Thursday, April 14, 2022

I only bought 4 video games in my life


I only bought 4 videogames in my life. I game only on pc. Never owned a console and probly never will. How can people play on these things. Shooting is sloppy. My gpu is still an old gtx 660 TI, and unless i really have to i won't get a new rig, yet. New games coming out aren't as good anymore, with few exceptions.

I Bought Call of duty II, 8 years after it came out. It took 2,5yrs to get it to run. This year i bought Assassins creed origins and odyssey, both outstanding games for histery nerds in their own right. And great for brushing up on some of your languages, using foreign language subtitles. The foreign language audio is not available cause the dvd version i bought does not run unless you activate it online. But i no longer have home internet. So i had to torrent both games for the 2nd time, and they ran without problems.

1 week ago i bought gta V to play through again in another language. Same problem. Activation impossible. 

I'd much rather create my own games than play the games of others, but if you followed my blog you know that the gaming industry is run by the same people as the movie industry. It takes a big team, solid funding, and quite some time to make a good game.

In my early 40s i'm a bit old for games. I often rather lie on the floor and just think. Also i like to sleep a lot. I think in recent months and years, the time spent in sleep was the most gratifying time i had. When i wake up, its like my soul has been washed clean.


You think i'm just a raging neckbeard for saying everything this spoiled generation produces is trash compared to the generation prior. Look at the game below. How much hype they made about it, even connected donations. now they ruined it with crappy voice acting.  Kids now consider 1080px too low a resolution to enjoy a game. They want 4K monitors and super fast video cards. Its all useless if a civilization, meaning the people have lost their spiritual excellence and the spark of the divine. Generation gay can't deliver, oy vey. The gay-porn-tier voice acting is so bad it couldn't scare a hamster. And its supposed to be a police game.



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