remember this man... that was rainer bruederle aka jonathan pryce, aka pope francis (the present pope)... now look at this...
thats mathew festing, chief master of the knights of malta... and when you put him up agaisnt bruederle, he is revealed as not being an englishman, but rather the same guy as mentioned above... so the whole power agian concentrated in one history, mostly they picked italian names when they put on the robe with the templar´s cross (aka octagon aka mother-goddess-shape).. just like they do when they play the pope...otherwise it would be unfair...evry nation should have something to be proud of...even the italians who otherwise only have berlusconi *irony*
traditionally during the crusades, they set up hospitals for wounded knights or tired pilgrims on strategic locations...even today the "johanniter" or "malteser" (along with the red cross, founded much later) are the ones that arrive, sirens & redlights blaring, at the scene of any accident, carcrash or when your house is on fire... they still are connected with the holy see.. i checked on google earth, and malta lies pretty straight on a line from jerusalem to gibraltar, and almost right in between...there must be some geomantic importance to that place, what do i know..
and also those stories of hugh de payens and jacques demolay, those templar icons of olde, they were only the templar identities for the kings who reigned during that time...since hermetic power is a must before you can wield any mundane power as king, emperor etc...
so here february this year he was still paying "audience" to the pope, but actually we can see he´s probably more powerful than the little guy, pope benedict (robert blake), who later decided to quit after getting busted by Dallas Goldbug...its obvious that the pope is only a figurehead...nothing else..
here a little bit about the "ritterorden"... i should stop dissing jimbo´s wikipedia seeing i use it with such reckless abandon....
below you can see george washington´s identity as chief of the knights of malta during his time..
he called himself "giovanni battista tommasi"... becoming grand master, you stay in office for life..
these are the creepy tall old men, that make shure evrythings kept in check, and the newbies and young recruits are staying "on the square"...
here again washington´s composer alter, joseph haydn... and the face is exactly the same... same man...
Joseph II also portrayed Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati. He also portrayed George III at the same time. All in the family.