Wednesday, February 13, 2013

i shit a jew-brick ! salman rushdie is stanley kubrick !

ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our little cinema, your tickets have been clipped, 
the icecream & popcorn vendor is done...

please sit back and enjoy the show, as the metro goldwyn meyer lion proudly presents....

                                                                 a JEWBERG production

                                            starring IRA JEWBERG as the cinematographer

                                                             and some random white chick in the leading role..
 ok, that was not really funny but at least i tried... so check this out... i just went on youtube to see a little clip from "eyes wide shut" a stanley kubrick movie, and one guy said "hey this guy looks like salman rushdie"... so my N.A.O sensors went crazy and i hd to proofcheck.. the result you can see in this blogpost.
 no dallas didnt find this one, i found it all by myself again. check out all parts of the face. its the same guy.
 that means stanley kubrick not only filmed the moon landing on his "2001 space odyssee" movie set in london, and fooled the entire world, he´also faked his death in typical masonic fashion and is still alive, as a new character some 20+ yrs younger ! i never read salman rushdie, the guy just looked like a little pitchfork-wielding devil with the weird eyebrows. i was never interested in the first place in such a guy. how wrong i was.
 kubrick is married (or was married) to christine kubrick, seen right side of picture. we know that the spouse and family most of th time stay the same when they play their little game, so we will see further down who she also plays. little hint its the indian connection again. (who knows probly kubrick helped bring cinema to india and has also directed bollywood movies ? wouldnt surprise me at all). so once we figured out the famly is bogus, we can followup on all the other persona and see who they could be...
 we see its the same guy, same ear, same face, same small stature.
 here rushdie lecturing kids at emory university. when i first dropped out of uni as a young twen in 2002 i felt so defeated. the second time in 2009 in berlin it was merely routine. i know of today i am just not a university person. just look at who runs public ed-jew-cation and for what means. its a gigantic mass control pool nothing more. u have to do everything just how its expected from you. no no, my pretty darlings, you canot play this game with mossad-alf, the master of irfanview comparisons, facial anatomy, who hides in his mums basement and taught himself hebrew for your terrestrial pleasure.
 beard check, shades check, nose check, brows check, dingdingdingding, jew activity detected, i repeat, jew activity detected, red alert, all systems combat ready, all systems combat ready....
 so is that a toupet that kubrick wore all the time ? i dunno but might as well, many of em have fake hair.
 hey stanley, i feel like going on a little lunar expedition, can you get me my golfing gloves and fuel the lunar rover, we might go on a little intergalactic joyride...
 sorry alf, i´m still here at the studios in london, would love to come, but too much workload with my space odyssee. probly next week. just call up the nasa guys and postpone. kiss the secretary for me...
no problem jewbrick, will do. talk to you soon, bye...
 alf, alf, i can see you hate our people from the bottom of your german soul. repent, alf, before we smite you down with the terrible power of our talmudic lawbooks and courthouse routine.. depart ye from me, oh evil jews, please sue somebody else, i need to build my moominthemepark. do u think i can build moomins from toilet paper papmaché on rykers island in NYC ? hell naw... so get a life jewbrick and stop making such mediocre movies.. try to be an icecream vendor, plumber or shoe sales clerk...
 yes we remember all his movies like full metal hacket, clockwork orange, eyes wide shut, i could fill an entire friggin page with all his movies, just check out his IMDB page... very likely rushdie is not the only other person he plays, probly theres a whole host of em.. the same power by which kings and autocrats of old ruled is being applied today by these people. so they are in front of our eyes CONSTANTLY while we dont even know it.
 whats yer problem, i earned that fame OBAMA self without any lodge activity or esoteric hokey pokey. i swear to gad (גד) !
 how interesting, i almost believe you....
 see his wife christine kubrick with white makeup is a western artist, and with dark makeup transformed easily into an indian deepa mehta..
 we can even see the imprint of the glasses on his nose...
 even the signature matches really great...
 think about it man, whenever these people say anything about their families, their upbringing etc. they lie right into your face ( and feel good about it, since in their minds they arent accountable at all)
 where the hell do they get so much ingenuity to make up story after story ? how stupid do they think we are
 fuck that shit
 fuck that shit
 fuck that shit
moon rover my a$$


  1. Du bist komplett geisteskrank und verlogen.
    Nichts von Deinen Behauptungen über niemanden stimmt.

  2. Du bist komplett geisteskrank und verlogen.
    Nichts von Deinen Behauptungen über niemanden stimmt.
