Saturday, August 17, 2013


the above video is a collection of paintings of the most famous german painter of the renaissance (late middle ages)... his name is lucas cranach the elder... we all have heard about him in our class on " l´historire des belles arts"... or in german "kunsthistorik" (meaning history of the arts)...
 but what again his hidden in plain sight, is that lukas kranach is again the same man as martin luther, and alters.... above you see cranach himself portrayed by albrecht Dürer...who according to our research would be his uncle...frederic...but since these royals all throughout times have often swapped their kids among each other(for diffrent purposes) and raised them within the larger context of their uncles or in-laws, and since also luther looks much more like frederic the wise, than his official father hans, it might well be that here actually the father painted his own son... (that would mean that luther probly was RL son of frederic the wise, not erasmus)...
 martin luther is never pictured as an older man, but often in his 30s or 40s... and kranach in return is typically portrayed at around age 60 with long white beard... but both have the same features, intense eyebrows, and must be identical...
 i first thought tit would be "hans cranach" another son of kranach the elder, but was mistaken...hans kranach therefore must be the son of martin luther or kranach the elder.. his supposed early death again a "bubbe-meyze" (fairytale)
 here the wikipedia for cranach the elder..
 its so obvious since the whole cranach clan constantly hung around in lutherstadt wittenberg, where luther also lived large parts of his days... so they didnt even have to travel around so much , but could pull off their shtik all in one place... as you can see above, my authentic reformer hat, made of finest linen and silk by english weavers, gives me the necessary authority to bust one of the greatest, if not the greatest figure of the late middle ages...there is simply not a school on the face of the planet, where children dont hear about his story, how he defied the pope (in reality probly one of his buddies)...and translated the old testament within 3 years, sitting on the "wartburg" under his pseudonym "junker joerg"...but any tanakh scholar or rabbi can tell you, you cant simply teach yourself hebrew and translate the pentateuch in such a short amout of time...he must have been fluent in that language already for years...
 the hat-trick as well as the beard-trick.... they just work evry time... dont they...
 so cranach the elder therefore was the "artist" alter of luther...
 funny enough they called cranach´s wife "barbara-bring-a-beer"... we all know luther was famous for his drinking, relying of g-ds grace to forgive him later.. (see MARTIN LUTHER EXPOSED --part 2, about "auerbach´s cellar")
you think I am done yet ? well, almost... there is one more thread on the luther clan, before we can put it aside and look at the other conquistadores.. (remember all these people mentioned here also had alters as seafarers, i just havent found them yet...)

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