBARDI legendary football coach of the green bay packers and actor EARNEST BORGNINE. Same teeth/same facial features/same build/body type. Again i would love your keen eye to take a

St.Mark said...

let me see what i can do, i sent you a FB message also

excelsior said...

Mark us I'm off FB. my E-mail is

excelsior said...
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excelsior said...

I've been looking at the bambino BABE RUTH. I cannot say for sure and it may be a stretch but there is a modest chance he may have also played gangster AL CAPONE. since much of Capone's back story and Bio are probably bullshit, why not have the two most famous people of the roaring twenties be one?? I know Ruth sports a healthy head of hair and Capone is bald but maybe Ruth is wearing a hairpiece.

Unknown said...

Check this out, Marcus... Lou Gehrig, the famous baseball player who died at the start of WW2 and had a "disease" named after him which has netted his foundation MILLIONS, is none other than Nelson Rockefeller!

Unknown said...

Check this out.... Lou Gehrig is without a doubt, NELSON ROCKEFELLER! Another baseball player fraud/ death! Also, check out Alex Rodriguez for being Prince William. Thanks, Marcus! Keep up the great work!