Wednesday, November 14, 2012

who was the prophet ezekiel ?

 who ws the prophet ezekiel ? he was one of the 3 major prophets, whose book never gets preached, praised or read in an entire flow (all chapters) by most people because they dont want to hear "negative stuff". this is lunacy. when u only read the good stuff u miss half the picture. compare hebrew music to celtic music. the celtic music is like baby music, always the same 3 or 5 chords. hebrew music is much deeper, its goes all the range from happy to sad in the blink of an eye, much more like real life. it is music of a higher order. so this dude zeke was born in exile upon age 30 where he was supposed to serve as priest in the temple (which he couldnt since he was in exile). he prophesied many weird things and saw divine visions liek the wheel within a wheel, and also predicted the siege of jerusalem and another exile (of the south country judah, which would end israel as a autonomous state for 70 yrs until the return of ezra(help) and nehemia(g-d has relented))
 some passages like about the armageddon war (chapter 38 and 39) are to be found only in his book. believe me the jews didnt just kill jesus they killed all their prophets. this guy probably included. it clearly shows u who has always been in charge on planet earth in every culture and time.
 here he sees the firewheel adn the throne and the 4beasts which i will describe further down.
 by the way my name in hebrew NT is not abbreviated (mark) but letter for letter (mem, resh, kuf, vav, samech) spelled out exactly like my RL name, markus. but that just by the way...
 ok what are those 4 beasts ezekiel saw ? most folks say its a vision of the complete universe, with the bull, lion, the man (aquarius) and thescorpio constellations (scorpio supposedly in earlier times was an eagle ??).
so ezekiel saw the glory of g-d.
 here again in this old mosaic u can see the same.
 here gagin the wheel within a wheel.
 ezekiel also saw the idolatry of the priests in jerusalem who had committed every form of egyptian and babylonian magic, idolatry, offering incense to the sun while bowing down to the east, the rising sun and sticking their butts into the air against g-ds temple in the west. similarly in freemasonic lodgerooms today, where people wear the edenic figleaf-apron in front of their wiener (hahaha) the "worshipful master" (dont call anybody master) sits in the east. all the people exposed in this blog dont just practice masonry, but bnai brith masonry, the jewish form of masonry.
again we see the soziac iwth the 4 beasts facing each other, bull, lion, man and eagle (scorpio)..

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