Monday, September 19, 2022

How many people are professional actors. A very tiny amount


Remember that these numbers aren't even true due to the many many doubles and multiples. You won't be accepted in film school ( same as me in Stuttgart 2001) cause all available spots are reserved for the kids of crooks, to push some new low profile acting alter, worming their way into your head with cringy short films and avant-garde film school projects. lets see some numbers..


In the US (which is crawling with actors and film production) there's still officially only around 300K actors for a population of 330 million. In reality you can split those 300K by a number between 3 and 6 and probably still be too high. This tiny amount of people is defining your reality. Your matrix. You pay them. You adore them. But don't know anything about them. 

This is from another website. Same ballpark figure.

Germany  the greatest european market, has around 2000 professional stage actors for a population of over 84 million souls. Tv and features not accounted for. This number is also too high. Some are noob actors, used as decoys to hide behind for real actors who shapeshift a lot.

This site sez 5000 theatre actors are in germany as of today. Its hard to define 'actor' here cause its not a regulated profession in Momma Merkel's rainbow republic, the salafist califate of JEWMONEY.  Anyone can claim the title 'actor' here.


So when you say "you're all nuts, they could never pull this off, go get a tinfoil hat" the joke is really on you. I know you never listen to me. You rather sit in the cold and warm your hands with a candle. Like all good hamsters do. Everything you've done to me. You'll have it on your serving tray. Same pills. Same thrills. Same service.
You just got a bit of extra time cause i haven't managed to get my ass stateside yet. I'm not much of a beggar, but also hate to end up in handcuffs. Playing a felon is vastly different than being branded a felon. But i know good hamsters like you will never go to a cell. You're just too good at eating actor poop. 


Man reiche mir die Kotztüte..


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