Wednesday, November 14, 2012

demons are real....

 demons are very real. just because you cant see or feel them dont mean theyre not there. they´re there all the time, but we mostly only see their repercussions. much like the wind. and rightly so, it is written "he made the angels his ministers, flames of fire and winds"..   so the first image is called "grudge". and indeed demonic people have it hard to forgive completely. they hold a grudge, which destroys them slowly. forgiveness is not for the person you forgive, its a gift for you, so you can not be harmed by all the clowns who run around in this world full of heavy baggage (sin) that corrupt themselves and they need a savior (offering) to get rid of it.
if you run into a person who preaches all kinds of crap, but in reality keeps accusing you or talking down on you, in reality they prove that they have chosen YOU as their sin mediator because they see a more divine spark in you than themselves.
 also heresies come from demons. demons are masters in masquerading and impersonation (just as we see in this blog their human hetchlings do the same in the human arena). what do u think how much demons love to pretend they are the real christ. but we are warned many false christs will come and false pastors etc. see how 666nm from the temple mount stands this joke of a black cube (much like the black cube jews wear on the forehead which is also a symbol of saturn). enslaving muslims to their weird religion.
 many metal musicians are really demonically infested. with all the pagan names they give themselves, blakck clothing and weird handsigns. metal is childrens music. i only listened to it unto age 14. hehe. of course these people say "we´re just making fun". thats also a sign of satan. he never admits anything. he cant stand up for anything. he always shifts around. when called out goes to another place just to continue with his silly racket.
demons also like to attack in hordes the weakest of people. when you´ve been a christian minister for a while u will clearly see this. demons are cowards. they fell for lust of the flesh (sleeping with human women) and until today thats their no1 trademark. how easy is adultery and how hard to keep a marriage running and be faithful.
 then theres those people who say "since the christian church has done so much bad to the world, its better to worship nature, and be a wicca and a celtic druid". they meet on stonehenge and practic their solstices, and say "blessed be". and have ceremonies with a male and female priest, just like ancient pagans. i will probly go into detail soon in another post.
 demons cause greed and materialism. which is the sign that you hve no spiritual vision so u worship money as the only thing u see tangible or  being of any vlaue. this can be the greatest trap.
 check out this guy. how people can praise him for what he does is beyond me. always remember what peopel say is not merely their opinion. its the spirits that inhabit them speaking directly to you. when ou meet a holy person, g-d is directly speaking to you face to fdace. imagine that ! same goes for fallen people. so never ask, i wonder what the devil looks like. cause you´ve met him many times already and he talked right to your face, complete with grimaces, intonation and everything else...
 bedwetting in young children can be a bad sign. they might have some issues that need to be sorted out.
 politicians are a bunch of jewbags.
 atheists are god-deniers. the spirits that inhabit them have the best house. in our time and age where manifestations rarely occurr, atheists are the perfect vehicle for demons to work with. debating is useless it never leads to anything. you cant debate a spirit. only power drives him out. either u hve it or not.dont debate
 hitting, beating people. every sort of violence towards teh exterior or the wish to react in violence outwardly, ALWAYS i mean ALWAYS is due to violence inside your own soul. if u find everything offensive people say, the problem might be you. some worldviews adn philosophies people pursue today make them end up  sinning agains ttheir own divine spark within their own nature, then they want to exteriorize that.  go to jerusalem adn watch palestinians and jew kids. theres some nasty jew settler kids, but mostly jew kids are peaceful and tranquil and quiet. well educated while palestinian kids are brash, loud, callous and play with their toy guns. u can clearly see which nation is prepared for greatness adn which nation is base.
 bickering and women who cant keep their trap shut, or overly unemotional cold husbands. also a problem.
bickering and when u never can let things be is a demonic problem. satan ALWAYS ALWAYS wants to justify himself.
 drugs are peoples attempt to escape reality or overcover some underlying problem. living on the street i saw many people go to 10-step programs or AAA, but thats all just a prophylactic problem. the root problem is the division between g-d and mankind and the fall of man. u cant bridge that with AAA. its the hardest thing to submit to g-ds call. believe me. its hard. and once u made teh step, it feels different. g-d is like drug. he always wants more from you. like a fire. so u gotta tell him when its enough. its your right as a created being.
 whats this pic doing here ? it doesnt belong here...
 nasty children grimacing around, yelling, crying, throwing tantrums. u can clearly see what spirits their parents passed on to them. mostly parents say " the other kids are to blame", but thats not true. u can see how much g-d treasures the jews seeing he allows all those rich jew men to fornicate and live adulterous and carnal lives, which the gentile men of materialistic thinking then try to emanate (but of course cant do it on the same level). the curse of bastard children runs deep deep. they have deep emotional scars that cant be fixed often lifelong. thats because man chooses his own path within free agency given to him. most modern cultures have only 1-parent or single moms or no parents at all. i came from family with 10 kids. let me tell u it isnt much better either, hehe. different challenges.... :)
 adultery as portrayed in many movies...
 metal music and abuse of alcohol or other medications
 cults or sects with false messiahs who suffer from ejaculatia praecox (they came before the time). i clearly showed the divine timeframe, so u can calculate all the false prophets, including joseph smith, muhammad (most likely a jew) and many others.
 sorcery, is by its adherents called in different names. they feel estranged by christian bloody history and hypocrisy and turn to lower spirits to live with them, serve them and be served. make their rituals etc.
i will probly write some more in a different post. what they never realize is they serve the very spirits the christians try to battle. so its a constant up and down. this whole spiritual madness can really consume you.
gimme a break already... i need a magic lamp to put them all inside and get rid of them once and for all, hehe
 the rule of thumb is: the healthier a person, the more close to the source spirit, the more sickly or ugly or deformed, the more downtrodden and infested with lower spirits.  these lower spirits are purposefully tolerated by the creator g-d to tempt and test ALL MANKIND. those who refuse to learn fall intot he demonic trap again adn again. this is the rule of thumb, i dont claim it applies all the time. but many times.
this same principle you also see in entire nations, not just individuals. a nation can fall or rise by having an underlying doctrine or religion or philosophy.  just look at what all the lower nations worhsip and you will see why they have come to the place where they are at....
 channelling, fortune-telling, scrying, tarot, astrology, astral projection.... all mankind has been created with a lack and in search of a higher being. some foolish people believe that they can rule over spirits and make them their servants, and also beleive it is desirable to know all the future. this is stupidity. when the fortune telling spirits have u by the balls they suck u dry like a bear a honey jar. know your limits. i dont say all of the above is bad. i just say dont make it your main aim. this isnt good. when g-d cerated israel the nation he said "kill all witches", he wanted that so that he alone would be honored and sought after by the people, without mediator.
ok i dont need to comment about this. but rest assured. the holy people are not excempt from the divine rules, even tho sometimes they like to think so. ok this is a very bad picture to end with seeing jews get trashed so much in this blog, lets adda nother picture quuickly...

aaah such a fine teddy bear, now i can gladly close down the thread. i soon should start another blog about the posotive aspects of the jews, believe me theres just as much positive as negative about them. i criticize them only because i always aim high. the other nations are not comparable to them in any way. when u shoot a gun u gotta aim high, otherwise u shoot straight into the ground...

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