Saturday, August 10, 2013

Louis XIV -- roi de soleil...and the castle of versailles...

 as so often, I rarely just finished a thread and uploaded all comparisons, just to some hours later find even more alters, having to start a new thread... we all learned in school about the most famous french king called "Louis Quatorze"  le "roi de soleil" meaning sun king... he lived in the most pompous castle ever built on the european mainland in known history, described below... we´re talking of course of the castle of versailles... after which all other, smaller margraves, counts and dukes in other coutnries patterned their own royal residences... so when you look at the picture above you´ll see that famous king ludwig was none other than Georg Friedrich Haendel the composer aka Edmond Halley the astronomer. i also found another smaller side-character in Friedrich-Christian zu Schaumburg Lippe, yet another german aristocrat...
 remember they all wear these wigs, but they often look very different and are great for identification... in history lesson in school, or upon visiting a castle, the tour guide explains to us how these royals didnt shower for weeks, and instead used powders and chalk to cover up all the body odors, but lets be honest these people were the most intelligent of their time, they knew very well how to take care of their bodies...much of official history is put into our schoolbooks to praise the technological advance, covering up the constant process of spiritual downgrade...the best slaves are always those who dont know that they´re enslaved...remember the nazarene who wrote "no stone will be left upon another"...but when you refuse to listen to the greatest teacher, is it a wonder when you worship a wall built by an autocrat who was half edomite ? even today most cultures try their utmost to preserve, restore and put much money into all those pompous castles...and lack money for other undertakings. just walk through berlin or any poorer european country, where clueless people slave while their masonic autocrats frisk them daily to keep all those old hunting lodges, castles and monasteries intact...

 so the schaumburg-lippe character was only a sidegig, and probably not the only one at that...
 the signatures lined up, and we see they fit right into the case you still dont believe just look at the father of Louis XIV, called Louis XIII (the thirteenth), and compare him to the father of G.F. Haendel a man named Georg Haendel... they have the exact same hairstyle again... this man also had another identity as rené descartes, a french philosopher, scientist and mathematician...
 he is easily recognized by his long wavy hair...but i will adress him in another thread....
 remember haendel composer of "fireworks music" as well as "water music" and his famous "halleluja" pure coincidence or on purpuse either way but friedrich-christian zu schaumburg-lippe has angels on his always pays to do some simple background checks..
 and if that wasnt enough here is another man that is identical with all others mentioned... this man is Johann Christoph Bach, supposedly a cousin 1st grade of most famous baroque composer Johann Sebastian Bach... both JC Bach and JS Bach have the same birth year...we can see the pattern of modern popsingers and rockstars playing in different bands and using different artistic identities, is actually deeply grounded in masonry, that teaches to "perfect the unhewn stone" by making him "fit for every purpose", having him excell in every form of entertainment and artistic craft...since this principle is ages old, it was also practiced hundreds of years ago, in fact throughout world history...if they were really cousins is still up for discussion, but might as well be brothers, i havent checked for the sons of Louis XIII aka descartez aka georg haendel yet....
 here the lifespans compared... you see they overlap neatly... left side GF Haendel, then FC of schaumburg-lippe, then louis XIV, "roi de soleil", and finally edmond halley...johann christoph bach i left out but you can search him up yourself and compared, theyre all identical...
 no they´re not father and son, look at the birth year, same year...either cousins or more likely brothers...
 here again the facial geometry compared...
that was a little excursion into the times of baroque, big wigs, the first telescopes, large handkerchiefs, pompous goldplated horsecarriages, and daxhund hunting parties roaming around in the royal forest...
the glory days of the opera and ecclesiastical music, before later a classic period and romanticism would follow, where people put more emphasis into feelings, worldly pleasures, humanism and philosophy...

more about the father of this man, louis XIII,will soon follow...

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