Saturday, August 31, 2013

CHRISTIAN ENTERTAINMENT IS A JEW-GIG --- third day & albert frey

i remember during my SBS at ywam denver 2005, we had a special week where we would turn one of the rooms of the base into a super-spooky feel-good place, a sort of basilica or "shrine of visitation" adorning it with artwork, incense, nice comfy cushions, and playing soft music in the background....when i first entered that place it was a really special and holy experience... we also had a blackboard where we could leave anonymous notes to ask g-d for things or leave the music they played in this room was of a band called "third day", and just like countless other christian bands before (amy grant, petra, keith green etc..) they were at the peak of success in that market and really well produced... especially the singer left a deep impression on me...
 back then i didnt know as of yet who he really is... but today i can see a bit more clear...
 but look at these ears and tell me wether i snuffed too much incense, or am still in control of my senses ?
 this must be again the same guy...the "Reamonn" singer... and brother of stefan raab alias axl rose..
 remember what i wrote in his thread, about the ancient celtic warrior kings.. in the meantime i have a separate folder for merowingian / visigoth and ostrogoth kings from the time of the byzantine empire, and its constantly growing... i already identified merowech, founder of the merowingian dynasty...and countless more...
 so all the stuff i´m treating here is so easy to find... in comparison...since we have perfect pictures, videos and their voice on youtube...
 with that beard, this guy could take lead cast in evry jesus-movie, hands down...
 bithdays match up neatly, since its the same individual... and so i keep ripping em, for "playing christian"... but probably thats a bit unfair... since they´re of jewish blood they can´t live regular mundane lives like us...but contribute so much to our christian fact without them this culture would be nonexisting..
 tears dont lie.... but ears dont lie either....
 if you´re in mood for hunting some more big game, take a peek at this list of the "Reamonn" clan...
 many of these people you can meet at the big festivals they play regularly, be it soul survivor in bath, england, the "christival" in germany, or the "kirchentag"...where they get hyped into the posterchildren of christen entertainers.... the kids have heroes that record prime music and yet are approachable, write autographs or have smalltalk, and lecture on instruments or hold scripture study.... so its up to the kid to decide wether it puts toby mac posters in his room, or death metal & gangsta rap...
 but ultimately the same people are gonna end up on all these posters anyway, hehe.... even if you still dont wanna trust your good uncle ALF...
 then simply trust in the biometry... for chrissakes...
 oops now i almost forgot to show also his german worship alter... looks a bit diffrent to his "mac powell" character from "third day"... but also a stately appearance... in fact they pattern him after the "king" stereotype, so you see i wasnt so incredibly off with my first thread that i wrote on him few days ago...
 albert frey, perceived husband of andrea-adams-frey...of course not really married...
 you bet they are, and when they´re done entertaining, they are free to do the most un-christian things you can possibly wrap yer head around, since their "CCM"-alter is only a character they can put on+off like a mask... (in fact it is a mask...they are condemned to shine+burn like icarus)
 remember lucifer, whose "shushu religion" they practice, followed the exact same pattern... great glory, paired with great undoing... but of course he himself is not aware of these things, he never learned and never intends to learn, either... and this lifestyle both glorious and fatal, is what the stars have parceled out for them...
 line em up, bust em, cuff em, cart´ em to the intake of the extragalactic ALF penitentiary...
 ich bin so frey....
 i could start an entire blog on CCM alone, but dont wanna commit the time+energy...
 thats the reason why you stand a good chance of giving up your guitar for a solid 2 or 3 yrs before you can get even halfway serious with the G-man dude... he needs first to take you out of the spiderwebs of popular delusions, to give you the mountaintop view on how things are...
 skulls the same...
 and heres the older bro, our entertainer with the constant grin... but dont forget, thats often not all these folks are like... they have deeper emotions than ripping constant jokes.. but when the camera´s rolling they need to get going... otherwise their program gets cancelled and the other guy gets his chance...
ok now on to more christian *cough* entertainment... or should i tell the story instead how they started to bring in the clowns during the ymca-festival.... i better spare you the details...

NEXT !!!

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