Thursday, February 14, 2013

how the masons put a friggin pyramid on the roof of our school..

 ok, i wanted to write this post about some months ago already, but never made it, so now here it comes. yesterday while researching on stanley kubrick on youtube, i crossed a video where an enchantress, probly from OTO (ordo templi orientis) or some other hermetic group (in plain language, a witch), did some weird ritual, where she performed hand gestures and spoke some old egyptian gibberish. this reminded me again of how we put the pyramids onto the roof of our school back in the early 90s, right here at our local school in langensteinbach, southwest germany. ok here i will tell how it happened...
 when you watch this movie and skip to 0:20 you will hear her say a bunch of vowels like AAAIIIIOOOOOUUUUU, or something like that. and this reminded me of said story of the re-opening of our school with a new third story and a brandnew glass pyramid on the roof... ok so let me start with what happened...
 my famly moved to this place (karlsbad spielberg, southwest germany) in 1990 when i came to 4th grade. the german public education system starts with kindergarden, then 4 grades that are for everyone, then its split up into hauptschule (where the future craftsmen and bluecollar workers go), realschule (middle branch), and finally gymnasium, where people who wanna attend university later study all sorts of science, languages and stuff for 8 or 9 more years. since my dad believes in public education, teaching us latin, and enlightenment heritage, he sent us ALL (i mean all even the girls) to gymnasium. he belives by doing this he will give us the "best posible education" before we choose our own way. you can clearly see that not only does he not know about peoples different inclinations and souls(some dont handle head-learning well and were better off in a supposedly "Lower" form of schooling where you do more with your hands), but he is deeply trapped in masonic thinking as it permeates the entire world. and i will prove that even the very school he all sent us to, is built after a masonic pattern, you will see it later..
 so here we are, in the old world, germany, formerly called "holy roman empire of germanic nations" (what a completely silly name), and to this school i went for 9years of my life. sometimes in retrospect i think we took it all a bit too serious, but i am glad for many good things i learned there, like french, english, the applied sciences like math, chemistry physics.. and having good time with friends and other kids from around... so i started attending here in 1991, and left in 2000, graduating with the german ABITUR, which enables you to attend any university, if you pass the entry exam... see the building above ? thats our school building, the lower 2 floors were there already even before i came there. the upper, newer 3rd floor and the fancy glass pyramid on top, were later added. we liked the new design. it was spacy, bright and lots of sunlight came in through the "Oberlicht", the glass pyramid and you cold open the windows too as seen in pic above, which allowed for fresh air... so everythings grand, why am i even writing about it, no problems, right ? wait a sec i gotta tell the story from my ALF perspective. most people wont believe me anyway...
 so it all happened in the early 90s on a warm summer day... school went on as usual with the curriculum, short breaks of 5minutes and longer breaks of 10 minutes, and in between teachers cramming new stuff into our heads that was supposedly useful for our later lives...and in the meantime us teenagers sitting there on our benches, writing loveletters to each other passing them under the benches and pretending we paid attention to what happened up was about the time where the anual fire exercise would happen, a big siren would go off sometime and everybody would leave the building quickly but in good order, and all the classes were emptied and we met in the big parkinglot outside, made a headcount, then went back inside. this was standard procedure once a year, and we never really knew when it would happen.. but it gave us a great excuse and some refreshment from the monotonous weekly chores..
 and in that special year, it happened again, only quite a bit different from what we had expected... once again we were told by the headmaster throgh the speaker system (teachers always had to take a break when the "godspeaker" wold go on), that there was a fire, or fire exercise, and we all had to leave the building immediately as always... so thats what we did... only this time when we met in the parking ground and looked back something wasnt right, there was smoke coming from the roof of the building...and the firefighters arrived and started to lay hoses and the cops arrived too. we stood there and laughed it was the literal "hurra hurra die schule brennt", that had been sung about in a famous german schlager. our school was on fire ! and we were told at that point and also later on that roof workers that had tried to seal the roof with hot bitumen against rainwater, had accidentally lighted hot bitumen that had caught fire and had spilled into the buildings ventilation system and from there had perforated the entire building. it was not an open quick firebrand, it was a slow "schwelbrand" that was impossible to combat and now slowly took apart the entire building. firefighters could nothing but watch as the entire building slowly through the air shafts and empty spaces, spread to the remotest corner of the building. for many months now all school classes would have to move to exile to the other rooms available in the "Realschule", the "Hauptschule" and the nearby "Walldorf kindergarden", and other rooms in the "Aula" and below the sports hall. so the next 2 or so years our school was being repaired, and we couldnt go inside, but watched as a 3rd and much needed storey was added (the school had grown in attendance by a couple hundred kids).i dont know the exact numbers but at that time the gymnasium alone had at least 1000kids in attendance, the neighboring realschule and hauptschule probly another 1000combined..
 this all hapened right here where i grew up, where i spent my youth, in southwest germany..
 we can see that karlsruhe the neighboring city is clearly built after masonic pattern, the pyramid on the city square is famous, made of red sandstone. in the city wiki we can see it too. by the way for 9 years i went to school like hundreds of other kids with the public transport and the yellow trains that have been running here for as long as i remember. my village spielberg has only 1 station, then its only a short 4minute ride through the forest, and the next stop is "Langensteinbach St. Barbara", where we used to get off the train packed to the brim with students and then trot up some 400 yards to school every morning. we did this for 9 years. it was a literal pilgrimage every morning. and of course in the afternoons we walked down the slope again to again catch the train back home where mommy was waiting with the meal.. sometimes when school ended at odd hours we had to run to catch the train. that really sucked...
 ok here a pic of the trains..
 now sometime a cuple months ago i thought about the whole thing and why there was 3 pyramids on our school buildings, that kinda reminded me of something... and i began to think it through once more.. our direktor(headmaster) at that time was an old man in his 60s, who a few years later before i graduated was sent to retirement. he always was a fan of poetry, a tall man, with an for his age athletic body, well educated, softspoken and emotional. he was a good headmaster .. he taught my class german for many years and we read lots of poetry with him. he also liked to start off boring hours with some sort of yoga exercize, where we closed our eyes, sat still while he talked us into a sort of trance or basically made a breathing exercize with us... then after some 10 minutes we started class. we loved it since we thought regular curriculum was boring and so we took every chance to try to get him to do some"breathing exercize with us"... his name was gerhard füger. he still lives in the karlsruhe area i couldnt find a pic of him online.
 so this is a pic form 1996 after renovation, we can see the new glass pyramids on every building. A is the hauptschule, B the realschule, D our gymnasium, and C the "aula" where most of us also had some classes during the day, this was also the place where we held the annual school concert with students playing classical works from great composers, and where our school orchestra dn the choir played. also there was a jazz band. when the jazzband finished off the evening the house was rockin, believe me !
 ok now look at the whole thing again, what sherlock ALF detected so far: a  train station with a trail of students pilgriming every morning to school and back, then we have the school, complete with adjacent facilities and the stadium of the SVL, where we did athletics and stuff. (my dad sent us all to do some athletics when we were kids, so we wouldnt get too lazy)..
 ok see here, so what did we get taught in school ? well everything that we need to function in society, to build cars, become schoolteachers, housewives, doctors, engineers, plumbers, researchers or tradesmen... now look at the pic of our school again, can you see something ?
 check out this comparison. on the left side you have the gizeh pyramids. 1 is the cheops pyramid, the biggest one, 2 is the middle one, and 3 is the small pyramid. the egyptians built them exactly like the beltstars in the constellation orion. they knew what they were doing. 5 is where the sphynx is located, the croching lion with human head, that strongly resembles constellation leo. in 6 theres the "western cemetery" and yet another old tomb of some old egyptian ruler.. now look again at ou school on the right side. doesnt that look strikingly similar ? here 1 would be the hauptschule, 2 the realschule, 3 the aula, thats the 3 buildings that correspond to the three pyramids. then look at the pathway that leads to the train station St. Barbara (5). doesnt that look exactly like the pathway that leads to the sphynx ? strange stuff indeed. then nr4 on the right picture wold be our gymnasium, and 6 some side tract where chemistry and physics was taught, where they had all the labs and also some workbenches in the cellar..
 isnt this crazy ? our entire friggin school is a masonic masterpiece. and NOBODY IS AWARE OF IT. but it is obvious since all countries on earth are run by masonic elites, who are initiated into the ancient mysteries, and by their architecture give praise to the ancient gods and rulers who were their leaders on earth.. our headmaster gerhard füger must be a mason too, otherwise he wouldnt have become headmaster over a school with over 1000 students. his softspoken nature, yoga-exercizes and love for poetry and the german philosophers (and some of his own poetry about "angels" that he printed into a small booklet and gave to every pupil uon graduation in summer 2000) make it obvious. this is so interesting to realize. even tho most people here in the neighborhood will laugh into my face and deny everything, when i show them this blog. thats how people always are. satans biggest weapons to protect his subjects, are "mockery", "denial", "defamation".. we can see that satan is not some small red creature with a tail and pitchfork, but the regular standard ruler over all nations, the governments, and all people who get born on earth and go through the public education system, and live and work in a country.. we can see masonic architecture in every developed nation on earth.. so do i say what we were taught in school was wrong ? no , much of what we were taught infact was very good, and theres nothing worse for a child than to grow up without schooling, become a drug addict and gang member and die before age 30 in some silly drug feud.. i merely say, hey, look, theres something more than meets the eye at first glance. and dont be always so proud of your public schooling, because we know that much of what is taught is just what you get for free. nothing in lifes for free. when you believe that some government agency will teach your kids the highest truths available on earth without expecting a recompense, youre either an idiot or just very simpleminded buffoon.. EVERYTHING IN LIFE HAS ITS PRICE.. so in public schooling yes you learn languages, physics and manners, but when you leave you have a diploma that sends you on to the next step in our masonic clockwork called society, where you rally to join university, and later to get a good job in some solid enterprise and provide a basis for marriage and family etc...
 as we can see the many many masonic lies, who to regular society are not lies at all, but are accepted doctrine, it is obvious that everything stars at the very cradle with our kids upbringing and education where from day 1 they get masonic bias which most people will carry on with them until they die. they merely cannot even imagine that salman rushdie is the same guy as stanley kubrick, that he filmed the moon landing, and that the school they attended was run by a man who was initiated into some ancient mysteries and performed a special ritual as the glass pyramid was put down on the very roof of our school building in a special ceremony. they say its all coincidence and has no meaning. how wrong they are. i proved many times over that there is no void of meaning in the universe. every grain of matter every atom in the material realm has a spiritual ruler. thats how its organized.
 we even can see the rotschild red red shield in the karlsruhe coat of arms. along with some latin catchphrase that people like to believe in. (everybody needs something to believe in).. we can see karlsruhe also not as we were taught in 1st grade being a "Fächerstadt" (hand fan), but the design looks much more like the typical masonic pyramid, and the red stone pyramid on the marketsquare, where supposedly the margrave was buried, stands EXACTLY in the location where the eye of the pyramid was located.. all those german margraves like all other bnai brith royals worldwide in history as at present had many bastard offspring fathered with their servant girls and women. some of them died prematurely and were buried in special cemeteries.
 we can see in the book of haggai eg. that in life, whatever g-d you worship, the first offering, your first tithe, you HAVE TO OFFER to your deity. if you dont do this, the deity will be angry and all the rest you try to spend your money on (cars, clothes, luxury) will turn out to not work. thats a standard rule. it works for christians but also for all other worshippers. only when you give your first produce to g-d will he bless your life. i´ve been in churches many times and can confirm this fact, just ask your grandmother or auntie she will confirm this... now can you see why the local comunity here couldnt decide to build a much needed train station at the local shopping center that gets frequented every day by thousands of people ? the tram runs right aside the entire complex, but since we moved here in 1990 they NEVER BUILT IT.. can you now see how the masonic government ultimately decides what is being built, when its being built and what it has to look like ? think about 911 and the jachin+boaz twin towers and the much esoteric meaning it has. they pulled it down the exacsame day it was commemorated only some 40 yrs later, andit simply doesnt matter what you think to be true. they have their plans and will pursue them to the bitter end. what you vote or think about it simply does not matter. if you are not initiated into the mysteries, your opinion is simply meaningless. the world is not run on democracy, democracy was always a lie and always will be.

 so a tramline runs right aside the shopping complex in langensteinbach, and it takes them 20 yrs to build a simple checkpoint there so people dont have to drive to go shopping but can catch the tram. yet the plans for this undertaking get lost in the treadmills of the institutions and government offices, until an entire generation later theyre finally able do it... but when they wanna equip their school complex with new pyramids, they find a way to get what they want within 2 short years...? so where are their priorities ? do you catch my drift ?
their first priority is not the people, but their g-ds, that give them wisdom, enlightenment and power, the sheeple who canot comprehend the ancient powers that rule over them, are only their vassals. lacking in intelligence, and sheepishly paying their taxes talking themselves into "next year when the democrats get elected, things are gonna change, or 2 years from now when the republican guy is in charge, things will get better... lets face it. these are ILLUSIONS.. and just by calling me a conspiracy nut, your illusions wont change or go away. you actually have to love the truth to let it into your life.

so the entire story of spilled bitumen on the school roof, and the evil asbestos insulation inside the school, that needed to have the entire friggin school renovated and turn it into a pyramid project, is basically a masonic joke. but who pays for all this ? the local community and taxpayer. why ? because they the masons are your priests, initiated into the mysteries of satans ancient cultures who once ruled the earth by the same secret rites, codes, passwords, that havent changed in thousands of years. and you DESERVE ALL THIS and deserve your kids to be fooled about the moon landing, the real character and names of your politicians, because you simply refuse to give the higher g-d (yehova) his due honors. since you refuse this, you are forced to serve the lower g-d and his lackeys until you come to your senses. or probly not.

so who runs the ministry of education in our state (bundesland).. the same people that run all the rest, since its all a big system where only masons and initiates get promoted. below we see Annette Schavan, who once was minister for education in Baden-Wurttemberg. she has climbed to a higher office now, and thats also not her real name, we all know that. yes shes jewish by blood, she must be, but most people will never know or admit this until their deathbed simply beacuse the jews since the babylonian exile learned alot about power and control and scaring people to death with all their silly little scare tactics. like burning some lower simple haredi jews in auschwitz and now using that as an excuse to foster constant donations to the masonic state of israel for all time and eternity with its silly pyramid at Bagatz, their highest court.. see thats why the jews are called "babylon the great" because with their masonry and babylonian talmud, and superior education and spiritual awareness, they are destined to rule over all nations on earth, only they werent told that this rule is along with the spirit who is set over 6000 years to antagonize the spiritually chosen people, who will be resurrected straight into the 7th day shabbos party.
 so here we can see annette schaven swearing her (meaningless) oath. see during these oaths, theres always the old brass, some old guy who has served the mysteries for 40+ years, who makes shure the young politician is kept in check. the whole system is controlled very well. when you try to expose secrets or bring innovation or reversion, your career is over pretty fast.
 here we can see karlsruhe in the mid 1700s when the city was built from scratch. the masonic margrave decided the place and how it had to look. and so the city was built ! since the luciferians always had the banks in their pocket and can decide what is being built and what isnt, they can build all those masonic monuments and architecture all over the world without a problem. thats why you find that stuff everywhere. see on the top of the pyramid is where today the "schlosspark" is located, where every summer they put the big ferris wheel, a sun symbol. its also a great hangout every summer for all sorts of sunlovers, hippies, frisbee players, and employees in their midday break. and stories they teach our kids about the margrave resting in the forest during a hunting session, having a dream of the city outline, are most likely also just esoteric adaptations of ancient pagan in the magic flute etc... this is very important to know. king solomon said "there is nothing new under the sun". and today we can see the ancient religions coming back with full force, yet most people are completely unaware. so we as parents need to prepare our kids and teach them not just john 3:16 but also the old myths and stories of the pagans so they can know the difference when theyre being fooled by some mason politician.

 here the "landtag" of baden wuerttemberg, much like the bigger "bundestag" but only on a smaller scale...
 germany who once was an important nation of global reach, now is reduced to being a weak immigrant nation. this is the fate of all nations. nations just like human beings have a birth, an aging process and a death. thats why the prophets adress the nations the way they do... dont always think so small and selfish ! dont think "the bible" was written only for you. theres much more to creation than a single person. dont forget that.
 you can see the masonic adaptations everywhere. for example in this official press pic they show the ministers on a staircase and the walls thereof run upward in triangular fashion...thats the steps of masonry that the initiates try to climb up during their lifetime, striving for more illumination within their brotherhood...
 dallas goldbug has outed so many royals as bnai brith actors, its obvious that the older kings were similar, and also must have been mostly jews who practiced those mysteries.. these rulers are not all evil, otherwide they couldnt be rulers. they have their good sides and weak sides. remember "wie der herr so das geschirr", meaning people get always the kind of leadership they deserve.. so these crypto jew duchesess dukes, noblemen and margraves and kings and caesars are throughout time what g-d wanted us to be ruled over, otherwise he would have stopped the system from working long time ago.. read up in genesis 49 the tribal blessings. judah is the lawgiver and judge, the ruler( genesis 49:10). this has never changed.. if some ancient egyptian hokey pokey still works after 3000 years, how much more the omens and predictions of יהוה the highest g-d in the universe ?
so if the jewish masonic government is called spiritual sodom and egypt, does it surprise you when they build pyramid schools for your kids to be educated in ? no not at all . in fact it would surprise if they wouldnt do this. so back to our initial video with this "witch" or enchantress from O.T.O. who performs this ritual and does a weird muttering singing where she speaks out those vowels AAAAIIIIOOOOUUUUUWWWW or something like that... this is the very thing that reminded me so strongly of the ceremony where our pyramid roof was lifted onto the school building by a heavy crane, with our headmaster telling us kid: "now kids, we will together support he crane and by pronouncing those vowels will alltogether lift the pyramid onto our school"... and so we did as we were told and several hundred kids hummed together AAAAAAA--IIIIIII-OOOOOO-UUUUUUUU for several minutes until the crane had finished its work and the roofers had welded the pyramid unto the roof...
 probably this headmaster knew a whole lot about the ancient pyramids that we have forgotten today, what only the initiated know. the ancient pyramid tips were made of gold, they were special. in masonic thought the most important part of the pyramid is the capstone. who knows probably the ancient egyptians also used vibrational magic to lift those heavy stone blocks, i hve no idea. they are so heavy that even todays best cranes can hardly lift them, much like those superheavy stones from the temple of ballbek. so whatever we were told that day, rest assured at the end of the day this headmaster went to sleep satisfied cause everything worked out exactly as he had planned, and an ancient ritual was performed by people who didnt even understand what they were doing. these rituals dont change. like in our christian catechism where u have certain procedures that stay the same for centuries, theres also in the covens, lodges their reference bibles, where all their spells and incantations are described in detailed and have to be parcticed exactly as described otherwise theres no power flowing.
ok so without further ado and without AAAAAEEEEEIIIIOOUUUUU i now close this thread, i hope i havent bored you all to much, my dear readers...

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