Thursday, March 7, 2013

maurice greenberg played pope pius XII

 " der typ hat doch nen vogel ! "

 no matter what this guy writes, the RCC is still the authentic chuuch. having said that, the dome makes a great backdrop for my mug, add some latin captions and bang there goes your headline for
the "catholic entrepreneur weekly e-zine".. how cool is that ?

holy hoe, i´m having a visitation !

 remember these pics are 40 to 50 yrs apart. but you can still see that its the same guy. right after hitler played the pope pius XI his pal hank greenberg played the next one... i believe all popes that ever existed were nothing but a bunch of jews playing their scheme. the RCC is not a christian church its a babylonian revival. still today billions of people follow its dogmas and teachings, and call themselves "good catholics". we can also see every nation that has been subdued by this ageold mother-goddess spirit, has lost its wars and lost influence. countries succumbed to it are the phillippines, brazil (known for carneval), poland (sitting between the left bully germany and the right bully russia), ireland ("ire" being an old word for "fury", with the irish themselves known for their wild temper, never really having been able to shake off the yoke of imperial england).then theres italy(lost WW2 with germany and had with musolini a dictator just as pathetic as hitler) and spain( enngland beat its armada and ended its hegemony). while i visited southern spain, i saw a procession of young men carrying mary on a pedestrum around the city with sounding cimbels and instruments playing. we can see all the old customs are very much alive. hope i can recover my complete win7 partition thats down due to a trojan virus, so i can upload "the two babylons" audiobook by alexander hislop. i could write now more about fat catholic monks with a shiteating fat grin collecting money for the big cathedral in cologne, like i saw it during a train-stopover, or the big beerhall excess going on at lourdes, an annual pilgrimage made by soldiers from every armed forces in europe, where they visit the "virgin mother" and exchange their badges, tell stories and get incredibly drunk. but that would be too much for now.
 the ears the same. when i was a young boy, i grew up in a catholic village (ubstadt-weiher). the protestants only would meet sundays in a small underground room inside the big fancy catholic kindergarden (preschool). in the middle of the village there was the church. i can remember once in summer i slept outside in a tent at my neighbors place. he was a boy my age. and he got friggin nekkid and told me to do the same, then he started to make out and stuff. how gay is that ? i dont know i think this whole catholic spirit is very pagan indeed, its no wonder that the whole "good catholic" is nothing but a facade. i could tell more stories of that village where married men in their thirties impregnated virgin girls 16 yrs old, and raised children with them, or of more stories of friends i had over for visit that stripped themselves naked just for fun and began to dance in front of all other kids as we played in the cellar. so u see this whole catholic "christianity" isnt actually worth too much. thats why all the molestation of ministrants keeps happening. and parents keep sending their kids there because they´re shallow people ! i remember also on my birthday in 2nd grade or so, a girl told me to go up to the teacher to receive a birthday card. and i did it and the religion teacher gave me a birthday card with an african fisher on it throwing his net. cathlics have each day consecreated to a saint. i cant remember which one is for 3rd january. theres too many of em. but its obvious that those saints basically represent pagan idols. i can also remember the pastor coming in springtime to our kindergarden and he sprinkled us with holy water to bless us. some of those customs were really funny. it was a good kindergarten and primary school, only sometimes i got a rebuke since i was playing the clown and trying to get attention of the class. which of course the teachers tried to subvert. i can remember doing stupid things. once i lied about having an injury, because another boy tried to fight me, and my father had always taught me never to fight. he is a pisces and believes in pacifism. pacifism of course is a joke, and today i can only laugh about all the crap my parents or teachers taught me, but hey they only passed on what their respective parents had told them too. sometimes some kids would do really nasty things. i remember we used to play soccer at a lil park called the "nikolausplatz", and there were hedges of roses. once i was standing peeing into the rosebushes since i needed to pee, then one of the kids came from the back and pushed me into the rosebushes while i was peeing. i thought that was the nastiest thing ever. i mean how evil can kids be. today having watched hundreds or probly thousands of porn movies and seeing the whole range of reproduction from very noble and cvilized all the way to really savage and depraved, it is clear that many kids carry a demonic burden with them. some of which is not always apparent at first sight. the level of mundane academical learning has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the level of spirituality a person has. thats why jesus picked fishers as his messengers, he knew the whole religious learning system was occupied by depraved people. there are probably millions of villages similar in the whole world. the RCC has never lost its adherents. people have all sort of intellectual excuses why they still attend, but no matter what they profess, its obvious that tradition, ubringing but most of all spiritual attraction, being bound by the mother-goddess spirit of old, has an incredibly strong pull....
 in another neighboring village called "etzenrot" theres yet another lil cathlic church, probably 60 or 70 seats, not big. complete with wax-candles, a fancy altar decked in gold, a nice big organ, and the usual statues and paintings. i remember resting in there after running some 5 or 10 km nearby. there was a group of about 10-15 old women (55-75 yrs old probly) that sat scattered over 3 or 4 benches. (this happened probly 2 yrs ago). they sat there motionless like robots and kept staring at the image/altar up front while always repeating the same mantra "holy mother of jesus, save us sinners, intercede for our transgressions, we ask you, oh holy mother, blessed is the fruit of your womb, and blessed is the issue of your loins, holy mother of jesus, intercede for us sinners...." not the exact words, but u catch my drift. they kept repeating this ad nauseam at least 20 minutes. i think it was a regular prayer meeting they probly do this for years. they really were like robots. see thats the old mother goddess spirit (semiramis). its similar to the mormons. you will see this when you debate old mormons, they show the same traits of spiritual "Possession". where at some point you really realize you´re not talking to a person anymore, but rather a demon entity residing inside the person... well anyway, i was trying to talk about the pope here, the pontifex maximus and "vicar and representer of christ on earth"... can anyone invent a more jewy title and claim in the entire earth ? of course not. its obvious all the popes thruout history must have been jews.
 never has the antagonist had a more powerful tool in his hands to persecute and kill true saints. the RCC throughout time was the perfect vehicle... imagine all the money they also could collect.
 the ears the same. the big ole nose of the pope is just putty, it not real. the italian names are of course an invention. theyre completely made up. in the NT its repeated ad nauseam and warned of the jews and their endless fairytales, since apostolic days they have written countless additional "gospels" or "epistles" or other stuff to try to subvert the 66 books of the holy writ. they never give up. they constantly find some new scrolls in nag hammadi, qumran or in an old box in turin or alexandria. of course all those textual analysts and archaeologists also deserve some work, but mostly in religions follow the simple concept: back to the source. all innovations over time prove to be detriment.
 theres some hilarious pictures of pope pius XII on the web but im not gona post them here it´d be too much stuff... go look them up by yourself. especially with him giving this handsign with the two fingers. that just looks so funny. in early 20th century those popes were still carried around on a fancy pedestrial, haha... there was no papamobile back then...
 so thats the real reason why theres big ole mansions at lake geneva in switzerland standing completely empty 9months a year. and why those higherups in politics and universities are constantly on leave only come back sporadically to give their orders. (just ask jim slip aka solomon korn, chief jew of frankfurt and dean of jewish studies at heidelberg university") they ALL play alternate characters and cant be at the same time at all the places.
 facial outline also matches... now that we found already kermit roosevelt (pius XI), maurice greenberg (pius XII), robert blake (paparazzi) and tom landry (pope john paul II) confirming the saying of benjamin disraeli " you see, the world is run by very different people, than the common public might conceive", we could go back a couple hundred years and try to figure out who all the other popes were.
but to be quite honest thats really stupid and i´d rather put the time into learning some aramaic. its really similar to hebrew and dialects thereof from syriac, assyrian or even further to farsi, all share a common denominator. probably thats why all these jews have learn farsi with ease and can play the shah, ahmadinejad or any other ayatollah. we can see today the descendants of jacob ruling over the tall proud aryan persians just like over the tall proud germans. egyptians also sometimes are tall. probly its by design that g-d has the smallest of all races rule over the earth so nobody can boast in his greatness.
 again we see facial outline is almost identical. thats defo the same man. check the feature between the eyebrows. the chin and mouth also are same. the rift below the nose also same. same man !
 just look at the hairline and fleeing forehead and skull shape. thats the same dude. hmm this explains why the aussie comedians from "the chasers war on everything" (who of course like all popular comedians worldwide are bnei brit kids) can make a funny prank flying an inflatable airship around on st.peters square in rome, without getting problems with the police. since their uncles and grandads own the whole joint, they can pull whatever stunt they want. some of them like "chas licciardello" also have italian names, which of course are not real..
 ears again. so heres to you jews. i mossad-alf desperately need a nice new house in utah, where i can build a moomin adventure park, complete with snorks airship and a hattifattener cave, some authentic pueblo adobe houses and enjoy the change of air. dont be a bunch of  idiots and help me get back ! the jews never listen to me. why do they never listen to me... probly need to use more drastic measures. if i´d  light up a little midwinter bonfire in the karlsruhe synagogue, probly it would help fix the dripping roof problem ? hmm not such a good idea. zeev wolf-rubins probly would hate the idea. and the judges at the nearby district court even more.

so what other options are on the table ? bribery, blackmail, extortion, or probly filming a "who´s nailin pailin" followup episode starring schultz and jenny ? i dont know if thats gonna work out, probly people wouldnt buy the movie since jewish women have real jewellery but fake orgasms...
hmm i´ll have  to spend some more time meditating about the possible procedures.. and wether to build the moomin house on a lakeside or better yet coast of oregon or northern CA. i think some seacoast would be dope ! if its misty and rainy most time of year it will even add to the finnish flavour, without all the nasty cold winters of course...

lets do a little repetition here, so far we found 4 popes. now lets see if we can find the others too...

 1878 to 1903 -- pope leo XIII  --  played by ???
1903 to 1914 -- pope pius X  --  played by ???
1914 to 1922 -- benedict XV  --  played by ???
1922 to 1939 -- pius XI  --  played by adolf aka kermit roosevelt
1939 to 1958 -- pius XII  --  played by maurice greenberg
1958 to 1963 -- john XXIII  --  played by ???
1963 to 1978 -- paul VI  --  played by ???
1978 to 1978 -- john paul I -- played by ???
1978 to 2005 -- john paul II  --  played by tom landry
2005 to 2013 -- benedict XVI -- played by robert blake

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