Thursday, November 8, 2012

every european citizen needs a POLSKAWEB subscription - part 1

 mats hummels german soccer player and greek soccer player giorgos samaras are the same man.
theres a whole family connection between greek politicians and german FC bayern munich. his father and mother also have their fingers in both places.
 famous boxer jack dempsey had an alter named max schmeling. both were the same man.
 in germany as in USA uppity money jews fool the public with PR stunts, false flags while playing politicians.probly they hate our religion (G-man) so bad they have to sink so low as to completely mock and deride us. here we see minister monika harms and RAF terrorist brigitte mohnhaupt, who are same person.
 formerly brigitte mohnhaupt now monika harms, a minister in german government. this clearly shows you who is the real terrorist.
 the goetze brothers, german soccer players, are predestined for greatness. a simple life doesnt seem to be enough for them either.. so many ambitions, so many ambitions.. ALF can only shake his head...
 formerly kidnapper of rape and cellar-victim natasha kampush today lawyer wolfgang mayer in the worldwide reported "fritzl" case. see when the NT talks about not giving heed to jewish genealogies (look at all those ridiculous long names of all those "royal" actors) and invented tales (just look at all the overdrawn stories they keep selling, they just cant help but always need to one-up each other.. a guy kept his daughter 24 yrs in a cellar had 7 kids with her.. cheeezzzee... they must hate austrians for painting them like that...)
 prince harry is son of former lady di lover
 the "mad prince" ernst august from hannover who made much press for angry rants beating up cameramen and other people, same actor as prof. albert osterhaus who keeps pushing medication and anti-flu shots against all kinds of fake viruses..this is a billion $ bussiness and often MANDATORY.
 princess of spain and queen of jordan also same actress.
 i dont know who this dude is but he was mentioned in one of the reports
 in syria the same thing. rami makhlouf and bassel al assad are same person.
 this women is REALLY good with makeup and in the german movie business for 40 yrs. without her it would probably be impossible to turn a former minister Moellemann into the "mad jew" michel friedmann.
 leonid kuchma from belarus has a son. not officially but in reality rinat akhmetow is his son. guess how to detect those people ? surprise, surprise, they top the forbes ranking and constantly need to hang their mug into the tabloid on page 1.
 robert pattinson plays prince william, douche of cambridge
 if u´re american and think your governments just been hijacked as of late, you´re lieing to yourself, cause its been going on since the US was founded, in fact the US is a masonic country since day 1 and without this egyptian magic could have nEVER EVER become the power it is today. (which i will show in another post).
so here u see the old european "royalty" was also active in US politics.
 sophie the countess of wessex is the new identity of lady die, the queen of hearts.
 bashar al assad isnt tony greenberg as i thought, but same guy as the prince of spain.
 another funny find. elton john also is a german reporter. who would hve thought ? i nver wold hve found that one. if youre a european citizen dump your mainline-newspaper subscription and support POLSKAWEB.
 german politician sahra wagenknecht played by tanja ziegler, an actress.
its funny how they keep giving each other praise, golden cameras, bambis, academy awards..
 even 300 yrs ago the germans were always portrayed with a sleepy hat for being slow of comprehension, trusting everyone and hardworking stupid dogs and "gutmenschen".. the german "michel"...
wife of leopold prince of bavaria, played the mother of victim natasha kampush.
 joachim krol not only plays german politician walter riester who now steals germans retirement money, he also played this "cannibal" some decades ago in the ruhrgebiet
 whos this guy now again ? i simply forgot...
 remember this lady timoshenko with her fancy hairdress ? she had a partner called yushenko and he supposedly was poisoned and his face turned all ugly and stuff. guess what it was only a mask and he´s now still at it, as the next guy in charge. they do this all the time in any country.
 then supposed hijack victim jan phillipp reemtsma is now politician wolfgang thierse with his long beard and hair. while i worked in berlin handing out flyers for 5bucks an hour this guy walked past me numerous times and went into an apartment building right next to the restaurant where i worked...
 kurt biedenkopf. cant remember who he was or played. only remember all you´ve been told about politics, history and present affairs about people and celebrities is only a MASONIC REALITY. its not the reality by which u should judge your own life or your loved ones..
here again wolfgang thierse is jan phillip reemtsma.

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