Monday, September 19, 2022

LDS INC. - Astronaut Jake Garn is profit Russell M. Nelson





The scale for space sickness is named after him. i would rate the level of spiritual discernment for the average mormon 1 Garn. But they're not better or worse than all other people in other mass religions. All run by part-time saints who excell at speeches. Beneath a thin veneer of religious fluff is always tons and tons of tight organization, ulterior motives, a few very powerful spells and most of all.. the PYRAMID meaning SODOMY. Lots and lots of it. No, not the cute type of some muscled surfer boy and an asian busty lady. We're talking two grown men humping each other like toads. This is the true power behind all this make believe crap. Its been going on FOREVER and these people believe THEY OWN THIS PLACE. If you come too close to 'em they'll put you in jail. This man makes a rather positive impression on me in his aviation alter. LDS Inc. Is full of astronauts, aviation czars and pilots, like Dieter F. Uchtdorf. In about 140 yrs (give or take) with the age of aquarius, a new religion will replace all christian creeds, the new testament will then be the old, it'll be time for something new. Entity prime will support it, the pimps will preach it, the actors act it out, the masses will believe it. Rule of thumb for religion.. never change your life if it works for you, and if it ain't broke don't try to fix it. One aeon or age is 2160 yrs so we're not there yet, lots of work left to do and no reason to go fullout gay and start humping each other like frogs.


Here is your homework for today. Go watch a video of hotwife molly mormon. Then go look at Wendy, the wife of Russell M. Nelson. 


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