Monday, November 5, 2012

Robert Blake plays Pope Ratzinger - habemus Papam !

 ok lets scoot through those pics really quick. i saw the comparison on DGB´s website and just had to make some more comparisons for confirmation, since this ones a biggie ! and in fact all matches.
 just look at the basic biometry, the main landmarks all match up. to all new viewers of this blog it might be a surprise, to all veterans its merely another drop in the bucket.
 same biometry and facial landmarks
 again in this frontal view we see everything line up..
 bigger hair than elvis for actor robert blake, but still same profile after 50 years.the skull won´t change.
 just look at that nose. its so obvious.
 they even put a hexagram on his huge mitre, just for fun. they love to play games and mock all carnal christians, which they deserve since they choose to go the easy road. they deserve to be fooled.
 profile matches again. i know many people form school who have regular careers and are ardent catholics. catholicism is a mix of christian facade, pagan symbology and ritual and babylonian mystery rituals. its the greatest spiritual mass deception on the planet. in south america, mexico, spain and italy and eastern europe, entire populations of billions of people are under this spell. their souls are not truthful enough to rise above the mediocrity and deception.
 just look at that ear this is undeniable. nay, nay, its merely a lookalike, you CONSPIRACY THEORIST.
i tell you what i really nedd to get a CONSPIRACY gun wherewith i blast every clown who uses the complete useless word "conspiracy theory". i hte that word. dont call everything a conspiracy that people call conspiracy...
 in the Bundeswehr we were taught "whoever is able to read clearly has the upper hand", but indeed most people seem to be too stupid to read. its clearly written "dont call anybody holy father". what do the catholics do ? they call their bishops and popes holy father !!  the jews who probly make up the largest amount of catholic bishops, popes on the planet probly meet each other regularly orgy, drink, laugh and make merry about all the gullible people that they screw over...LOL
 same dude
 up yours, cardinal ratzinger !! of course he has to give the jew-finger. it coldnt be any other way.
 nice hat bro !
 wafers n water ? naaah bring me that chardonnay and a plate of oysters. i´m kinda hungry rite now..
 for all mentally challenged and dyslexic people among my dear readers, i painted some arrows in here...
 Paparazzi, wasnt that a song from lady Kacka ? i cant remember rite now i dont listen to her music at all..
 so this is the guys IMDB page. the height matches. blake is 163cm and paparazzi on his fancy Prada heels is 170cm. thats a match. did u know the devil wears prada ? now u know...
this is robert blake in 1944 as a spoiled kid. while my 1 grandfather was in the Volkssturm, the other stood guard in a KZ, blake the illuminatus-to-be lived a carefree youth learning a handful of languages educated by the worlds most epensive teachers. today he believes he´s g-ds gift to mankind while my grandparents each had 8 kids (from a single woman), and founded what today is my larger family.

have you ever heard one of those rich illuminati jews int he last 70 years taking any responsibility ? no, how could they ? for they are merely the hidden hand guiding the nations in their own destiny, or so they calim. thats why the german people are fully responsible for everything. these people couldnt take responsibility for nothing. if they poop their pants, the germans are to blame. if the crop fails, the germans are to blame.

i tell you what. lets close down germany. lets divide the country into several parts, annihilate the language, and get over with this rediculous crap. give the jews a special island somewhere where everybody of them can be a king with his own kingdom and leave us teh hell alone. im really sic of all this shit ! fo real...

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