Thursday, September 2, 2021

THE PRAWN FILES - Mary Poppins



Yesterday as I uploaded the pics of John Krasinski and his evil misdeeds, I said Emily Blunt was not in the Mary Poppins PRAWN parody. But I'm by no means a PRAWN sage to the degree that many other people are. I can't identify every performer. And constantly there are new ones popping up like mushrooms. I'm just trying to gather some short clips for PRAWN stars from present all the way back to the 70s and 60s to make a PRAWN movie-clip database. Cause ALL of them PRAWN performers are movie, theatre and TV actors. To see them move and talk, speeds up identification a lot. But I've still a long way to go. Anyway. This thread is dedicated to Mary Poppins, and the women that played her. Who knows, probably on a breezy London night, if you leave your window open, she'll come flying into your room with her umbrella, snap her fingers. Pull down your pants. And give you the spanking of a lifetime. In the world of acting. All things are possible. On to the pictures.





If you found this offensive, 
you should probably skip the MEME SECTION..


Furthermore. there's a female Accent Coach on youtube, who pulls off a large amount of english accents. Her videos bombed in 2010, she still uploads a few from time to time. If you're interested in Accents, you might know her of course. Her name is Amy Walker. This is also Emily Blunt. Just in case you wondered.


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