Thursday, November 8, 2012

get a POLSKAWEB full subscription if youre a european citizen. stop supporting the regular press

 ok we know her from playing in "pirates of the caribbean" but she also has a british alter. LA and LONDON are both big-time illuminati hubs so its very easy to have 2 identities. i visited london only once in 1998 and thought it was a shitehole ! so many poor people with rotten teeth and cold weather. i couldnt believe it. but thats the kinda times we live in. its do or die.
 ok so POLSKAWEB says angelina jolie was same person as kate middleton and katie holmes. dunno if thats true but might as well...
  who the hell is that ? i forgot... download the pic and see what it says...
 daniel craig also has an alter as a polish actor. if it wasnt for POLSKAWEB i never would hve found out, since i dont know snap about poland. see germans see poland as something inferior and make jokes about poles stealing german cars etc. how wrong they are, polish cinema is full into the whole gig.
 anna vissi is anita pania. shes in the whole affair with the greek president who also has alters as greek singers and musicians and producers. believe it or not i´ve never recorded anything in a real music studio in 15 yrs. i make music since i´m 14 now i´m 31. my music is much better than all the crap people put out nowadays. modern music dosnt have melody, nor good songwriting, nor rythm most of the time. its just lifeless pap marketed by some producer who wanted to bang an "upcoming artist"... but well probly i can get some studiotime once my glorious new ALF order starts. (thats gonna be on saint-never-day probably)

 asher roth is also marco reus. one is a hiphopper the other is a german soccer player.
 asthma al-assad is also princess letizia of spain. ah yes and dont say the syrians dont deserve civil war. because ther are no INNOCENT PEOPLE. most souls carry baggage with them from former lives, and g-d knows all former and future lives of a person, so dont say they dont deserve it. especially with muslims and their degrading moon or venus-cult of islam sticking their buns into the air. we all get what comes to us. so dont say innocent people, thats not true at all.
 do i even have to comment on this ? relax, the world is fine. its the news media that screws with ur head.
get real and get a POLSKAWEB annual subscription. throw out your tv and newspaper and just do it. now !
beate zschaepe was sophie scholl of the "white rose", in school they tell us she was an awesome heroine fighting against eeevil adi jiddler adn his sinister SS-hordes. turns out she was an actress too.
 rachel weisz the hollywood star also has some alters like all else.
 bilkay öney the turkish minister in Stuttgart, germany is also played by daughter of jürgen möllemann aka michel friedmann a bnai brith jewess... (im now gonna repeat the words bnai brith jews bnai brith jews bnai brith jews until these bimbos let me back into utah where their retarded jew governors and jew mayors and jew fakers run the show make some space for the awesome new ALF order...
 blablablabla booooooring..... who in the world is this troll ? i cant keep up the count, theres too many of em.
 mother of natasha kampusch is the queen or douchess of bavaria. or whatever she calls herself.
see if i now write "jew-cunt" the press rages in madness. jew biches never tolerate such treatment. but thats just what they are lieing thieving brainless cunts. their men degrade and debase every girl under heaven then jack off on their flappy lovelips 2 or 3 times in life to secure the awesome offspring. while screwing every chick in the entire country. i tell u what when we drive them to madagascar we gotta make shure theres enough wild pigs and boars there so they never come out of practice...
 remember camilla parker bowles the douchess of cornwall. played by jane fonda. i am very fond of her.
 willi brandt anyone ? christoph probst anyone ? who cares.. pass on the weed... playing double characters is not a crime when you´re a lodge member, but smoking pot is a deadly sin. call the cops already...
 who in the world is this bitch. i cant remember. download the pic and see for yourself. it says in the pic title or description.
 again joachim gauck aka james garner.prez of germania ha kara,
 desmond lewellyn  whom we all know from james bond movies also played klaus barbie the butcher of lyon. we can now see the entire NAZI history as we´ve been told is one big jew hoax. thats all theres to it.
if all folks knew what was going on this wouldnt be possible. but they cannot know since theyre under the base carnal world spirit. and dont even try to rise above. so they have to be satisfied with the carnal base jew government that runs their lives. dont think g-d is unfair in what he does he is not. everything is in its proper place. if it was too unfair he wouldnt let it happen.

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