Thursday, November 1, 2012

why is the world run by unmerciful neurotic jew lunatics ? because like satan they were all formerly famous..

 so why are all those people like angie merkel here showing us her favourite handsign, such complete pricks while being totally convinced they´re the shit ? becuase thats how they cover up all their insecurities. all of them were formerly famous actors getting recognition and praise for their movies (creating alternative realities, inventing fables). now all they have left is the political "stage" which really is a stage. its not real at all. on theother hand its real enough to jail you when you criticize it long enough. all those people are paranoid for being exposed cause they know what they do it high treason.
 here charlotte knobloch, formerly hannelore kohl, wife of chancellor helmut kohl. can you believe it this woman believes she is the most important spokesperson for the land of israel today. i called her office 2 days ago asked if hannelore kohl could be the same person as knobloch. they said "no way thats just your imagination". so probably even the secretaries etc dont know whats being played only very few people know.
 how can hillary clinton be such a complete cunt. ? she was a former famous actress with lots of recognition and now feels she has to "perform" to get recognition. so whatever the press throws at her to comment about she gladly licks up. see like this the G-man in full knowledge keeps the antagonism alive for all this time, becuase he uses deluded jews to run the world who hate christinaity and gives them all power on the material sphere. so whenever u go to your government and say "jesus told me this and that" you get grinded to complete dust sicne these people hate jesuslike nothing else. so he has you do your undercover thing instead harvesting praise from you while promising you castles in teh sky for the afterlife. which will happen but he never tells you that at that time the people who formerly killed you and made your life hell will inherit together with you the same thing. isnt that crazy. i think its crazy but thats how it is.
 here fonzi winkler aka john mcCain aka mahmud amadinejad. actors are the ideal soution for government since they only do what you tell them. its a complete jew thing to try to give orders, control and make people swear oaths so u have power over them. jews are power paranoid. theyd do everything to gain power.
 3 clowns, 1 cup.
this woman now plays the PM of australia, julia gillard. formerly she was "nell" aka jodie foster,
in 40 yrs she´ll had a heck of a life, but still blame germans for everything that went wrong. which of course is a joke, since now we can see jews have expectations nobody cna meet ever, ever ever. so now in america the same thing happens as formerly germany and all other nations before. you see this element was already preplanned in g-ds divine time layout to have antagonism for his system to work, and the nations not getting lazy and just playing pingpong etc.

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