Thursday, March 7, 2013

antje pieper from the disney club is now judith pinnow

 we can see that the grooming of the cattle starts as early as the cradle. i told already how we kids watched the disney-club religiously and thought "captain balu" or "chip and chap" or "the duck tales" were the dopest thing ever. we had no clue that the friendly hosts wold later all have their careers in regular tv, entertainment and politics under different names.
 the blackhaired woman here is antje pieper, one of the 3 hosts of the early 90s "disney club" who later turned into the "tigerenten club" on german tv. they´re both the same woman even tho judith has blond hair now.
 by the way as i type this (from the imac in the living room), my brothers are watching a documentary on  WW2, and the jooooooooooos. you see the indoctrination is omnipresent. its really like a gigantic spiderweb that frodo got caught into and the evil fat spider keeps stinging him again and again with its propaganda and lies. i stop my ramblings now but rest assured the crap that i just have to listen to writing this post is really nerve-wrecking. i cant believe people still listen to public tv and radio and even pay mandatory tax for this. pathetic.

 ok we can see same teeth, same nose, same eyebags, same tall germanic stature. she could play a queen or princess in a neighboring country without problem.
 early nineties was disney club time.
 my win7 system has gone bonkers, i cant line the pics up as perfectly anymore, but u can still see its the same chick.
 here some wikipedia info.
 even tho i dont watch tv anymore, she seems to be (like them all) very busy on tv right now.
when i was in school we visited the bavaria studios in munich for a weekend and made a little movie clip. it was really fun. about 80% of the class thought it wold be the dopest job on earth to be an actor or in the movie business.
 many of those people dont just play on screen but also do those very popular radio dramas for kids, like benjamin bluemchen or bibi blocksberg. who would have thought that all those cassettes that we all listened to with such abandon, whose every line we could copy by heart and that we laughed so much about, were pretty much recorded by the same people. some passages from those tapes have in our famly almost a surreal status, whenever sb quotes from those tapes we all laugh about it, since we all know them in and out.
 check the nose and the eyes.
 even the moomins have every 2nd or 3rd episode some weirdo stuff like witches, imps in a tree or a sorcerer riding a black panther. without any of that stuff introducing kids to esoteric practices and getting them accustomed, it probly wouldnt make the primetime ! kids have to be prepared to learn to swallow so later in life u can spoon feed them even better.
 here again some benjamin bluemchen autiotapes. remember the mariano edelmann post, who also started on "arutz disney" as a young teenager on israeli kids tv. so these entire thoughts that you have in school " when i grow up i´ll be actress or tv presenter" is really the greatest illusion. the only gig you´ll get is with the local "volksmusik" sender or local channel thats done by amateurs. the big stuff is all pre-owned by the lodges and the big families.
 here some german comedians, actors, that also were host at the disny club. oliver pollack is one of them. i dont know all those new guys on tv. but my famly watches tv often. they especially like "scheibenwischer" a comedy program making fun of politics. they have no clue that in fact these comedians make more fun of them then they actually make fun of the politicians. but thats just your just reward when you accuse profit mark the great stalker of being a "conspiracy nut" while you switch on the tube on sunday morning to indulge yet in another 70s childrens movie about "snowwhite and the 7 dwarves" or "hans im glueck" or all of those other masonic grimms tales adaptations shot in eastern europe. they totaly dig that shit !
 ralf bauer, a very good looking guy, i remember him in the 90s he was the prettyest man on german tv. he also was former disneyclub host. its obvious now having red DGB´s blog in depth that the whole disneyworld, disney movies, disney books, disney everthing is a gigantic control pool. but when youre a kid you cant see this. and ask your parents for a trip to orlando, LA or paris willing to pay the 30$ just to do all the fun rides and see jiddlers neuschwanstein buena vista castle !
here another guy who was host at the same program.

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