Friday, December 21, 2012

US foreign minister Leon Jewnetta is baghdad bob aka muammad saeed al-sahhaf

how many miles to babylon ?
 threescore miles and ten
 can i get there by candle light ?
 yes and back again..
 if your heels are nimble and light
 you may get there by candle-light
 king and queen of cantelon..
 how many miles to babylon ?
 eight and eight and other eight...
 will i get there by candle light ?
 if your horse be good and your spurs be bright..
 how many men have ye ?
 mae nor ye daur come and see...
hey its 10 yrs past, time to throw in a little documentary... get the camera crew ready and bring me my hair whitening cream...
ALF, stop the taunting. stefanie germanotta, madonna louise ciccione, benito amilcare andrea mussolini, were all authentic italians. i dont understand what your GD problem is. i´m italian myself, has an italian ever lied to you ?
sponge bob, baghdad bob, it all sounds the same to me....

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