Wednesday, August 21, 2013

ANCIENT HISTORY --- king nebukadnezzar II

the power of ages hasnt changed, and people who ruled the world throughout history always had a separate name for each of their exploits, be it sculptor, judge, general, captain at sea or poet and writer...also seemingly opposing empires have always been run by the same aristocracy enabled by the mysteries, so it is no wonder that i discovered who king nebukadnezzar II, most famous of all the neo-babylonian kings also is...(yes, the one described in the book of daniel, who received the vision of the big statue, of gold, silver, iron and feet of clay)...
 we only know his name today because he wasnt a mere craftsman, citizen or peasant, but took part in the elysian mysteries, who had been well established in Hellas, by the time he was born...only through those mysteries and "shushu kishuff" did he grow into power, like in the case of albert pike, george washington, or any of the other big players we have looked at so far... power is never a coincidence..spirits give power to men, but in return ask their favours, and having big buildings erected for their glory...nebukadnezzar built eg. the hanging gardens of semiramis...he built the ishtar gate, which today has been restored and is up for display in a museum in berlin...
 the 7 ancient world wonders were all built by a small pool of hermetically enabled men, and dedicated to the 7 planetary deities...there is not a shroud of doubt in my head that Nebukadnezzar had jewish blood in his veins, for he lived way after the original blessing given to jacob... (genesis 49) was also a long time after nimrod and his wife had started the first "Shushu Kishuff"-cult in babylon, where they had built the first global empire in akkad / kalne in the plain of shinar...
 but we wanted to talk about nebukadnezzar, and his other names he used when he worked in yet another bustling region of the globe at that time, asia minor and greece...Thales of Milet, is said to have been born in Miletus, todays western Turkey, and was a mathematician. we all know his name from school where we learn algebra and the "thales-circle"...and that a triangle inside a semi-circle always has a right angle...we can see how crucial geometry, and astronomy are for the lower energy...even the masons today have circle +compass on their insignia...make no mistake all those men of reknown of old had alters as philosophers, statesmen, generals as well as poets, musicians etc...
 thats why this same man, who is easily recognized by his remarkably straight nose that leads right into the forehead, was also Solon, the famous greek statesman... all 3 were the same guy, and also look exactly the same on each bust or statue you can find... by the time he lived, greece had reached a formidable level of culture, thats why when you go to a museum nearby, and compare classical greek artwork to celtic material, or even some middle-age stuff, it looks far more detailed and finely we can rely on the evidence we have, since in later ages restaurateurs and arts-lovers spent entire lifetimes in restoring and preserving what they had received from their forefathers...(same goes for history books, manetho, josephus etc.)
 of course like evry time, i could write entire books on the exploits of each separate character, but here we can only give a short summary, not go into details...
 since my name is א and I drive an oldsmobile "omega", its not hard to figure this stuff out... in fact after a while it becomes quite routine...
 you will also realize these men never rested in one place, but were constantly travelling abroad...classic greece was made up of city states anyway, and people had to be on the ships, or on horsecarriage... it wouldnt have been a problem for this man to act one year in mesopotamia, the next 3 years in athens, then back to milet for a couple of months,  for a homecoming where he greeted "his" people... and besides that he probably used other names as well..remember satan never stays in one spot but is "roaming throughout the earth, walking to and fro therein"...and such it is until today...
 for him having some sort of jewish or hebraic blessing, getting a bunch of pagan greeks to be his fanclub was not a big challenge... just like water easily runs down a mountain brook or river, to go from higher energy to lower, is always cheesy peasy...
 so this was the famous king mentioned in the book of the bible-thumpers will complain "he could not have been solon & thales, because the bible says he was only ONE man"... to that i reply... the bible is written for a large audience....and all those rulers legally represent the states and nations they are set g-d is not lieing to us...he also prophesied alexander´s empire would be split in 4 pieces, and 4 diffrent rulers (seleucids, ptolemys etc.)...when in fact some of those as well must have been identical...but the bible is not written for the purpose to make you a master prophet or illuminatus, its written to tell g-ds story and interaction with mankind, and for that purpose, everythings written properly...can you now see why g-d never wanted a king to rule over the israelites like all other nations ? can you see the global system of babylonian magic, that you have to buy into, when you start with the royal gambit ? thats why he wanted the original theocracy to last as long as possible, where he said "I will be your king alone"......he wanted them to stay on the higher road, the transcendental level, not sink down to the material plane, with astrology, geometry and philosophy...
 look at the two noses and two foreheads, this clearly is the same man... then look at the mouth and noseflaps, also the same for both...and the eyes as well.....identical ! even back in those days, forging a big beard, and glueing it to your chin with tree sap was probably quite those kings etc. always sit unaccessible like the pope, 4 stories high in their palace, as a normal farmer or worker you have no access.. so this whole game is really easy to play..
 thales of milet, the mathematician, is solon, the greek statesman and politician, and also was king nebukadnezzar...this means that we now have a focal point from which we can look for more matches in close famly....for this period in history...
and since nebukadnezzar II was the first neo-babylonian ruler, what does this tell us about his father, nabopolassar ? suspishuss, suspishuss...
 just like in the case of dareios III and philipp II of macedon, he had also merely switched his beard, his big hat, and his accent, and went from assyrian sternfaced warrior-king to a somewhat more educated and sophisticated babylonian aristocrat... he had ruled in assyria as "ashurbanipal", and when the empire fell, he continued on as nabopolassar, with his royal bloodline not losing any power...just in case you care, the book of jona (the man who had spent 3 days inside a whale), and also nahum (another minor prophet) both deal with the fall of ninive... and the assyrian empire...since it was a cruel military machine the assyrians (like the modern nazis) didnt last very long, but were soon removed from power...keep in mind how big these populations already were, since on waterways great growth is possible...the city was said to be so big it took 3 days to travel through..
so this was another find from ancient history... we really need to think about how to start a wiki or genealogical tree get some structure into all this... i cant just help but look at the lineage of the Tudors, Habsburgs, de Medicis, and have constantly and CONASTANTLY the same faces grinning at me...


funny enough i just found this thread finished, only 4 hours later to find yet another exact match for the same man, he also was one of rome´s early etruscan kings...rome was supposedly founded by the twins romulus and remus, who drank milk from the wolfmother´s breasts... have you ever heard a more silly fairytale in your life ? directly taken from astrology and some "shushu kishuff" instructional , pulled from sorcerer merlin´s ebony shelf in his private library on camelot... look at the face, thats again the same man..


Early Roman Kings Ringtone  Early Roman Kings Ringtone
"Early Roman Kings"

All the early Roman kings
In their sharkskin suits
Bow ties and buttons
High top boots
Drivin' the spikes in
Blazin' the rails
Nailed in their coffins
In top hats and tails
Fly away, little bird
Fly away, flap your wings
Fly by night
Like the early Roman kings

All the early roman kings
In the early early morn
Coming down the mountain
Distributing the corn
Speeding through the forest
Racing down the track
You try to get away
They drag you back
Tomorrow is Friday
We'll see what it brings
Everybody's talking
Bout the early roman kings

They're peddlers and they're meddlers
They buy and they sell
They destroyed your city
They'll destroy you as well
They're lecherous and treacherous
Hell-bent for leather
Each of 'em bigger
Than all them put together
Sluggers and muggers
Wearing fancy gold rings
All the women goin' crazy
For the early Roman kings

I can dress up your wounds
With a blood-clotted rag
I ain't afraid to make love
To a bitch or a hag
If you see me comin'
And you're standing there
Wave your handkerchief
In the air
I ain't dead yet
Ma Bell still rings
I keep my fingers crossed
Like them early roman kings

I can strip you of life
Strip you of breath
Ship you down
To the house of death
One day
You will ask for me
There'll be no one else
That you'll wanna see
Bring down my fiddle
Tune up my strings
I'm gonna break it wide open
Like the early roman kings

I was up on black mountain
The day Detroit fell
They killed 'em all off
And they sent 'em to hell
Ding dong daddy
You're coming up short
Gonna put you on trial
In a Sicilian court
I've had my fun
I've had my flings
Gonna shake em all down
Like the early roman kings

 **CLICK HERE** -->to watch a video about servius tullius & early rome

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