Sunday, September 2, 2012

Betty White plays Queen Elizabeth II


DieFreiwirtin said...

On the fence about this one. Other things being equal, the 1977 photo of Queeny appears to be a complete and utter parody, given that it features a clearly masculine face complete with an edgy chin and virile Adam's apple unlike on any of the other photos. What happened there? Probably some accidental Monty Python impersonation?

St.Mark said...

well not any photo they put out must be 100% correct. once theyve established a character in the minds of people, they can make smaller mistakes and people will still defend the charcter to the last drop of blood sine they eat everything that the pig-herders through into their trough...

St.Mark said...
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Unknown said...

here afte this old hag finally croaked! Won't say which one though!! tehehehe