Thursday, November 8, 2012

POLSKAWEB rules -- if you live in europe, get a subscription NOW !

 i am officially not allowed to  post these find here. but i´ll do it anyway cuz i am GUTTED. i sat 5 yrs in this ridiculous tiny room while all these selfchosen BUTTPLUGS lived multiple lives in mansions complete with taxpayer money. this is not right and anybody can see this...ok back to business, cathy fischer, GF of german soccer player mats hummels is also this greek starlet who is GF of this greek soccer player with the long shaggy hair. since both are the same person.
 its all going way back they did this for a long time. masonry is hundreds of years old. very old.
 theodore roosevelt was rudolf von habsburg and eleanor was elizabeth of habsburg. it all makes sense now.
all the times the jews kicked me out from every place i visited them. they have so many secrets and are paranoid for people to figure them out. they started with thedeception now they are all in and cant make it undone. they have to keep going all the way.until the end.
 heres your turkish PM argueing with bibi netanyahu about some random shit, in reality they´re both alters. erdogan plays also king of jordan, where the rock city petra is located. see these people are not almighty. the spirits that advise them themselves are under power of the highest g-d who created everything. they can only do as much at one time. and they also need to respond to the population or new events and trends. they´re not almighty.
 anny ondra was estelle taylor GF and wife of jack dempsey alias max schmeling... she also had another alter
 ever heard of hangman judge georg freisler ? he also was georg elser. the people they executed at the nuremberg trials were all the lower ranks, the entire bnai brith top brass went with project paperclip to the US and continued there with the best life possible. i wonder what makes the highest g-d hate germany so bad that he would allow something like that. but must admit germans seem to have a sternness and spiritual hardness engrained in their souls. since i came back from the US they have treated me oftentimes in unfriendly ways, they are a really weird people. of course theres also much witchcraft here but i guess thats in every nation under heaven. probably some ageold spirits (ancient germans were pagans and had pagan altars for sacrifices) still have a hold of the nation, what do i know...
 see this georgia kretikos chick shes the wife of PM of greece named saramis. i think she also has an alter at FC bayern munich where she is employed as a specialist or talent scout or something. u see they always sit on top of the meat-pot. they see other people as ends for their means. fc Bayern is by far the most prestigious and rich club in all germany.
 left side we see wife of joachim gauck, new german president, who we now know is played by james garner, a hollywood veteran par excellance. she also hsa several alters. when i saw this pic i immediately had seen that nose before. theres a butt-ugly lesbian "womens rights" activist in germany named alice schwarzer, who hates to suck dick (probably). look at the nose its the same. i bet she is also played by the same woman since she gets lots of press+airtime and her books also are sold at bestseller list.
 POLSKAWEB also claims that longtime bundestag president rita süssmuth was only played by tanja gönner, i am not so shure however there are obvious similarities. probly same family, who knows..
 the "gauckler" or german super-GAU (greatest possible accident), called joachim gauck is just another grinning jew from hollywood whos part of the global locust-crowd eating up all the crops then moving on to more fertile grounds...
 greek PM antonis samaras was also several composers and musicians, like nikos karvelas. remember musical and artistic expression as well as rulership is a mark of leo star sign. the leo controls and checks all other animals, sends his lionesses to hunt and lies lazy in the shade playing his harp. thats the throne that they defend and dont wanna give up cause they dont even think about working. they think commoners need to work. they only need to be prasied, receive senseless nobel prizes, oscars etc. and believe theyre the shit.
 another syrian official hafez al assad is also dawoud raja some sort of general etc. in 2000/2001 when i did my military service in germany i didnt know about all that stuff going on in the high ranks, but some of those officers etc were really weird people. the NCOs and lower ranks were much more real people, the higher you went, the weirder it all became... see now you know the reason. the world is not made by men, but by g-ds and they give power to their darling hetchlings whom they love to spoil with the fruits of YOUR, yes YOUR labour. if u remove 1 of those loons 10 stand ready to take his place.
 hans jochen vogel was a german politician in the 80s and earlier. this other dude left side withhis supersick hairstyle is another publisher, writer, who keeps pimping his books. i hve to say germans love to read. they are complete humanists (greek way of thinking). remember greeks were pagans, they worshipped what hebrews called idols, false gods. apostle paul described how their brains are wired. they keep falling for all the silly useless books these people put out, heheheh.... its ridiculous. guys wise up adn get  POLSKAWEB subscription instead.
 in school they teach u the "white rose" was the awesome superduper anti-nazi group that was active opposing hitler. funny enough all those young kids were only "made" by their dads and grandads and lodge brothers just to after the war take high seats in government etc.
 alexander schmorel for example was later helmut schmidt.
 this hermann hummels on the left side is brother or family with antonis samaras, hummels is his alter in bavaria munich soccer club.
 hilde gueden and hilde geiringer were also the same person.
 cant remember all the stories but did i mention before u all need to support POLSKAWEB ?
if your family calls you crazy its only a sign you´re on the right path anyway...all prophets in their own time were called crazy, afterwards the cities fought each other over the remains (bones) of said prophets...
 the kenya powerbroker, investor and rich jew( i am AUSTRiAN and CATHOLIC hahahaha) who got beat up by prince ernst august of hannover  is in reality same dude as dietrich mateschitz the red bull founder. look at the red bull logo. two bulls and the sun in middle. reminds of the egyptian winged disc. also bulls were sacrificed in many cultures. and the sun is the oldest deity in countless cultures. isnt it funny that today the jews who were originally intended to be the most holy culture, are today mystery babylon, thedriving force behind every form of antagonism to the divine design ? egyptians today are poor fellows and powerless, same as iraq and iran. believe me irans gonna be steamrolled.for shure. so you see the divine vengence plays out over generations and hundreds of years. all nations formerly proud get humbled now. even israel. since they continuously wanna do their own thing g-d wont allow them to hve the full land. they only can have a part. believe me if the bnai brith wold decide to stop playing games and let real people do the government and concentrate on rebuilding israel with real people, they could have the entire land in no time. but that will NEVER EVER happen. never underestimate the selfish ambition and pride these people are caught up in.
 lois fleishman clark whip of james garner is also karin dor and another least if not more alters.
 german politician walter riester who wants germans to lose their retirement money is played by joachim krol the wellknown actor. i told my dad, he said "you´re nuts" and then "i dont have time for this shit". see people deserve to be ripped off since they have no love for the truth. then they run to church all sunday listening to retarded blackdressed loons preaching the "REEEEL CHEEEEEZZZUUZZ" to them... its rediculous. i hvent been to church in 4 yrs. churches give me the creeps. its the last place where u find the holy spirit of g-d. oftentimes.
 joan barry was also anny ondra
 joseph bruhnlehner the king of kenya is also thomas klestil, prez of austria. see thats why they can pull shit like the whole "fritzl" scenario. they dont see themselves as fully part of their host nation. as ashkenazi jews they feel chosen as rulers of the world, and probably they are, to a certain degree, within the system that we have at present. believe most of the time during all ages in cycles of 6000 years the fallen watchers have full control of all government. only for 1000 year cycles the holy presence of g-d dwells on earth. so you can curse those people all you want. but you always need SOME FORM of government. even the worst government is better than anarchy. anarchy leads to complete destruction in no time.
 they say mario götze is justin bieber. i dont know, but the ear looks really similar. he also has a younger brother.
 i didnt believe that juergen moellemann is now michel friedmann. but it is true.
 wife of james garner aka joachim gauck, she also is karin dor.
 theres more to angela merkel than meets the eye. shes from a REALLY connected family of former princes, monarchs etc.
 amy seccombe played lady di in the movie they made about her life. shes the same person as lady di !!! they love to do this, just like in the case of omar sharif aka che guevara. and many other instances. lady diana is still around as another royal lady of the windsors.
 leonid kutschma belarus powerplayer is same guy as aleksander moroz
 rachel weisz has this lady (left side) in her family tree. imagine how often times you hear stupid people say "i wanna be a hollywood star". if i ever have kids i will soon bring them to reason and not let them harbor such silly lunatic ideas. hollywood is an escort agency for these jew loons. but people deserve the treatment since worshipping images, other people ,movies or money is all considered "idolatry" by the highest g-d and in his omniscience he gives them over tho exactly those things they worship instead. you keep complaining about my thinking about religion but dont forget that i´m a PROPHET thats the only reason i can know these things that most other people will never even comprehend and i can tell you g-d cannot change who he is, or his character qualities, he simply is the way he is. you cant change water, or fire or earth or metal or how the stars are made. thats just the way it is. and if the dood writes a book and then you consider it garbage because you judge it by your own standards than the problem is not with him, but with your standards.
 renate zschaepe is sophie scholl, from the "white rose" the anti nazi partisan youth movement.
see thats power. these people hve all the power. they know everything. and you get drafted into their gig as some silly guardian or simple landser or soldier. and have no clue whats going on. all the time u have to obey and do the  most silly orders. that sucks big time.
 cant remember who she is, just download the pic and read the header, i wrote all the relevant info in there.
james haven plays little brother of kate middleton.

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