Wednesday, August 7, 2013

AVIATION HISTORY -- part 1 -- the taylor who was always wright

you wonder why i put this vid up front, well its a yiddish song about a "schneider", german word for tailor, and otto lilienthal, first man to perform a glider flight, was said to be a professional tailor, as you were told in school..

 but lets be much of what you learned in school was true anyway ?
 lilienthal performed over 2000 glider flights before supposedly crashing from 45 feet height and breaking his neck...but our "Schneider aus Ulm" of course wasnt a mere craftsman as none of these people were, their educational standard and cosmopolitical attitude reveals centuries of being raised in aristocracy and bathtubs full of money... its rare to find simple blue collar people of that caliber...remember they own all the banks and of each cent we earn they can take their cut...thats why whatever their giftings are, they excell in their respective field...and become the standard by which other folks are measured by...
 1891 Lilienthal had the first successful glider flight. 1902 orville and wilbur wright have the first engine-powered, sustained and controlled flight in human history. since then we´ve come a far way but until today all famous flight pioneers were cryptos, just wait for next threads...
 even ray charles & helen keller could see thats the same signature...
same exact nose as well and similar stache..facial hair makes lilienthal easily look 20 years older...
these tricks are so basic yet they work evry time...
 before my other computer got destroyed in a heavy dispute with my father, i had "flightgear" the free flight simulator, and flew routes with various airplanes all over the world... it was great fun and i learned a lot about airplanes...only the radio communication lingo is hard to master...i also made some aircraft liveries (paintjobs) for flightgear, including a noratlas livery of both israeli airforce of the 60s, and bundeswehr...the flightgear guys only accept liveries that are 100% authentic...i also made a 737 livery for EL AL and malawi airlines, a country i visited 2004 ..sadly the airline doesnt exist anymore, malawians are very timid people, even all the stores there are all run by indians or arabs..somebodys gotta help those malawians and explain to them how the world a future post i´ll probably adress the problem of "poverty religion"...

click link above to see the liveries...

so orville wright, first engine powered flight 1902 and otto Lilienthal first glider flight 1892 were the same man...lilienthal with over 2000 glides proved airplanes were reliable...just like kites, balloons and zeppelins already in use...the wright brothers developed the 3-axis control system still applied today, making precise maneuvers possible.

more aviation history coming soon...

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