Saturday, August 17, 2013
MARTIN LUTHER REVEALED --- part 6 -- hans im glück
this man in my language is called "Erasmus von Rotterdam" or simply "Erasmus".... we all have heard it before, being former university students who travelled abroad for a semester or two, with the student exchange program named in his honour... in english however his name is "Desiderius" or "Desiderius Erasmus"... all names are the same, and this man is also identical with Hans Luther, father of martin luther, the royal prince from the house of hohenzollern. we can see above hans luther is always shown as an old man, looking slightly diffrent, while erasmus, a younger man, wears his hat, all ready to teach another lecture on humanism, and that all those reformers are completely crazy... (while he himself also must have had at least 1 reformer identity, as well as a "conquistador", but i havent found that yet...)...
his artist alter however i have dug out, and he is hans dürer, brother of famous painter albrecht dürer...(who also was christopher columbus... YES THAT COLUMBUS, the discoverer of america..) you see, world history is actually shaped by a very small pool of people... this means that Johann Cicero alias Hans Duerer alias hans luther, was the royal brother of frederic III the wise, a saxonian royal who is credited with having the largest collection of reliquia (over 19 000, to be precise)... he was played in the "luther" movie by sir peter ustinov... so hans and albrecht duerer, the painters of impeccable stroke, whose pictures are still in museums today, were in fact royal brothers of hohenzollern bloodline...thats why they could paint these awesome painting, they had both the time, the money and the muse (and the best teachers)... to excell in their craft...
again i posted the list, just in case any of my potential readers is mentally retarded, has dyslexia, or is blessed (like me) with a short memory...
the hair easily gives it away, that Albrecht Duerer in fact is Frederic III...same taste in funky hats, same signature red curly hair, same stare, even tho they´re painted with a diffrent nose in both pics...these men are identical..and brother (right side) hans luther...
but we´re not done yet...
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