Saturday, April 16, 2022

Nicole Mout is a troll


The internet has become an absolute joke. 10 yrs ago nobody could have predicted that it would ever get this bad. Right now theres many essential websites that i can't view anymore. Both american, russian, and even some israeli oldies on youtube are blocked. Never used a VPN and not planning to. daily stormer i couldnt read in months. In december 2021 i translated around 20 or so X rated comics cause the english translation just sucked so bad, it just had to be done. Worked on it for 3 weeks, then the day i wanted to upload them all, the website (imagefap) was banned by the provider. So be advised. If you challenge the forces that rule, it doesnt matter what you do, be it sacred or profane, they will still fuck your shit up any way they can. I never released anything high profile in all my life, be it music, audiobooks or videos. 


Sorry i'm rambling again. All i wanted to say. The profile NICOLE MOUT on the facebook group 'ROYAL ACTORS DESTROY HUMANITY' Is a troll account. Save your time. Ignore her pictures. And what she writes. Don't squander your most precious resource. TIME. Or i promise she's gonna take you for a ride.

Trolls are EVERYWHERE. Expose them and ignore them. They are more evil than the actors they protect. Don't go to big protest rallies. ALL of them are organized by actor trolls posing as 'concerned citizens'.

Oh, and don't try to turn 'Normies'. They prefer the Matrix and will not turn. 



I told you war would come. Now it is here. I told you east and west would be divided in two separate power blocks. Now it has happened. Every single virologist you see on tv is a crook and actor. The bible says the rebuke of a friend is better than the smooth talk of an enemy. Your geatest enemy is the people you pay taxes to, and look up to for guidance. You chant their stupid slogans as you destroy yourself "together we can do it". You don't question them dumping brown people in europe in hordes, their virus hoax and fag agenda. Because they have bewitched you, and make you hate the only people that don't wanna watch you descend further and further as a soul. I never lied to you on purpose. I apologize if i made mistakes, it was not intentional.


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