Wednesday, August 28, 2013

the famly of explorers with the iron will to succeed...

remember the guy who has achieved evrything in life, super rich, happy famly, great teeth, and now tries to reach to space with his weirdo spaceship, covered in a gigantic Eye symbol ? his name is sir richard branson...dallas (ed chiarini) has him being the same guy as david icke... but lets look at who he is as well... the most famous name in mountaineering, having reached evry peak of fame in the entire himalayas... you wonder how he could come up with the funds for all these material-intensive expeditions... well remember his company is named "virgin"...again mother-goddess-worship... if nothing else works, this will do the trick..
 Reinhold Messner, first man to climb all 14 peaks above 8000 meters, is none other than Sir Richard Branson... you can tell by the constant grin, showing his immaculate teeth... if this guy was dropped of on a solitary island  with nothing but a blade, some matches and a small tent, he would still try to compete with the aborigines, until he has won evry single contest (spear-chucking, hunting crocodiles or what-do-i-know..)
 i dont know where his strong sense for competition derives from... childage abandonment issues, a brother he competed with, i dont know... probably it also has a good side to it... without people willing to compete, the world would be plain we have to see both sides of the coin...
 of course the story of his bro gunther messner dieing at nanga parbat, is a lie... we all know that...
 now you´ll see some of the larger famly, all of these men were extroardinary moutnaineers, explorers, as well as entrepreneurs that knew how to take care of their finances... so the apple doesnt fall far from the tree...its obvious all 3 are direct blood, wether hardy krüger jr. and messner are brothers or son/father i havent figured out... but vivian fuchs must be the grandad...
 his wife calls herself "demeter", ancient roman fertility goddess... again the tapping into ancient ancient energies to get the job done..
 and see how similar the ears are, but obviously diffrent nose of hardy kruger, and messner alias branson...
 here again the short specs... so this man reminds me strongly of the ancient british kings, we will elaborate soon in diffrent threads... look at the perfect teeth, the long waving hair... remember these men also wore a cloak of christianity, but deep inside partook of all the sinister rites necessary to gain power and stick with it.. remember they all had alters and were the grand masters of the middleage orders (malteser, german knights, templars)...
 so reinhold messner is sir richard branson...a man that has conquered evrything on earth at some point has to go to space, there is no other option...
 ok enough of ripping this guy, he was the first to climb so many moutnains, crawl around on the north pole etc... lets leave him alone.. we have so much more material to deal with...
 i just dont like these entrepreneur type of people, cause when you come from bluecollar background with generations of bowing to these "boss" types with their silly lawschool degrees, PH.D´s etc... at some point it just stops being funny...
 so again here the data...
hardy krüger and vivian fuchs...
remember messner also made an arctic expedition with a guy named "arved fuchs"... so thats not a far stretch..not at all..

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