Wednesday, February 13, 2013

masonic sports

ok over and over with much redundancy in this blog i paint a picture of a secular world, not comming to pass by accident as taught in the mundane schools but by a specific structure, by designs implemented and forged by hermetically initiated elites that pass on their orders down the triangle to the lower ranks and ultimately to us, the clueless masses... i want to show now how sports that we pursue in our leasure time, at school and even as professionals, some of them hardly known, some others like football, soccer or rugby or cricket are such a big deal that entire populations stay at home and watch the finals, when its on, like the superbowl in the US, or the soccer worldcup finals in europe or brazil. players have been killed reportedly in brazil because they gave away the winning penalty kick. so we can see it can be a matter of death and life. not all thats game is game. in POLSKAWEB you can also read that many royal actors worldwide have alters as famous sportsmen and are actually quite fit. politics is all over the world a great follow-up career for a retiring sports star who has his first half of life behind him, now looking for another golddigger job. you dont have to be smart, only respect the powers that be (lobby), be eloquent, good looking, and state your position clearly so that people believe in you as a leader. thats really all there si to it. it works since centuries. in SLC i saw in a public bus an advertizement for old football players, who were trying to be recruited by one of the 2 main parties (republican or democrat, i forgot which one, they basically are the same, only taste a bit different)...
then againwe have to look at matchfixing, and how its being practiced in most high-paying sports today, like tennis, golf, horseracing or boxing.. many highfavoured idols in sports history that led opulent lifestyles and needed the money, have been beaten by amazing newcomers, and in the process incredible wins in the lotto system were made possible. imagine you were there when frazier lost against ali and betted on ali. you could hve ben a millionaire over night... we can see now many sports stars are uppity masons and know whats going on behind the scenes. insider trading lawy etc dont apply to them, and even if they get caught, daddys lawyers sort it out. the opponent is simply destroyed in court. the first time i heard about this was reading from polskaweb website. prior to that this whole thing was unknown fact to me. i never been ito sports too much myself, in my teens i was an avid sportsman, played beach volleyball and a lot more.... ok so lets look at some pictures...
this is a soccer field... can you see any basic geometric alignments of interest ? masonic measurements ? i tried hard but i didnt see any... but as you will see in another pic below, soccer was also created by a mason, in a tavern or pub in london, just like any other organization of global reach today.
then i thought about football, and thought what could this weird eggshaped ball be ? could it be the eye of horus, i dont know. no idea why they chose that shape.. to us europeans rugby and football are not very widespread... 2 teams try to carry or throw a ball into the enemies field.. i hve to say football is a bit weird to me, but we can see it reminds a bit of the old mesoamerican ballgame, played with the hips, where 2 teams tried to push a ball into the enemies side of the field..
here the tavern in london where they started soccer. much like the YMCA which was also started in london by a mason. as with all their stuff, theres a whole lot more of hermetic history behind all the facades than are known to the common sheeple. the interesting thing in being a mason is, ALL THE PEOPLE inthe world who are not initiated, are dancing on your checkerboard, play by your rules, and are bound to the masonic spirit and values they impose on society by design, while all these people have no clue at all, and think its all just coincidence. which is an illusion. an illusion ! everything has intrinsic value. your name has a gematria value, your ID has a number, your birth date makes up a natal chart and even your shoes has a number and your cars engine block too. so there is no COINCIDENCE it simply isnt a hebrew way of thinking. hebrews know that theres always a power above you. so its up to you to upgrade or downgrade the power you serve. those who say they serve no power are the lowest of all in fact...
i also thought about other sports where triangles or geometry is of value. bowling pins also stand in the same shape. is it coincidence i dont know. i only know that masons started and wrote the rules, held the championships for pretty much very major sport we have today, so their whole thinking flowed into it as well..
then we have the same checkboard flag on airplanes at the reno air race, at motorbike and stock car races like here at daytona, where fast cars drive in a circle.who knew why they built the stadium just at a specific place, probably theyre also trying to harvest or generate ley energy.
i had a picture of an ogden, utah baseball court that showed like none other how baseball is a masonic sport. i painted the circle into here, but on tha picture you saw it even better. cant find the pic anymore but we all can see its true.. to add to it, they make the lawn now often in checkboard pattern by cutting it in that fashion. cold it be any more blatant ? baseball is a game basically anybody can play. also the numbers used in it represent masonic ascension or numbers. its really crazy having been born by regular protestant churchy parents, and dealing with all the secular kids at school who mocked us and our large religulous family, and now see that their whole belief system is a fraud and carnal reversion of the temple of solomon and names picked randomly from the old testament and made into a super-mystery-remix version 2.0   crazy stuff indeed
see the pit girls from the car races also wear checker.. some later polticians like berlusconi once were racecardrivers. also reminds me of actor steve mcQueen, a famous 60s filmstar, who also was into racing (indianapolis), and suposedly died at only 50 on his deathbed christianizing himself with superapostle billy graham. such jew-stories cant fool mossad-alf at all. just wonder who steve mcQueen is today.
then golf, once a sport for well-to-do people, with club membership, also invented and formented by masons. with such an uppity sport its not hard to guess that masons must hae had their hand in play in formenting this sport. i preferrably would prefer crossgolf...
remember athletic games as we have them today (olymp the residence of the gods in greece), where still the flame is kindled for every olympics, was an event in the ancient greek culture where men competed for the honour of their gods. we all learn about this in school. they had mostly athletics disciplines (seen above), some of them in use still today.
the romans who like americans today were very smart in adapting everything that worked well for other nations, and turning it into a system of their own, also had colosseums, not just amphitheaters, they built their stadiums not in a natural setting and sloped hill, but from scratch in the plains and in their cities. their games were violent we are told and beasts and gladiators fought unto death. how much of that is really true, who knows, anyway thats what we are told in history books (secular ones). not all thats written in history books is wrong, historians sometimes are amazing people who can reconstruct the life and character of bygone days or individuals pretty amazingly. i studied history in  berlin for 2 short semesters. just believe me.
so here we can see royal actors can be sports stars until today. probably in ancient times it was the same, an old tradition. religions (and masonry is a religion) are all about going back to the old ways, since the beginning always has more power than the thereafter).
here the olympic flame being kindled to later be carried to london, england for the olympics. all olympics are a big deal for a city. they build new sports facilities and its a special honour for a city. lots of money to be made in construction companies, so these contracts defo go to the insider clubs and selected people. also the opening ceremonies that last for hours, (and ending ceremonies) are filled to the brim with esoteric meaning, that i cant even go into detail here.
here another royal sports star..
back to the ballgame of the ancients. we all know basketball today. now look at this old mesoamerican ball court. doesnt that look like basketball ? these cultures had annual ritual death sacrifices to the sun god on their temple pyramids. some people say some teams who lost ballgames also were sacrificed. think about it. it wasnt just game, it was much more sirious. also see all those ball games have round spheres. remind anyone of stars or planets ? probably theres more to it than we know. star worship is as old as mankind. i´ve shown in this blog why the ancients did it. because they knew about astrology the rulers of the planets and constellations and their influence on us, and so they worshipped those, staying on the material plane, and upsetting the highest, transcendental g-d.
so on youtube you can watch this mesoamerican ballgame where they push the ball with their hips, they play it for tourists at certain special places still today. even with fire balls for the show effect. they make their balls of natural material, like rubber..
here you can see it. i dont know exactly what that game is called. but they seem to hve lots of fun.
that was their step pyramids that they built, like in all other continents on earth pyramids can be found, china, jugoslavia, mesoamerica, egypt. everywhere. and now its coming back with the whole NWO thing and the old mysteries being revived, they built all that crap again. pyramids on every street corner, as well as huge ones in special places.
here a rubber ball
i mentioned snooker before and the geometric importance in that game.
remember some sports were gentlemens ocupation and passtime, while others were played by the commoners. tennis is not that old. imagine what a pain in the ass it was to play with these 1900s tenis rackets.. also check out on DGBs website martina navratilova who today morphed into the female world bank president. yes sports is a serious thing, not just playtime. or remember football coach tom landry aka john paul II. and many other examples.
ok now check out this passage here from book of maccabees (deuterocanon).. describes how in the golden time of the classic greek culture, the hebrew culture had lost its influence and the young jews tried to make their circumcisions undone so that they would not hve to be mocked at the olympic stadium they built in jerusalem. imagine a stadium to honour foreign gods in jerusalem the eternal holy city. the jewish elders must have gone bananas ! the measuring unit "stadion" is again used in book of revelations, these stadions were rather large i think several hundred yards.

i talked about matchfixing before, so this pic is just a short reminder. could write a whole lot more on the subject, guess you cold grasp the main outline though...

heres some more food for thought..

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