Wednesday, September 4, 2013

LDS INC. --- Heber J. Grant was sigmund freud...

both men have exactly the same voice, exactly the same face, exactly the same wife, exactly the same handwriting... but of course i am a conspiracy theorist ! its all a theory, and theres no proof, no proof at all...

 i know the church is troo !! repeat after me  ! joseph smith is a prophet and the book of mormon is trooo
 jesus christ came to the americas and gave the golden plates to joseph smith for translation...
 he looked into his hat and found the urim and thummim, to help him translate the plates...
 then the friendly angel told him to knock up some 30 or so broads, and marry them all afterwards...
 thats why we need cabbalistic temple rituals to come closer to g-d, and pay 10% tithe to the jews...
 did you know the j-ws are g-ds holy people... listening to them brings you closer to g-d
 the jews tell many funny tales, but with this whole mormon thing, they have surpassed themselves...
 where is my platoon of merkava tanks so i can level this rediculous temple to the ground... ?

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