Wednesday, February 13, 2013

is the all seeing eye the anus ?

ok while much scum and indecency has been talked about in the other posts, in this one we will go one step beyond that and actually go completely anal.. many times i thought about why everybody constantly is flashing this "evil eye" symbol that you can see in almost every poster of popstars and movie stars, they all do it i mean ALL of them. its become so omnipresent its actually impossible to NOT SEE IT after a while. so what is the meaning of it ? dos it represent ancient egypt or what is the meaning ? i just read in a website something really interesting... some people say it represent the anus, yes the anal orifice of the body, and this is the real "eye" that gets opened when young wannabe stars sell their souls by letting a well-to-do initiated handler penetrate them in sodomy.
this is a crazy claim isnt it ? lets see if it makes sense..we can see with the girls above, that when they kneel down in doggy position their legs go apart and form like a triangle and the anus sticks out like the literal eye in the pyramid. doesnt it look very similar indeed ? think about how for centuries sex with children is a hidden taboo that never seems to go away, like in the chabad community or catholic church. so why is that ? the problem needs to be by design. the luciferian high ranks fo a certain degree are so deluded that they become spiritual vampires who wanna harvest the energy of young human beings, especially young boys. by anal penetration that is executed in an upward angle they hit a special ring of nerves inside the anus, that sends incredibly strong electrical signals mixed with intense feelings of pain, agony and lust to the childs head, where the pineal gland is throwing out hormones. some people say the brow chakra (6th chakra in the vedic system) is related to that. the brow chakra is one below the crown chakra, the spiritual chakra, and supposedly gives extrasensory vision.. in some cultures like classic greece pederasty was the norm not the exception and like today some loonie jews like the NAMBLA guys (north american man boy love association) still officially rally for that crap. we also know that lucifer or hermes was a bisexual g-d and enjoyed both male and female sexual organs to get the maximum amount of pleasure. like with gay men today who often had all the women they want and then still hadnt had enough so they went gay instead. gay is definitely NOT BY BIRTH IT IS A JOICE and gay sex was a marker in all cultures in history that were overfed and callous. remember what the prophet writes "this was the sin of thy sister sodom, fullness of bread, pride and no respect for the needy". so can the eye of the pyramid really be the anus ? yes i actually think it makes sense.

heree the greek pederasts....and we also all heard the story of adam and eve in the garden of eden. how eve was deceived by a beautiful shining but cunning creature, who was like a real snake. think of al those rich playboys in the cities of this world today, dont they also fit the image of a snake ? i believe eve really had physical sex with satan before she received her real mate.. al throughout history rich men have had the most beautiful women, while the working men need to take what is left over. also many women have slept with abovementioned "snake" and received scar tissue on the soul before they could become dedicated family mothers.
when you cut an apple in one sense, you get a pentagram, when you cut it the other sense, it looks like a female vagina. try it out, you need an apple and a knife.
here again the triangle and the anus. doesnt it look indeed very similar. now who stated this claim ? it was the guy below, bill schnoebelen, who supposedly went through different religions in his life until becoming a bornagain christian. but you know what that hat looks pretty jewy to me... who knows probly he´s a jew too (you know i just had to write this right now...hehe). so this schnoebelen guy probably knows what he´s talking about. so if that thesis is true that means all the time that these actors, singers etc. let themselves be photographed in that manner they actually tell you "i take it up the rear end"... and if all the world knew this truth, they would burst out in laughter, but since only few inituated high masons know it, they actually can silently laugh about the depravity of the whole world, and people that are literally like animals, portraying the basest lusts like animals to a blinded populace who cannot comprehend this simple truth.
on top of that anal fixation is prone to develop in beaten nations, like germany or france, its like you say ok we lost the war, screw it we still hve some stuff to indulge in, lets go down to the basest forms of pleasure and grtification. dont believe me ? but its really that way.. not that the victor nations wold not screw around in any possible way, but it defo is a trend that is observable..
then who hasnt heard of the many stories of child abuse of orphans etc. or of boystown nebraska or jonny gosch the "press secretary" of george bush who now has the name jef gannon. we all can see that names and ID cards are of no value to certain people, they just use them like they were nothing.
so how can you as a parent protect your kids ? by being parents ! most kids that execute sex acts with grownups do so in the immediate family.  i think cultural and religious background play a large role in this. some people simply dont think much of a paternal traditional moral system and want to share their harmony with their kids in a deeper way. am i excusing pedophilia ? hmm no i think it is wrong, i cant really know what its like since i wasnt molested as a kid, but i know of people who were. the strange thing is, ALWAYS they only talk about it in the past tense. NEVER IN THE PRESENT TENSE. so the molestation goes on and on.
we can see that sodomy with young kids, specally men, is practiced all over the world to keep corupt politicians at bay. the older generations fish for new followers and so the baton gets passed on time and again, and lucifer always has new idiots who wollow him and are trapped by their own lies. deceiving and being deceived. some politicians like this guy openly pride themselves in "touching kids in a special way"..
we also can see the ongoing child molestations in some places in scotland or great britain where for decades kids been molested. wonder why those shriners love to build hospitals for needy children ? they love those little children dearly !
when i was a kid everybody read BRAVO. i was the only one who couldnt have those magazines. so i had to hide them under the bed because there were nasty pictures of naked people. we can see that dr. sommer the sex counselor for entire generations of common people was a jew himself. he probly has an interest in sexualizing teenagers early so not only can they be exploited by the money of the all powerful jew, but also the gentile family potential is weakened.
so yes, i actually think this might be true.
again and again we can see the hidden hand of the elite luring adherents into licentious pederasty, and then using it to blackmail them. it happens all the time. its the pyramid control structure. when you cant find anything on an enemy you want to remove, the last thing that always works is the obvious child pornography on his laptop computer...
also jew and supershrink sigmund freud had a real anal fixation, he didnt talk about anything else in all his works.
with some politicians its so obvious u just have to look them in the face to see what sort of person they are. just lookat this guy ! rediculous ! so the whole thing seems to be the norm rather than the exception since the system of worlds rulers and actors never changes and they all go through the same patterns, just like in the spiritual life of the church peoplego through the same kind of phases and learning processes..
here johnny gosch and jeff gannon... also theres an article of how male prostitutes visited the white house at night getting a special tour there... i tell you what when you look at the geometrical lineout of washington DC and what the white house really is, nothing dont wonder me no more of what goes on there... i mean its obvious. or do you think just every nigger can have his own 747 airplane and travel the world as the prez of US of A like obamba, without paying any price for that ? thats a childish thought indeed...
we can see there are definitely feelings involved on both sides... not all people get born as leaders, some people also enjoy being the slaves of others, its their own way of gratification and meaning in we sholdnt always condemn the active (penetrative) counterpart..
another picture...
in some cultures like thailand male prostitution is epidemic and a whole tourist branch has evolved around it..
thats also why g-d sense a nice tsunami time and time again or volcano to clean out the place, hehe...
when i was in jail, we had a MO TANK, where the molesters were put. in any good jail you wouldnt put them together with the regular male inmates, you know what would happen to them...hehe...i hve to say tho my jail was nice, i saw no baddy-baddy going on all the time i was in there.. probly not all jails are like that...
next time you lock me up you judges and lawyers i invite you to come to our shower session and drop the soap, hehe...
here just a random example of how child pornography accusations (whether justified or fake) will shurely ruin a politicians career. joerg tauss, a german politician, whom we met with our school class once around 1998, was a few years ago exposed and then switched to the pirate party, but now also seems to be fallen froj grace in the public eye. we can see how much power the press wields over the people who will eat everything they are told. wether tauss is an actor or genuine i dont know, since he was partof the bundestag probly he is a jew as well.. i once emailed him and he didnt reply.
i also mentioned before how in the secular universities much sexual favours with old mason professors are being arranged, it seems to be a system that is regular, not just exceptional. i know of a guy who flew on a development project with a free tutor program half around the world to mongolia to build some stuff there and support the people. later turned out the free trip actually was an invitation from said old professor to talk him into butt-sex as a little "payment" for his longrange trip... its not easy to imagine what depravity happens in the minds of secular education, since in the bible it is clearly described who is in charge of secular thinking and denies any influence of divine powers.. an entity that is hellbent on carnal gratification... i could also tell stories where random old weird people made weird offers to me. sometimes you just wonder how stupid certain people can honestly be ? i mean pa-lease... some people just suck !
ok here again this describes how its done...
see, we´re all fallen thats why babies get born with a birth cry on their lips.
not all of the allegations are true, remember the sandusky trial, where costner played the starcoach sandusky.
lets remember all humans are sexual being, and in the bible sleeping with your wife or "knowing her" is described as something as common as "drinking water from your own cistern". we can see its a basic human need that everybody has. you can see that when you go to second life and try to launch your sim there, and see how many sex sims of al colour there are present... about sex sims in second life it is remarkable how many people seem to be into domination stuff.. there are constantly guys running around with a gorilla size avatar having collared a bunch of girls to them and portraying themselves ass the great "master" who needs to be a stern ruler over their slave girls... especially the "gor" themed sims are very much frequented in second life.
we also know that most ancient cultures had a certain form of temple prostitution. in ancient greece at the temple of artemis there were ritual prostitutes that slept for money with the visitors of the temple. so you can see what kind of "temples" these actually were, lol. in the babylonian culture a young woman had to receive her womanhood to the temple of isis and offer her body to the first paying customer who would take her. such weird practices were common back then. so this whole thing is nothing new at all. at all.
in another post that i stil havent made yet, i wanted to describe what wiccans believe and practice. and part of that belief (although not practiced by all) is sex magic or tantra. its when people negage in ceremonial sex in a certain setting, at a special time in a ritual fashion as to create spiritual energy to be released for a special spell or event to happen.. you can download "bucklands guide to witchcraft" as a free pdf to see what these people believe. its always important to know what other people believe. only like this can you understand them.
so now that we went completely anal in this post (LOL), and you look at this pyramid again. do you still see the same thing in it ? do you think of egypt and pharaos and the nile, or do you think of something else ? i believe the world is full of symbols that have meaning for initiates while most people have no clue at all what they mean... just like the huge advertizing sign "BOSCH" above the stuttgart airport, that means "SHAME" in hebrew, and 99,9% of all germans have no idea of it when they drive past.
we can see the vedic shakra system how it corresponds to the hebrew cabalistic system..  the pineal gland is the brow chakra.
here again bill schnoebelen, wether he´s a real person or not i dont know..but this teaching might as well be true and the eye of the pyramid indeed is the anus, and satan literally says a big "fuck you" to all mankind when he pushes that sign.
the tanakh describes how abraham parted ways with lot his nephew and chose the desert while lot went to the fertile valley which, surprise surprise, was alread inhabited by all sorts of bad people. just like today. just think of every big city, of california. then you know what sodom and gomorra and those 5 cities of the plain formerly were like. it was "the" palce to be ! today it remains a salt pan that literally stinks. and hurts your dick when you try to piss into the water (dont try it it really hurts)..not only had abraham to rescue lot from these evil people that even tried to rape the angels sent to them, but later turned into a complete ensign for all the afterworld to behold.
since today israel is a spiritual battlefield bare none, it is no wonder that it is a country of on one side strict religion but on other extreme everything goes there, extreme liberalism.. tel aviv has become a global gay city like berlin or san francisco. it receives lots of gay tourists.
so now think about it next time some clown flashes you that sign. and think about bill schnoebelen or your college professor.

so now in the biblical passage like this you know why the rulers of this world are so despicable in the eyes of the ancient hebrews, because they knew all the sick crap that went on behind closed doors. they knew the religions of the pagan nations were scum, and only weird people could rise in the ranks to become pharaos, kings or heroes.. thats why its written "we are more than conquerors", because as we see the conquerors of this time+age on the material plane arent worth that much, even tho they also have their fair amount of achievements.

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