Wednesday, November 14, 2012

the greatest hoaxes in world history

 this is the only big bang youll ever need.
 this big bang is a complete hoax promoted by atheists, humanists, idiots and people who make money off their fancy doctorate with free student housing paid by daddy. complete lunacy.
 why does jew-cinematographer james cameron push the titanic shtik ? cause its a complete jewk. 
 the titanic and the carpathia (supposedly the ship that saved titanic survivors and brought them to the eastcoast of USA) were the same ship, they dumped 3 chimneys on the way, and got rid of several former identities like john jacob astor and many others. all this discovered by POLSKAWEB whom you should all support financially. quit your newspaper abo and throw the boobtube out and support them instead.
 easter (ishtar) is a christian festival. d´uh thats why we have eggs and rabbits involved, both pagan fertility symbols. what a joke. i bet the RCC was heavily involved as early as 1000yrs or longer ago in creating all this pagan claptrap. just like christmas (winter solstice and rebirth of sun) which is another pagan festival. dont believe me ask your local wicca or witch. they until today carefully follow all solstices which happen around the 20th of every winter/summer/spring/autumn.
 gilad shalit (i call him gilad shamlipp, haha) smells like another masonic hoax to me. i dont trust this whole masonic claptrap going on with ehud, bibi and all the other clowns there. that dont taste good to ALF. he suspects gilad shalit was only orchestrated, seeing also that bibi plays a HAMAS minister and all other palestinian government officials also are double characters. that alone disqualifies the whole thing.
 also mark famous israeli singer aviv geffen had his first great coming out and the "prophetic hit" livkhot lekha (to cry for you) just at the day jitzak rabbin was killed (most likely false flag). he is the son of famous singer jonatan geffen. is he also from illuminati family and was "made" that day to become a rising star ? most likely.
but i still like his songs, mostly the old ones. some really good material.
 u gotta work hard in school to get good grades to get a good job to send your kids to good schools to live in prosperity that they might have it better than you. this is a MANTRA IDIOTICALLY REPEATED BY IDIOTIC PARENTS, if you hve such parents move out at age 16, there is mor hope for a donkey or dog than for them..
 they do simply not realize that A the world works according to supply and demand and B everything works with relations, connections and family connections, and the worst thing that can hapen to you is working for a guy who has no personal relationship with you. that gives you the status of an ant, a number, a nothing. how do u think such an employer will treat you ? also as often proved in this blog the top positions are bookmarked already by the power elites for themsevles.
 thats pathetic. pathetic !! the greatest lie your parents ever told u.
 hell isnt real.purgatory is neither. selling  "indulgences" as in the middle ages to stupid pawns was just as much of a hoax of the catholic bishops of that time (most likely krypto jews). as proven before, the hebrew thought of "hell" is the burning eternal fire of lust and the old sinful nature, untouched by the higher g-dspirit. that is the only hell there ever will be.
 the holy spirit isnt real and doesnt work today. only an atheist or wiccan or pathetic person can say this. when you´ve been around in the right type of church for a handful of years you will see more undeniable proof than you can handle. healings, missing members, hands, legs being restored, short legs growing back into healthy long legs, demons being cast out making people scream arodun on the floor, people in jerusalem after the holy spirit falls walking around like drunken (remember book of acts at pentecost, people said "are they all drunk ?"), many more things. so this is clearly a lie if people say it isnt real.
 the greatest hoax of all probably, hehe.
 germans raping jewish women during holocaust. sniff sniff tears in my eyes. i almost believe it...
 children listen to your parents. thats stupid. often parents spirits are darkened through longtime adaptation to the corrupt world system. often children hve much better foreknowledge than us adults. seeing all the c rap going on today in society 10 yrs of parents demanding strict obedience (i had german parents), is a complete joke. also spanking kids is wrong. and shows parents have carnal issues. spanking should not be done cruelly. if you dont believe me read the book above.
 parents listen to your children, should be the better interpretation.
 watch bart sibrels movies and you´ll see that the moon landing is a hoax bare none. we never left near earth orbit (300miles orbit) and never will until in about 200 or 300 yrs technology as we know it will cease to exist as the idolatry of people worshipping their own minds to save themselves and make them godlike.
 sant clause is also a joke. i remember crying after realizing my parents had lied to me about santa clause. he was made red by a coca cola ad campaign beginning last century. this is pagan baloney nothing else.
demons arent real. yes demons are very real, how else yould stephen hawking the superduper atheist and astrosuperscientist look like a complete wreck in his wheelchair ? demons are bodyless spirits the remnants of the fall of the angels on mount hermon before the flood (book of enoch). they need bodies to possess. they are active in EVERY HUMAN but mostly love depraved, weak, idolatrous people. they also love sexual activity and carnal pleasures.
 you need money to live. no you dont. all countries on earth have a social system that takes care of its poor. even if its very bad. surviving you can everywhere. believe me i´ve tested it, even if only in the US where the homeless are spoiled (compared to other places). but in old times mammon was considered a demon entity and greed the feeling attached to it. today where people pelieve in atheism, greed is declared a virtue.
 the christmas tree as described in jeremiah (10:3-6) is a pagan joke. fitting for the joke of celebrating christmas on winter solstice.
 hitler will never go to heaven but is in hell. both wrong. his comic books are today in every child´sbookshelf and he probably has re-incarnated already as a better person u will ever be. just because g-d gives the jew more power than the other nations, and they have a different role to play and are hindered from accessing christinaity doesnt mean they wont be there at the shabbos party. more power also goes along with more responsibility.
 the mythbusters are there to bust myths.... LOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL quite the opposite. these jews are here to keep the jew myths alive and make a killing doing it.  they also said moon landing was real... loons..
i do a holy deed by going to church like this fancy cathedral.. quite the opposite. the people there are mostly carnal christians, dead believers. the pastor most likely a fancy jew or uppity goy with nice flashy car, 2 kids, houswive and 2 mistresses. the cathedral stands on an ancient celtic offering place, a leyline or other place of significance. so whats the biggie about it ? stop lieing to yourself.

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