we´re now going into the famous family of musicians, evolving around baroque super-composer Johann Sebastian Bach.. not only were he and his wife royals, the also had over 10 children, and are interrelated with the american Penn family who founded Pennsylvania..as well as many other people... i worked on the Bach famly the entire day yesterday, but now need to get them off my screen to have space for more... I still havent uploaded the Medici people, and have more on the middle ages + the ancient greeks and romans, so lets keep it structured so you can follow... first of all (important !), a concise list for you to print out...
ok this list is important....i worked on it many hours. better drag+drop it onto your desktop...
this one you need too... just drag+drop it.. helps you keep the oversight for the next 10 or so threads..
our first bach character is captain giles Penn (1573-1656).. he is identical to Johannes Hans Bach, an ancestor of JS Bach... (whenever from now on i refer to "Bach" you know i´m talking about him, for he is the centerpiece of the whole clan IMHO)
these people, the early bachs, are the same people who founded pennsylvania under diffrent identities, mostly from the Penn family..
continuing on...
Im hooked.