Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Dexter Holland = Mathew Caws = Jonathan Falwell

lets look at 3 more guys..
 dexter holland, singer of the 90s pop punk band the offspring, that sports a guitarist with really thick glasses, and dexter with his signature squeaky crunchy voice.. dexters birthdate is given with 1965
 then 1966 jonathan falwell, son of famous preacher 1933 jerry falwell
 and the lead singer of the more softer group nada surf, his name is mathew caws, born in 1967
 left side jonathan falwell right side dexter holland. same ear an same face apart from the spiky hair.
 left side jonathan falwell right dexter holland (artists impression)
 again a 90° shot..
 and the ears more in detail..
 the eyes..both have no brows and eye shape looks very similar.. same forehead too..
 another ear from 45° same antitragus and lobes.
 that must be the same guy. i havent checked the wife yet..
 the frontals..
 both ahve an irish nose..... same forehead again...
 here the 3 bios wrapped all into one..
 now to the nada surf singer..(right side).. i say theyre the same. there is no famous musician that plays in one band alone. thats simply a fata morgana. it doesnt work like that. look at how many music alters gaga has.
musicians cant sit still..if one band fails, they still got the other one.. you cant just play what you like.. you gotta respond to the market and audience..
 heres teh ears....
 look at the eyes these are the exact same eyes..
 down to every detail...

and thats the last picture. so back to the merchandise...

  push it goooood !!! push it reeeeaal gooood !!!

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