Saturday, August 31, 2013


ok now lets dive right into the CCM sharkpool, no we cant bust all of them on a single day, larry norman, petra, stryper, whitecross, DC talk, toby mac, judy bailey... there are still a whole bunch of names i havent figured out, but how much can you do in so little time...lets be patient...
 remember madame maischberger, german talkshow anchor...look at this eye !... why did she put off her mikva-robe and let her siddur gather dust on the shelf... well she did it just for our terrestrial pleasure, since she also has (how practical) a christian alter, solely to sell christian music to christian audience, just like her mother, grandmother, and grandgrandmother before.... probably as far back as maria magdalene... or was it again holy hanna of haut-de-la-garenne.. i dont know... but lets look at some more pics...
 here with "husband" *cough* albert frey... whom we will adress next thread....look at the signature eye..
 here some wikipedia... who says jimbo´s database wasn´t worth its salt ? it provides great entertainment for ALF and his extragalactic blog...
 look at mouth, nose, eyes and brows...
 i could tell so many anecdotes of christian entertainment, how my parents sent us to evangelical retreats during vacations, or on YMCA-camps to go hiking, skiing or rock-climbing... if the camp was by a secular group, they mostly wouldnt send us there...
 and it goes even further back... my maternal grandparents, go to their bible-lecture meeting twice a week now for 40+ years... in all this time they hardly missed a single event... just celebrated their diamond wedding or was it gold, i simply forgot...
 my larger famly has so many members they dont even fit on a single photograph.... and thats maternal vs. paternal need a whole photo album...
 what do you think how much money they make from the christian sector only, not even including their secular media alters, plus all the soft+hardcore stuff they shoot as well ?
 ok but lets stay focused... same eye...same brow...
 and the teeth are the smoking gun... want to know which punami this cheeky girl climbed out from, i give you a hint, take the search engine of your choice and type "bella abzug" into the bar...then hit enter and lean back in astonishment...
 the area between eyes and nose especially is also a good hint... the parents and GP of these people have founded all the great missions movements in any european country... and many of the adorable childrens-music, LP´s and old casettes my whole famly has listened to for all these years, was all RECORDED BY THEM... sometimes truth is stranger than fiction...
 even the very old ones, dusting away on my grandparents shelves... the whole centers like liebenzell, brake, wetzlar, the big outlets like ERF (evangeliums rundfunk), the schulte+gerth media company, its all these guys that run it...
remember "maische" is a german word for a sort of fruit melangee thats a byproduct of beer breweries... now i dont know what that beers gonna taste like... lets continue on... theres much more...

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