Thursday, March 7, 2013

herrman van rompuy is played by maurice greenberg

who do these ears belong to ? left side maurice greenberg, right side hermann van rompuy, president of european congress. (what a complete silly name, is he trying to overrun 2 roman legions in the teutoburg forest )

the nose gives it away. its obvious.. so this guy is head of the european congress. now they started their own european jew-congress too. who is a voice for the underrepresented *cough* jewish community in europe. can you see this entire thing is a complete overkill. they are now turning the entire west into a complete zionist madhouse and push the east towards militant islam. so that they can get their needed 3rd big cataclysm.

ears. and look at that triangular nose.

 the nose is a 110% match

incredible how convincing this old guy can still play his roles. he must be into his 90s by now. wasnt this the same guy that played nazi doctor mengele ? i cant remember check for the wellaware website yourself...

so heres wikipedia with its exoteric description... for the masses who are under the egyptian masonic magic. and wont believe you even if you provide a DNA sample. since the intellect can only think what the spirit permits it to.

 here wikipedia on maurice greenberg. another person played by a bnei brit jew actor whose real name we dont even know. probly he doesnt even know it himself. many churches or religious institutions, when you become a member and rise up in their ranks, will give you a new "spiritual name" that then becomes your real name over time. so what these people do is actually not so incredible exceptional. you have this in krishna temples, in christian churches, in other cults and religions too. they only take it one step further and have 1 guy play like a dozen different persons. so after a while he probly doesnt even know who he is himself. see thats the ruler of this world. he´s a paranoid liar and when you buy into his gambit you take on his character over time. lieing so much you cant even imagine what its like to lead a normal life with 3 kids, 2 cars a wife and job at costco, 7/11 or chrysler. i believe none of these people will make it into the shabbes kingdom. since it is said they are blind guides leading the blind, and forcefully prevent people with their yeast (hypocrisy) to enter the true kingdom of g-d. instead they get all the worldly amenities, praise and fame. which is adored by materially minded people but we can clearly see its worthless. these people are not happy. and they cant go back. watch how neil armstrong  almost cried during a speech, trying to tell the truth about the moon hoax, but his blood oath kept him bound. he is now dead and will be born again after the kingdom is over. he never went to the moon and has to respawn on earth and go throu the entire treadmill again.

so old world or new world doesnt really matter. same pyramid. same people. same families. same power, only adorned in slightly different color.

 Hermann the Cheruscan plans his next ambush in the teutoburg forest...
taking out 2 entire legions of european economy..
 we can clearly see the ear is NOT the same. its a CONSPIRACY.
hurry, bring me my tinfoil hat and let me sign up for handgun registration....

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