both have lots of skinmarks in the face. height the same, age the same. both guitarplayers and songwriters, one more serious, the other a jackass. both (supposedly) died young. same ear. same profile. only minor differences. this must have been the same guy. how did they manage with his hair ? did he wear a wig or what ?
when we were back in school some 12 yrs ago, we had a creepy old teacher that was a zappa fan, and played us really weird stuff like "welcome to the united states of america". not only is it a complete oddball piece of art (zappa was also a conductor), but it also makes fun of operation paperclip.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
the planetary spirits
to most modern people, who read the horoscopes in the newspapers, its all a bunch of baloney and just worth a laugh or two, or a coffee break at work. they simply believe astrology is a complete joke and only fools believe in it. i also was told so when i was young, astrology is like witchcraft, strictly forbidden only evil people practice it and believe in it. funny thing is when i was about 28 yrs old. i discovered something very interesting. i looked at the very basics of astrology, the sun signs. according to western astrology, the earth goes around the sun, but it appears to be from our vantage point to be the other way around, the sun runs through the 12 constellations of the zodiak, progressing 30° of heaven each month, or about 1° per day. so in 1 year the sun goes through all those constellations from capricorn to aquarius, pisces, and all the others. now this also works for all other planets, the inner planets as well as the outer gas giants and even tiny pluto. they all run around the sun in their due time. every planet has a certain"character " to him, or what he stands for. so do all the constellations. astrology works also with measurements, so it matters wether planets oppose each other or are in conjunction, form squares or triangles. astrologers in former times had to make much calculation but today you can go to and just print it out. its just a simple mouseclick away. some people go incredibly deep into astrology, which i will probly never do why ? it is terrible to know your own future and knowing other peoples future also gives you LOTS of responsibility. most of the time also people wont believe you and when you lived a couple years in my skin realizing you know all these things and whatever you say people will categorically deny and then later watch like fools as it happens anyway. that really sucks and i can understand the prophets of old who shared a similar fate. its not an easy life.
but lets get back to astrology. astronomy and astrology was in ancient times ALWAYS combined in one stream of learning. it was the basis for wisemen, chaldeans, soothsayers and prophets of many if not all pagan cultures. why is that ? very simple: because inside the planets of the planetary system we are in, there are spiritual entities that give all those planets a certain character, much like you or your friends each have a certain body size, look, way of speaking and reasoning. so these planets also do and make up the whole system. now every time a soul gets born on earth, the spiritual "cocktail" or "mix", formed by how and where the planets are standing is making up the new character of that person being born. dont believe me ? well many people dont believe. but it is like mathematics. i looked at some simple sun signs (the sun is the most important and prominent element of any natal or birth chart, it defines your main character). and realized my mother is a scorpio while my father is a fish(pisces). i myself am capricorn, and all my planets are huddled in one corner of the chart which gives kindova "tunnel-vision" sometimes, such people have it hard to focus on several things at a time and can go to great detail when having focussed at something. now does that sound like me ? absolutely. especially when i was a teenager and not so balanced character yet. i would sometimes go running for hours 5 times a week, just because i had "made up my mind". like a bull that had seen the red cloth i was totally out of control and totally focussed. today i see that all reflected in my chart. look it up i was born 3rd january 1981. i never understood my mother why she wold behave the way she did, she can be a real pain in the axx sometimes and make everybodys life hard criticizing things that are perfectly ok. why was she like this ? because he denies astrology, my father will never know even tho he lived with her for 35 years now. (he is very tolerant person, a bit of a dreamer, and also works in the medical field, a typical thing for a pisces person). well when i learned about astrology and that my mother was a scorpio i suddenly understood EVERYTHING. and for 25 yrs of my life people had hammered "jesus and jesus only" into my head, "all else is evil and of the devil". now i reply to those people: i never understood my mother for 30 yrs because of fake "jesus freaks" like them who hve never seen a single miracle in their lives performed by their "pastors" and clergy. but by looking at the simplest astrological truths i could totally see why she acted that way and understand the situation and take precautions for the future. so we can see that sometimes we have to doublecheck things before making a decision and test everything before we believe it, because stupid ignorance is the landmark of a base character.
so once you realized that planetary spirits are real the question comes to mind. does tthe same thing apply for deaths also. does it matter wether we die at night (darkness, bad omen), or bright daylight in summer (bright happy omen). or even more the exact time and date we transfer from this lifeform into the next form of existence (because all humans and animals have life spirit in them which is eternal, like energy it will always survive the mortal body, and karma will determine the next form of existence). well i dont know (yet). and probably dont wanna know. sometimes life is much easier when not knowing too much. i only find time and time again proof that "coincidence" is actually a misnomer because there are various rules and regularities embedded in the system we live in, so its a pretty stupid thing to say "everything is just coincidence so i dont care".
now i could go through the different planets and what they stand for, and the houses, the trines, oppositions, the ascendent, the midheaven and all other things. but probably you can watch an introductory youtube video or read from an easy understandable website. its not always important to know everything about everything, its always good to go from the main pattern to the details, to keep the overview. people who dont hve an overview cant see any details either. so i leva it up to you to delve into the subject, but careful dont delve too deep otherwise you will become a complete crystal-gazing, headscarf-wearing, tool who works at the dog & pony show reading to people from their coffee cups.(lol)
other forms of divinery in the past were reading the palmlines on the hand (another interesting subject, since unlike astrology, most authors completely agree on most of the main aspects of the craft), reading from the liver of dead animals, from droplets of oil inside a cup, dowsing, tarot cards, ouija boards and many many other things. me personally i am not interested in any of those things. why ? because most people who think that when they commune with spirits, they have them in their command. of course thats a complete joke, spirits outlive by far any human being and are much more powerful, but need humans to operate through. and if you dont pay attention they will completely use you up until you´re an empty battery or dried up apple. even the highest of all spirits, the creator spirit (YHVH) is like this. dont believe me ? well i used to work for him and was a christian missionary for some short years. the spirit of christ is very real, and is the center of all civilization and time. without christianity, nothing would be like it is today, everybody would be greedy and screwing each other over, nothing would work at all, at all. problem is g-d also sometimes asks to much too quickly. and asks to pass certain boundaries people are not willing to commit to. well its up to each one individually how much he wants to contribute, and how to live so in the end his karma (what is written in the "book of life") decides what his fate will be, and which time and age he will again be reincarnated into.
ok enough now, go already to youtube or a website of your choice and learn about your natal chart and what it means. then you will also understand why certain people in your environment behave in a certain matter.
by the way looking at all those other false characters we learned about in my blog and other blogs, this is also a handy tool to use when youre not shure wether a character is fake or real. sometimes you can check it by simply looking at the supposed birth date. a good astrologer can tell you already wether its likely the person can behave in a certain pattern over a long period of time, or if its really unlikely, to say the least.
if you take for example a cancer person and compare him to a sagittarius, theres just no way in the world they can act the same, because they are designed totally differently. but enough of that already. i need to rest my head a bit. can anybody bring some snacks, a cat-sandwich or burger for ALF please i am kinda hungry..
but lets get back to astrology. astronomy and astrology was in ancient times ALWAYS combined in one stream of learning. it was the basis for wisemen, chaldeans, soothsayers and prophets of many if not all pagan cultures. why is that ? very simple: because inside the planets of the planetary system we are in, there are spiritual entities that give all those planets a certain character, much like you or your friends each have a certain body size, look, way of speaking and reasoning. so these planets also do and make up the whole system. now every time a soul gets born on earth, the spiritual "cocktail" or "mix", formed by how and where the planets are standing is making up the new character of that person being born. dont believe me ? well many people dont believe. but it is like mathematics. i looked at some simple sun signs (the sun is the most important and prominent element of any natal or birth chart, it defines your main character). and realized my mother is a scorpio while my father is a fish(pisces). i myself am capricorn, and all my planets are huddled in one corner of the chart which gives kindova "tunnel-vision" sometimes, such people have it hard to focus on several things at a time and can go to great detail when having focussed at something. now does that sound like me ? absolutely. especially when i was a teenager and not so balanced character yet. i would sometimes go running for hours 5 times a week, just because i had "made up my mind". like a bull that had seen the red cloth i was totally out of control and totally focussed. today i see that all reflected in my chart. look it up i was born 3rd january 1981. i never understood my mother why she wold behave the way she did, she can be a real pain in the axx sometimes and make everybodys life hard criticizing things that are perfectly ok. why was she like this ? because he denies astrology, my father will never know even tho he lived with her for 35 years now. (he is very tolerant person, a bit of a dreamer, and also works in the medical field, a typical thing for a pisces person). well when i learned about astrology and that my mother was a scorpio i suddenly understood EVERYTHING. and for 25 yrs of my life people had hammered "jesus and jesus only" into my head, "all else is evil and of the devil". now i reply to those people: i never understood my mother for 30 yrs because of fake "jesus freaks" like them who hve never seen a single miracle in their lives performed by their "pastors" and clergy. but by looking at the simplest astrological truths i could totally see why she acted that way and understand the situation and take precautions for the future. so we can see that sometimes we have to doublecheck things before making a decision and test everything before we believe it, because stupid ignorance is the landmark of a base character.
so once you realized that planetary spirits are real the question comes to mind. does tthe same thing apply for deaths also. does it matter wether we die at night (darkness, bad omen), or bright daylight in summer (bright happy omen). or even more the exact time and date we transfer from this lifeform into the next form of existence (because all humans and animals have life spirit in them which is eternal, like energy it will always survive the mortal body, and karma will determine the next form of existence). well i dont know (yet). and probably dont wanna know. sometimes life is much easier when not knowing too much. i only find time and time again proof that "coincidence" is actually a misnomer because there are various rules and regularities embedded in the system we live in, so its a pretty stupid thing to say "everything is just coincidence so i dont care".
now i could go through the different planets and what they stand for, and the houses, the trines, oppositions, the ascendent, the midheaven and all other things. but probably you can watch an introductory youtube video or read from an easy understandable website. its not always important to know everything about everything, its always good to go from the main pattern to the details, to keep the overview. people who dont hve an overview cant see any details either. so i leva it up to you to delve into the subject, but careful dont delve too deep otherwise you will become a complete crystal-gazing, headscarf-wearing, tool who works at the dog & pony show reading to people from their coffee cups.(lol)
other forms of divinery in the past were reading the palmlines on the hand (another interesting subject, since unlike astrology, most authors completely agree on most of the main aspects of the craft), reading from the liver of dead animals, from droplets of oil inside a cup, dowsing, tarot cards, ouija boards and many many other things. me personally i am not interested in any of those things. why ? because most people who think that when they commune with spirits, they have them in their command. of course thats a complete joke, spirits outlive by far any human being and are much more powerful, but need humans to operate through. and if you dont pay attention they will completely use you up until you´re an empty battery or dried up apple. even the highest of all spirits, the creator spirit (YHVH) is like this. dont believe me ? well i used to work for him and was a christian missionary for some short years. the spirit of christ is very real, and is the center of all civilization and time. without christianity, nothing would be like it is today, everybody would be greedy and screwing each other over, nothing would work at all, at all. problem is g-d also sometimes asks to much too quickly. and asks to pass certain boundaries people are not willing to commit to. well its up to each one individually how much he wants to contribute, and how to live so in the end his karma (what is written in the "book of life") decides what his fate will be, and which time and age he will again be reincarnated into.
ok enough now, go already to youtube or a website of your choice and learn about your natal chart and what it means. then you will also understand why certain people in your environment behave in a certain matter.
by the way looking at all those other false characters we learned about in my blog and other blogs, this is also a handy tool to use when youre not shure wether a character is fake or real. sometimes you can check it by simply looking at the supposed birth date. a good astrologer can tell you already wether its likely the person can behave in a certain pattern over a long period of time, or if its really unlikely, to say the least.
if you take for example a cancer person and compare him to a sagittarius, theres just no way in the world they can act the same, because they are designed totally differently. but enough of that already. i need to rest my head a bit. can anybody bring some snacks, a cat-sandwich or burger for ALF please i am kinda hungry..
the youtube-videos of malakhhatzadik - leylines, architecture, civilizations and idol worship
highly interesting video series. will take more than an afternoon to watch and study, so make some time for this very crucial series. it clearly shows that cities dont just spring up by accidents, but that spirits have certain territories and spheres of influence and architecture is aligned to fit certain criteria, whenever another city is being built. take astana for example a relatively new capital (kazakhstan) where the first things they built was this huuuuge pyramid and the towers corresponding to it. they have to do this, its much like a simple witch who draws her pentagram onto the floor to call up her spirits(demons). so you see that the entire city outlines of ALL the metropoles in the world have been built by masons, are maintained by masons and masonic rules are appplied. that means when you take your train to work, watch your baseball team in the stadium or run a marathon, you are being part of masses of people on the move every day. these masses move in the exact locations and directions the masons intended when they put up their monuments, symbols, built the roads opened the schools and museums and everything that is there, infrastructure-wise. of course people have no clue, they think the road is just there by accident everything is by accident. but imagine you´re an illuminatus, sitting in manhattan bejing or frankfurt in the 50th floor of your banking tower and every day below you the streams of cattle (people) and cars passing by from the exact points where you and your bunch of buddies laid the foundation stones and stuck the golden shovel into the sand and gave your speech to the board of CEO´s the town major and governor. wouldn you be satisfied to see everything running "on the square" just as you wanted it ?
meanings of words in hebrew - PART 3
In german language a "Haubitze" is a big field gun used in war. funny enough there is a hebrew verb "leharbitz" or "hirbitz" which means "to beat/punch". In english the word is "howitzer". As always the english word sounds "sexyer" but the german is more accurate or closer to the original first language, the hebrew.
the german word for "temple" a shrine or place of worship, is "Tempel". funny enough Israelis use the same expression to denote a fool or halfwit, only with a softer"b" instead of a "p". the word is slang and of arab derivate, however because god is "jehova" the existing one, he lives in his creation while it is being formed, so in the end it does not matter if the expression is usurped from another tounge or an abbreviation or a word created by scientists, what matters is that people speak it out. for life and death is in the power of the tounge. During the early kibbutz days, the kibbutzim in Israel would wear a "kova tembel" an "idiot hat" to protect them against the hot sun. the hebrew word for "temple" or house of worship is "heikal", "mikdasch" or "beit hamikdasch".
there is a large german company by that name, supplying electrical appliances and tools. funny enough BOSCH means "ashamed" in the holy language. I bet the employees have no clue what their brand really means. there was also a famous dutch artist in the middle ages by that name, who made some crazy apocalyptic pictures. His name was hieronymus bosch. just think of the character "isch-boschet" the last one of saul´s sons who was crippled, he was the "man of shame". Also american president george "Busch" sounds kinda similar, some say he was the worst president ever since the foundation of the USA.
When a german drives to Stuttgart Airport, there is a newly built huge overpass arching across the Autobahn and a huge advertising sign with letters 15 metres in height saying "BOSCH". Now that i think about it i am no longer amazed about all the hostilities that my native country has thrown at me in the last 5 years on every level.
RUM רוּם
Rum is known to be a drink with much alcohol in it. lately i drank some "James Cook" oversea rum with about 50% alcohol. in hebrew the word means "altitude, highness, height". So the drink makes u literally "high" in the true sense of the (hebrew) word. while the anglophone pronounces the word a bit different, but writes it the same, the german pronounces it exactly as the jew, but the meaning of the words are different in german/hebrew. an "aroma" in a good piece of food or beverage can get you also a "high" feeling.

Damascus, the capital of Syria, is said to be the oldest constantly populated city in the world. Funny enough its destruction is prophesied in the OT, some american evangelicals believe it will be soon destroyed. "DAM" means "blood" in hebrew. "maschke" is a beverage. "limschoch" means "to pull". In the OT the Syrians were a traditional enemy of Israel, since they worshipped colliding gods, it is only logical that the humans, fighting on behalf of those gods, also collided quite frequently. So how could the city name be interpreted ? "blood shedding, blood pulling, blood drinking" anyway you want to lay it out, it has to do with blood. damascus was also world reknown for the special steel blades of folded iron produced there, which shimmers in a special way.
SANAA is the capital city of Jemen. like many muslim/arab words, the meaning in the hebrew is quite obvious if you do a little thinking on it, even tho the unspiritual person strongly denies any deeper meaning in the hebrew language, denying that Israel and the whole history of salvation of mankind, wherein ISrael plays a vital role, is orchestrated by g-d. THese people think that one nation is just as good as any other. But when you go down the rabbit hole to see whats really going on, you will see that some nations are seriously demonically infested. IN a way all nations, even israel are demonically infested, but some nations have a lower order in the system, giving themselves over to debasing spirit worship of the lowest order, so that the nation is laid low. SANA could be translated as "he hated". a "zona" is a whore in hebrew, showing that her business is hated by the general public, and that harlotry puts an individual at odds with his own spirit, causing spiritual self-hatred which then the woman often will try to drown in alcohol, pills or harder drugs in order to cope.
Whenever i see muslims following this obvious delusion of islam, i hve to think of what St.Paul wrote "sending strong delusions to those who deny our LORD" for a strong spiritual delusion is what ISLAM really is, with MAKKA (the plague) being exactly 666 nautical miles from the temple mount in Jerusalem, which will be trodden underfoot by the goys for a time, times and half a time. my personal guess is that G-d punishes people that in former lives exalted themselves in hedonistic and wicked empires like rome, assyria, babylon by now having them do "the eternal roundabout" for his personal satisfaction, because he humbles EVERYTHING that is proud. you believe that g-d would never do that, that he´s a whitebearded old grampa sitting on his holy mountain on cloud 9 ? think again, he will have everyone in derision who mocks him continuously and obstinately.
by the way SANAA is also an acronym for an architecture company from tokyo, japan, as well as a female singer/actor from the USA, a river in Bosnia-herzegovina, a chain of clinics with headquarters in munich, germany with 20 000 employees. in SYRIA it is the main press agency (Syrian Arab News Agency).in Scotland its something completely different (scottish anglers national association). its also the acronym for the "south african nursery association"
Gomorra was one of the destroyed cities in todays Israel, where formerly there was a fertile valley "as the garden of eden", so the OT account. interestingly enough the name means "finished" or "ended". the place literally got finished by the fire and sulphur raining from the sky on the wicked inhabitants, that had gotten too self-confident living like kings in the best conditions, but were so reprobate that they even wanted to homo-rape the angels being sent to rescue Lot and his family. a similar name in the book of Hosea has his wife "Gomer". thru the story g-d wanted to show the people how even tho the covenant should have been "ended" or "finished" he still would keep to his part of the deal, because whatever g-d does is forever, he is not like a man that will annull his deal just because of some circumstances.

HAVANA הֲבָנָה
Havana is the capitol of the island of Cuba, but in hebrew means comprehension/understanding. cuba is famous for its big cigars, cuba rum, free healthcare and fidel castro. "nitzotzot shel havana" "sparks of understanding" is one of the many great songs from israeli artists rami fortis and berry sakharof, whose lyrics i translate to english and spend much time with their music.
The ISS is the International space station, that now has about the size of a soccer field with all its modules and solarpanels. The international scientists are very proud of this first continually inhabited spacestation that serves research and the bolstering of the human ego to "conquer" creation and subdue it. I am an amateur astronomer, and today wanted to watch the ISS. then suddenly it appeared to me that ISS is an abbreviated form of ISIS a goddess of old. Just like in the NABU case, this spirit has his hands into human affairs, making shure her name gets mentioned under the guise of "progress" and technological development. Isis has also countless projects named in her honor, just like this 80´s book from the ISIS publishing house, an animal atlas. I suspect at least 10-20 other ones can be found in contemporary culture, since the names of those spirits are always the same and they have vast amounts of people available to "milk" and control. even in our neighbor village there are doorbells from small companies of people who offer psychotherapy or life counseling, using abbreviations of egyptian gods like Isis, Nofretete etc. all humans are inevitably drawn to worship a higher being, it is in our nature, just like joining a club or church to be part of something greater than yourself. its in our DNA. there are certain feelings that cannot be felt as an individual, like a screaming crowd in a soccer stadium.
Bali, is an Island in Indonesia. For surfers its an awesome place to travel, or for people seeking the exotic environment of an asian retreat. But Baali in Hebrew means "my Lord". a suffix attached to the noun indicates possession. Indonesia and other Asian countries are (like all the world) into keeping their ancient demongods alive. Indonesia has some really creepy stuff like sex tourism, tsunamis, volcano eruptions, huge centipedes , snakes, ancient temples depicting sexual acts and other weird stuff. today much of indonesia is muslim. "Ba Li" means "I feel like it" in hebrew, literally "it goes (for) me". so if you ask your friend jossi from tel aviv " why do you vacation in bali ?" he can answer "ba li". then you know that he just felt like doing it.
Is yet another famous egyptian God. In german "Atem" means "breath", "atmen" means "to breathe". An atom, the basic building structure for all molecular constructs, is also written this way, only with an "o" instead of an"e" -->"atom". the same word is used in the english as well. the greek city "athens" is also pronounced "athen" in german, with an elongated "e". it is this god who gave the pharao "echnaton" his name. rulers of ancient empires always gave credit to their gods in their names, and when israelites were taken captive and served in their courts, they were assigned new names like in the story of daniel where one was named ebed-nebo (slave of nebo). americans in their stupidity call the man "abendego" which makes no sense at all but kinda sounds catchy. god bless america.
skipping through some words on google translator, my favourite toy, i find a connection between "aryan", meaning "of indo-germanic origin, the word that has a bad rep from NAZI propaganda. "Arye" in hebrew means "lion". there seems to be a connection between these words, even though this is not known in popular culture. wikipedia says it means "noble" in the sanskrit, but who cares about sanskrit ? hinduism with its polytheism has a demonically infested language like so many others. I´d rather go for the hebrew linguistic connection, as always it gives a better occult meaning hidden from the eyes of the commoner. indo-germanians are rather tall in stature, they have even facial traits and are well-proportioned, just like lions are rather tall and stately animals.
probably thats why the jews hated and still hate them with such reckless abandon. what the jews have done to the germans is just as bad as the holocaust. they have guilttripped us, forced us to pay reparations, mocked us in countless hollywood movies. now the lies are breaking apart with elie wiesel and all those other clowns. G-d is the best judge he must punish his people when they overstep their boundaries, but if you go too hard on them, he will also punish you of course. "ariel" means "lion of G-d" just like the washing powder "ariel".
When I grew up in Germany there was among many other sorts of beer one that was called Belheimer. Also Bel is the name of a company that builds aircraft. There is a helicopter famous from the Vietnam war and still today the helicopter which has been produced in the highest numbers, it is called Bell-UH-1.Bel was one of the main idols in Babylon, the big city that Nimrod founded (the mighty hunter whose name means "we will rebell") from whence were the nations scattered across the whole earth. The very name of Babylon in the hebrew source text is normally written "Babel", so its almost the same word in hebrew. Funny enough, the word for the holy scriptures is pronounced "bible" in english, but in german its "Bibel" wich for an american could be transliterated "beebel". So there you have the name of an idol abhorred by god in the very name of the scriptures, just like we say "Amen" after every prayer, which very likely was also the name of an egyptian demon. No wonder god gave the "whole world over to unrighteousness so that he might have mercy on them all". because we are all defiled even the religious people that try extra hard. It is impossible for us to live, and not get entangled with the demonic nature of the earth. God has created the demonic aspects of life so that people might choose him on purpose, because through this he derives joy.
Everybody knows the City in Spain, but not everybody knows that "Barzel" means "Iron" in hebrew. (the metal, not the household apliance!) by the way there also used to be a German politicin by the name "Rainer Barzel", I am quite shure he doesn´t know this either. Though Barcelona is written with a Tsaddi and Barzel with a zayin, it still sounds pretty much the same.
Very interesting: "Geeh" is a hebrew adjective in itself that means "proud". Pride or "haughty eyes" is the first things in the list of 7 things god hates. the Apostle Paul wrote in an epistle "The people that exalted themselves above god received as due punishment a twisted mind so that they would defile their bodies with one another, causing each other destruction". and these people have the nerve to hold "gay pride" parades LOL. under moses law homo sex was punishable with death ! it was like having intercourse with animals, or killing somebody ! it should be clear to anybody that it is contrary to nature and guilt against your own spirit will be the result, bu we live in times where people even deny the existence of higher beings, saying the earth just popped up from out of nowhere and we descended from apes. also much technology has arisen and people are generally highminded, so gay sex alone is not the worst of evils.
people also say disabled people cannot be healed. but only demons cause these disabilities. ALL these people can absolutely be healed. just send a prophet or apostle in and he can take care of stuff, if the LORD wants to release that person. but most people cling to their demons and spoil them rotten. also where will the demon go when he is expelled ? he will go to another person and do the exact same thing there, trying to find loopholes to get a hold of a persons life and live inside her body, because G-d has banned him to earth without a body for having unallowed intercourse with the women of men, which was forbidden to the angels. (Genesis) so we see that sex was and still is the original sin. the fall of man was thru sex when eva slept with satan. until today women are weak and satanic men heap up wives and concubines, being slave to their passions. proud=גֵּאֶה
16 all these things the LORD hateth:
17 Haughty eyes(pride), a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood;
"Met" is a word for honey beer, that was consumed by ancient european civilisations. As a hebrew adjective it means "dead".
I can remember one occasion where a school friend of mine invited us to a hut in the black forest in germany, for an evening where we celebrated his birthday, drank lots and lots of "Met" out of a huge horn, and ate wild pig that the host served up on huge dishes. It soon turned out to be a wild party, and in the end many of us were so drunk that on the way back home we had to stop the car oftentimes to puke, because of the "Met". There also exists a Baseball team from NYC that is called "Mets".
Amor חמור
was said to be the name of the roman god of love. he is often pictured as a harmless cupid (looking like a fat baby) shooting love-arrows to link people in pattionate affection towards each other. However to the careful reader of the OT it is nothing new that the licentious goys are sometimes compared to donkeys in their uncontrolled sensuality. oh wonder, the hebrew word for donkey is "Chamor". We have 2 donkeys behind our backyard along with many other animals, sheep and horses. about 3-5 times a day one of the donkeys makes a terrible noise that sounds like a compulsion to bray very loud without aparent reason. probably it is natural to donkeys to do this. Also donkeys and horses have ridiculously long dicks, thus giving an apt symbol for the carnal man who pursues wine, women and carnal gratification rather than spiritual progression. In ezekiel the prophet speaks to unfaithful israel "your father was an Amorite" to describe the bad spiritual heritage of the nation.
The well of Zamzam (Tsamtsam) is a famous well in Meccah, where faithful muslims wash before they run around the Kaaba in a frenzy. they sometimes also ship the water overseas because they think the waters have special powers. in hebrew "letzamtzem" means "to reduce". "tzamtzem!" would be the imperative form in masculine singular. probably YHVH reduced the sanity of the followers of the "Profit" by the consumption of the sacred water of this well(haha). The whole story of Islam reminds me strongly of Mormonism, both Mo-Joes (Muhammad and Joesph Smith) are false Profits. They and their followers are sold out to their demon entities and if you question their beliefs or cause trouble, they will fight to keep their demons happy, isolate and ridicule you, jail you or sometimes even kill you. then they brag about how "spiritual" it was and how awesome they are to stand up for their "beliefs".
Do words have meanings, beside the meaning they carry in the context of a certain language ? It is common knowledge that "Baal" was an ancient deity worshipped by the phoenicians, today the ruins of his temple can be visited in Lebanon at the town "Baalbek", the center of this ancient religion. in modern hebrew, "baal" can be used to say Lord, Master or "husband". the german word "Ball" however simply means a ball, and is used in everyday language by people who play sports. It is remarkable that Baal in american pronounciation sounds just like "Bel", the first was worshipped in Canaan and Syria, the latter in Babylon in Mesopotamia. Probably they are the same identity."Hannibal"(Hannibaal) is known in roman history as the King of Karthago, once the capital city of the phoenician trade empire, that once tried to conquer rome crossing the Alps with war elephants. He never made it, and later the romans destroyed Karthago, and the baton of power of the goy empires got handed on once more.Hannibal had a brother called Hasdrubal, we see the pattern repeats itself in all goy empires that the leaders assume power by invoking their gods in their names.
this one is really funny: everybody knows that the Khalaschnikof is a russian made assault rifle, designed by nicolai kalaschnikof, used in countless civil wars and conflicts around the globe. The gun is ultra-reliable, still firing when you´ve put it underwater, dragged it through mud or the desert sand. But it has one weak point. It is not an accurate gun to shoot, because the sights are too close to each other, making it very hard to hit a target accurately from greater distance.(without an additional scope).
"khalasch" in hebrew means "weak", so compared to an M16, M4 or similar weapons with better sights, it is the weaker gun.
the Ak47 has been around for several decades and many upgrades have been made, but the sights have not been changed, even though the gun body would allow the rear sight to be moved much further back, giving it greater accuracy. its probably designed to be "chalasch", weak.after all the nations are a drop in the bucket and no matter how much humans strive for progress, nobody can alter g-d´s plans for the nations of the world, for every one has its special purpose to fulfil.
Marusha מְרֻשָּׁע
Is a female DJ of german/greek origin that was famous when i was still in High-school and the first "Love Parade" was held in Berlin, Germany. Her songs were on the "BRAVO HITS" sampler that all cool kids bought and listened to. Her name in hebrew also means "of evil /wicked/malignant/unholy/serpent-like" in hebrew. All these people actually have no idea that the names they chose for themselves do have a spiritual meaning, because they do not know the eternal language, hebrew, which comes back time and time again throughout the aeons.marusha is also into some sort of new age religion from india, which does not surprise me much. just look at a busy street of a large city in india and you see what kinda program is going on there. skinny weird brown people with highpitch voice, meditating, letting cows block their streets, throwing their dead into the river they drink from. crazyness !
as we all know, the demon gods are constantly busy finding new ways of officially suporting atheism among the populace in the west, making people think that there are no gods and the whole world came into being through some "big bang", while in secret constantly enticing people into black magic, becoming mediums, warlocks or witches practicing "white magic" to "help" people. As mentioned above in the "NABU" case, often people will found new organizations or create acronyms that sound exactly like the ancient people called their gods. The people that invent these names have often NO CLUE that they are using age-old terminology, and deny vehemently any connection to demons. However Demons are alive and well and constantly look for bait, because everybody has to serve a higher master. If you dont serve the highest God, you have to serve a lower one, and you become what you worship. My guess is that these demons can generate Power by being mentioned and their names being spoken by us, this is also why Moses wrote "you shall not even mention their names and build them no altars and not worship them at all", because through the use of their names they get already a foot in the door in our lives. By the way all the Names of the Planets (Saturn, uranus, Jupiter) as well as other astronomy terminology and much of the chemical elements give credit to demons as well, and we have to use them in daily life, so they can draw power from that as well. On the whole it is evident that americans with their weird accent speak the names less accurately, while many europeans pronounce them more accurately.I personally love the english language, but for ex. when it comes to speaking hebrew or french, they are terrible at that, it sounds like chewing gum.
the following i found by coincidence while surfing wikipedia: Ishtar was an idol goddess of old, now she is not only back in countless new trendy ways as an object of adoration among neopagans, wicca and new agers, but also as this acronym, that you get taught in the US Military:
ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance, dt: „Nachrichtendienst, Überwachung, Zielfindung und Aufklärung“
BOOZE בוּז
In american English, "Booze" denotes cheap alcohol that gets you drunk. In the hebrew, the same sounding is reserved for the word "shame, disdain, sneer,disgrace".
the Prophet hezekiel was the son of Busi because he was living among the "despised" exiled israelites that had been deported to babylon for all their idolatry.
God commanded the hebrews when they came into their designated land, to start a whole new culture, utterly extinguishing every temple to any other god, cleansing the land from anything pagan. Killing all the males and older women, only saving the younger girls and children who could still be assimilated, so that he finally would have a place where he deserves to do things HIS way, without interference from any demon suckerspirits that would usurp devotion and in return cause bodily sickness, disease, wars and spiritual confusion. He told them in the Thora "do not even mention the names of those demons, blot them out from under heaven so that they are forgotten". But even today those demons are having fun enciting humans to honour their ancient greek and roman traditions and using their names for scientific programs, technoloy or other things. here is one example from astronomy:
Osiris is also an imager and spectrograph for the optical wavelength range, located in the Nasmyth-B focus of GTC. Apart from the standard broad-band imaging and long-slit spectroscopic capability, it provides additional capability such as the narrow-band tunable filters imaging, charge-shuffling and multi-object spectroscopy. OSIRIS covers the wavelength range from 0.365 to 1.05 µm with a field of view of 7.8 x 8.5 arcmin (7.8 x 7.8 arcmin unvignetted), and 8 x 5.2 arcmin, for direct imaging and low resolution spectroscopy respectively.
GAS גס
If a westerner hears the word "Gas" he immediately thinks about petrol to fill up his car, or probably a can of gas to use for his BBQ grill, but in hebrew it means: coarse, ill-mannered, vulgar. when i was younger i was into volleyball, and one of my friends in school played in a team with many players from countries of the former soviet block. their battlecry before and during each game was "gas-gas" and they liked to shout it joyfully and motivate each other during games constantly. to take a dog for a walk in german is called "gassi gehen".
HAMAS / חמס
is the hebrew word for "lawlessness, wickedness, violence" used in Mischlei/Proverbs 13:2. "out of the throat of the treacherous comes lawlessness" -
"וְנֶפֶשׁ בֹּגְדִים חָמָס.
The Ecumenical/Secular World however is not aware of this, and so we find on Wikipedia the following explanation:
Die Hamas (arabisch[bless and do not curse]حماس, DMG Ḥamās) ist eine palästinensische sunnitisch-islamistische paramilitärische Terrororganisation[1][2][3][4], eine politische Partei und ein soziales Netzwerk[4][5]. Ihr Name ist einerseits ein Akronym aus حركة المقاومة الإسلامية / Ḥarakat al-muqāwamat al-islāmiyya, was so viel wie „Islamische Widerstandsbewegung“ bedeutet, und andererseits ein arabisches Wort für „Eifer“.
I wondered lately why famous british/jewish Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, makes fun of Kazakhstan through his famous Comedy character "Borat". Borat Sagdiyev is supposedly a man from rural Kazakhstan who embaresses himself while trying to represent his "make benefit glorious nation of Kazakhstan". In hebrew Khazak / חָזָק means "Strong". I tried to make sense out of the end syllable Stan, but havent found anything in my hebrew dictionaries that makes any sense, however Satan / שָׂטָן means "Adversary or Accuser". Kazakh-Satan would be a strong adversary or strong enemy. Does Sacha Baron Cohen as a jew probably know something about the future of Kazakhstan that we don´t know ? Probably Kazakhstan(קָזַחְסְטָן) in a few decades will become more populous and powerful and oppose Israeli Interests ? It might well be so. By the way the just newlybuilt capital is called Astana. The name also sounds kinda satanic if you ask me. A-Satana ? Sounds like a good place for a city up in the North that will rule over a dark horde of evil warriors for the coming war with Gog and Magog, trying to eradicate the holy land in the last cataclysmic event, the Armageddon War.
In arabic tradition, Mohammed the Joseph Smith of the middle East had his incredibly true "Vision" of an Angel and he founded the subversive replacement theology mooncult of Islam. The first important place in Islam is a city called Mekkah/Makkah, where every faithful muslim once in his life has to make a pilgrimage to, and run around a Kaabah in a frenzy, trying to touch the Center of the Kaabah.
All good and well, but i just read Isaiah 1:6 in my Tanakh, and there מָכָה / makkah means "Sore" or "open wound".
In the European World, we say "Meccah" mostly, but on the arabic roadsign below from Saudi-Arabia, it plainly states "Maccah" for everyone to see. Here is the original transcript from Isaiah 1:6..., the words on the right are translated as "and festering sores" וּמַכָּה טְרִיָּה.You can look it up in any Strong´s Concordance its hebrew word Nr. 4347. "ha Eser Makot" in hebrew are the 10 plagues of egypt, "maka" being the singular to the plural form "makot".Aptly named, the people worshiping muhamad in Maka have for 1400 years plagued jews and christianity.
by the way the black stone of the kaabah is exactly 666 nautical miles distance from the Al Aksa Mosque on the temple mount.
Pélé פֶּלֶא
Pele is seen by many as the greatest soccer player of all time. The brazilian has scored 1088 goals for his club FC Santos in 1114 games, and became world champion with the national selection of brazil in 1958 against sweden at the age of 17. He has been elected as "sportsman of the century" by the IOC. Pele means miracle in hebrew, so this Name seems to be fitting indeed, for he his known as Pele all across the world. Most people (like me) have never even heard of his birth name - Edison Arantes do Nascimento.
Mike Ness
The Leadsinger of a 1980´s Rockband is named Mike Ness. The Band is called "Social Distortion" and is no longer very popular, apart from their oldtime fans that grew up to their music. However the name of the singer is interesting.His first name Michael is straight out of the Tanakh and means "who (is) like God". His surname Ness, means "miracle" in hebrew you can look it up in any online hebrew dictionary. נֵס
I like this band a whole lot they play true-to-the-heart 80s rock-n-roll. even tho mike has grown bald in the meantime he still hs the power and punch of a much younger rock-n-roll-frontman. he is aptly named IMHO.
Barack Obama
Barack Obama in the hebrew can mean "Blessing in the high place" or "Lightning in the Heights", it depends which Hebrew Konsonants you use when you transliterate. So Senator Obama is seen by many as a type of Messiah, but also seen as an Antichrist by many.("behold, i saw satan fall like lightning from heaven...") You can decide for yourself which meaning you wanna attest to his name.
Blessing=Berakah ברכה
Barak=Lightning ברק
obama אובמה
means "thank you" in arabic, i guess there are millions of arab muslims that say that every day, to their colleagues, at the market or if somebody hands them a little gift. but if a jew hears them talk it sounds like "liar" in his ears, because a "Shakran/שקרן" is a liar in the hebrew tounge. there have been occasions where israelis gave gifts to arabs, and they in return said "shokran", so the israelis thought the arabs were insulting them, but they tried to say thanks.
Hurra !!
a german expression of joy is "hurra !" (its just like the english "hooray"). it might be used by children who are glad to get some cake("hurrah, kuchen !"),
a father that is glad to see a manchild born ("hurra, es ist ein junge!"), a winning soccer club ("hurrah, wir haben gewonnen!"),
or basically in every situation of joy. but if a jewish rabbi or native speaker, living in his ghetto might hear the noise, what he automatically gets signalled is
"hu rah" which in hebrew means "he/that is bad", or "he/that is wicked". הו רא
Magen means stomach in german, the first part of the indigestion tract where acidic liquids start to take the food apart for further procession. In hebrew it means "shield". we are all familiar with the hexagram, some call it the "star of david" or "magen david". It is visible on Israel´s flag. in israel there is no red cross to provide first aid when someone falls sick, but instead the "magen david adom", the "red star of david".
In german slang there is an expression for people that are willingly having unprotected sexual intercourse with HIV positive people (for various strange reasons). they call it "pozzen". "lipzoa" means "to wound" in hebrew. "ani potzea otkha" means "i wound you". probably the people that do that stuff have neither heard of the hebrew language and if they would would deny any things in common between the hebrew verb and their german slang word. the english slang word for "pozzen" is "bugchasing".
Eros is the name of the greek god of sexual love and beauty in greek mythology. Just as i go through some hebrew verb conjugation i see that "I will destroy" from the root H-R-S sounds similar, namely "Eheros". Since lust is like a consuming fire that can never be fully satisfied,it leads to decay.the bible says that satan has blinded the eyes of the nonspiritual people/pagans. Atheists treasure the grecoroman heritage/humanism/enlightenment and teach it to their children (and yours too if you send them to public schools).
by the way greece means javan in hebrew, javan was a grandson of noah, the first man in scripture to produce wine(jajin) and get drunk from it (after the flood).I would not trust a drunkard to instruct me about life, would you ?
is a female name quite common in western countries. Who would expect growing up with a european language that as a hebrew adjective it means "awful" or "terrible" ? I certainly wouldnt. "zeh paschut nora!" means "its just terrible!". another adjective for "terrible" would be "ayom". a "Nura" however is a lightbulb. both words are written only with the tiny difference of a different dot on the second letter, changing the "Vav" to be pronounced as either a "u" or an "o". this is why Jesus said not one tittle or jota will fall out of the law, because every dot and jud can change the meaning of the text drastically, since hebrew is a very smart and very dense language, sufficing with very little words to convey maximum meaning. "hayamim hanoraim" however means "the high holydays" which happen every autumn in Israel, where the jews finish the old year to consecrate and start a new one" asking for forgiveness for the last year.
Religious people all over the world, whose main language right now is english, use the word "God" when they refer to their deity, any deity. What most people do not know is that "Gad" is the name of an idol mentioned in the Tanakh, the Old Testament. It is an Idol of "good fortune" or "good luck". Moreover the word can also mean "a troop" as mentioned in the patriarchal blessing of Gad, son of Jacob. So just because people say "I believe in G-d" or "may G-d bless you", that in itself doesnt mean snap, it doesnt even tell you which G-d they refer to, or if they just mean "may luck be with you". think about it. how can Christ be LORD of LORDS if there is only one LORD ? since the Sched(Satan) is a habitual liar, not by choice but by his very nature, dont take peoples words for gold, just watch how they live and you know exactly whats going on.
Isaiah 65:11 But ye are they that forsake the LORD, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for GAD and pour out a drink offering for MENI.
Genesis 49:19 Gad--> a troop shall overcome him, but he shall overcome at the last...
Tahiti תהיתי
is an island paradise in french polynesia in the south pacific ocean. in hebrew it means "I wondered", as in the phrase "I wondered how nice the place looked indeed". the words "i wondered" and the actual island "Tahiti" are written the same in hebrew, only for the verbform the jews use the letter "tav" twice, for the island they use the "tet" twice. "taiti" without the "h" however means "i was wrong, I erred". when you have a verbform with an "i" final its likely 1 person singular in past tense (theres only 3 tenses in hebrew, past, present and future).
KAAS כַּעַס
ans "a Patricia Kaas is a french singer, well known in the domestic music scene and around europe. Funny enough her name means "anger" in hebrew. if somebody would tell her, she probably would strongl deny that hebrew language has any meaning at all. that would be the exact opposite of the truth. hebrew language ALWAYS has meaning, because nothing in the world is coincidence, divinity and spiritual content is to be found in all material content. in dutch language KAAS means "cheese".
Schiva means "a return" or "a homecoming" in ivrit but is also an indian god. It is a destroying and transforming god, destroying old things so that something new can come to pass. Lately it dawned on me while doing scripture study, that the demons of the nations are nothing else than the "sons of god" described in genesis who intermarried with humans out of carnal desire, leaving their appointed abode in the heavenlies. up to today the have not ceased to lure the frail and simpleminded among all nations to worship them, offer them incense, build them statutes, and read their own version of sacred history and traditions which they have brought forth thru the hands of people llike joseph smith, muhamad, buddha etc. since they love sex and wanna take every opportunity they also are sometimes androgynous gods, having both male and female sexual organs or characters. so if you read in a public bathroom in berlin "gender is a lie" and "fight against male hegemony" you know you are in one depraved city.
bar Sidon was an important phoenician coastal city in todays lebanon. funny enough theres a word for "wickedness" in hebrew "zdoniut" which sounds similar to "sidon" or "zdon". jezebel the most wicked woman in entire scripture was a princess from tyre and sidon, she knew how to get stuff done and screw up the rule of weakhearted "ahav" the "lover" of idols. the original founder of the city was a man by the name of Sidon, first son of kanaan son of ham, but g-d often hides othr layers of meaning in words that sound kinda similar. even if a native hebrew speaker says "yeah those words have no common meaning, they are spelt and sounded different" remember god gives his wisdom to children, but hides it from those who are wise in the ways of the world. discern the spirit that speaks thru the person. by the way looking at the map of lebanon "beirut" has an ending that is common for female plural nouns, so i might find out a meaning for that as well sometime.. "ladun" means to judge. and "dan" means "judge". probably in many words discussed here there are many more hidden meanings that i havent discussed or even mentioned here, but i am only learning hebrew for 2 years now. so a rabby who learned for 40 years might know a lot more.
beirut is a coastal city in the middle east in one of many nations around israel (Lebanon, where also the Altar of Baal stood, Baalbek).
it might be translated as "burnings". the -ot ending indicates a feminine plural noun. "ani boer" means "i burn". "baarut" means "ignorance, lack of knowledge" and is written similarly, only the vowels differ. but anyway even the arabic spoken is not everywhere the same, the arab culture reaches from iran to western africa, from turkey in the north, down to indonesia in the southeast. so different words might be pronounced differently.
was a demon god in ancient Egypt. "harus" means "destroyed" in hebrew. just like when a jew says "harusim" meaning "the russians", he actually says "the destroyed ones". no wonder long winters, icy cold and much vodka, dont do much good to your body, mind and spirit. Russians are also famous fo their brutality in contrast to the western world. after ww2 german women were of all soldiers most afraid of the russians because they were more prone to get raped by them. "horse" is also a word which comes to mind, for centuries horses were used in wars to destroy and conquer enemy lands and property.
in ancient egypt there was another polytheistic god named horus.dont ask me which one it was exactly, i am not an expert in ancient egypt, but there are many people who study that stuff, since their spirits are attracted to it. also millions of people visit egypt today looking at the old statues and hieroglyphs, some even crawl around in ancient tombs, looking for some ancient wisdom. if they only knew G-d lives in his creation, us, and his wisdom is always available to everybody at all times. but hey probably a bit of archaeology in egypt might even be fun. like indiana jones.
SHILTON שִׁלְטוֹן
Peter Shilton was a longtime british soccer goalie, his last name means "control, government, rule" in hebrew according to Morfix online dictionary. "shilton ha barzel" can mean "the iron age". Guess for yourself if Peter Shilton he was a good goalie or not ? he was one of english soccer´s dinosaurs playing for a very long period of time, being a real "authority".
Davai means "quickly" or "lets go" in russian, but in hebrew means sickness or pain.
when a russian officer or NCO orderes his troops forward he says "davai".
here is Isaiah 1:5 in the original hebrew, mark the last word of the phrase, it means "pain/very sick"
ה[bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]עַל מֶה תֻכּוּ עוֹד, תּוֹסִיפוּ סָרָה; כָּל-רֹאשׁ לָחֳלִי, וְכָל-לֵבָב דַּוָּי.
You can look up the word in any Strong´s Concordance it is hebrew word Nr. 1742.
ok Tsar is a name for the russian monarchs of the former centuries, but in hebrew means enemy or foe. it can also mean "narrow" or "tight", or when something is meager or undesirable rather then "shalom", perfect and balanced. "tzar li" means "i am sorry". the greatest nuclear explosion ever tested was the "tsar bomba" in siberia.
2 of the greatest egyptian deities are called "met/mut" and "ra". in hebrew, rah means evil or bad, and met or mut means dead. If you ask an egyptologist or look the egyptian pantheon up in any encyclopedia, you will get as an answer "yes RA was the name of the egyptian sun god". Another time I was skipping through the radio stations on iTunes, and there was an underground radio station from Los Angeles that played mostly gangsta hiphop, and the radio DJ kept saying "Rrrraaaaa" in between his announcements, just for fun, as a filler word. He probably did not know the meaning of the phrase and that evil spirits lived in him that made him cause those verbal outbursts, he probably thought it was a pretty "gangsta" and "crunk" thing to the way later the god "amen" and "ra" were put together to form "amon-ra". funny enough "hamon ra" means in hebrew "much evil" or "plenty of wickedness".is that a wonder when the king of the country runs around with a snake on his forehead ?
i once met an amazing woman in berlin, she had a very bright, outgoing and gentle spirit, helping everyone around her. she was rather poor according to material measures, we met at a flea market. i asked her where she was from, she said "from Bari" which is a city in southern italy. "Bari" means healthy in hebrew. "briut" means "health".
Nabu / Nebo / Nauvoo
is the name of another false (babylonian) demi-god(demon), whom Hashem is jealous of. according to wikipedia he was worshipped by the babylonians as the son of marduk and his consort sarpanitum, as the god of wisdom and writings. also there is a german pro-ecology movement whose monthly newspaper we receive, that is also called NABU, they say its short for "naturschutzbund", which means pact for protection of nature, but it just looks like another demonspirit that craves the attention of hippies, green-voters and anti-establishment people. by the way, joseph smith, before the mormons moved out west to utah under brigham young, also build a village by the name of "nauvoo", an american will pronounce "nauvoo" exactly like a german will pronounce "nabu" so its the same thing really. the name "nebukadnezzar" of a dynasty of babylonian kings means something like "may nabu protect my firstborn son". In spanish "nabo" is a beet, a vegetable growing in the ground.
in hebrew a "nabi" is a prophet, so my guess would be that "nabu" is a god of incantation or divinery or somthing like that, since he is credited with wisdom and writings etc. there also is a planet called naboo in STAR WARS, which was created by spiritist George Lucas.
in ivrit AMEN is the singular masculine imperative of "to train" (leamen). so everytime you say AMEN after praying to your higher power, he is telling at the end of your ramblings "train!", to remind you to take the prayer from the brain level and walk it out into a real life situation. there is another egyptian idol which sounds quite similar. pharao "amenhotep" comes to mind. all pagan kings ruled by the power their idols bestowed on them, so they integrate their names into their own names. like "Nebo-chadnezar" or "Nergal-sharezer" or many other such names.
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