Thursday, March 14, 2013

the catholic church nearby....

lately i´ve been mentioning "the two babylons" several times, an awesome book that shows how all religions on earth throughout history are connected, and also how the languages are connected. i now uploaded the ENTIRE thing as an audiobook onto my youtube channel, just type my name into the search bar there..if you´re lazy i also recorded the glossary of names and symbols, which take only 30 minutes and 7 minutes to watch. really good stuff, go check it out ! 

ok so we can see today this babylon mystery religion still alive and practiced all throughout the earth in counterfeit form.. people think they´re praising g-d when in fact they do 90% paganism only wrapped in a nice christian coat.. i mentioned that before. so as i got up today at 4 PM, i imediately grabbed my old trusted 2megapixel camera, some batteries and grabbed a bike to ride to our neighboring village ( Etzenrot) to get some shots, and proofcheck if the whole symbology thing of Alexander Hislops book is in fact true.

 thats what the catholic church in Etzenrot looks like when its packed, on a mayor holyday like good friday, pentecost,  easter or christmas...
 another pic from the internet. we can see this church is used throughout the year regularly by a good crowd. churches like this might be in the ten-thousands in my country alone, and other countries just as many.. Etzenrot is a typical small village.. break out the calculator, get the population of germany (around 80million), then figure out how many catholics there are, and how many people still live in rural areas.. now you can about calculate how many churches like this are in the entire country.
 ok this is the church as you see it when you drive up the "Albtal" to our village. you see it towering above the empty little slope, you cant miss it. ( i still wonder why noone has built a skilift and funpark for snowboarders here ? along with a snow cannon this would be the perfect nearby resort for all Karlsruher kids)
 ok now here we are with my actual pics. this G-man stands north side of the village, near the soccer stadium. we know from A. Hislop the cross is a pagan prechristian symbol and used throughout many cultures, probly jesus was even hangin on a Tau cross, we dont know exactly.
 the sun was very ruddy and just about going down i had to hurry to get my shots and have enough light.. here we can see how tiny the houses actually are that the germans live in crowdidly packed in their villages..mostly simple constructions, nothing fancy, and their bikes+cars packed in rediculously tiny garages that it takes 5 minutes to park into without scratching yer car....
 checked out the village several times before, so i knows the spots of importance. here a handshake portrayed at the townhall. handshake defo a masonic sign.. once rang up their office and asked wether it was legal to use a metal detector in the area. of course they said it was totally illegal... i shouldnt have bothered asking, in this country, everythings illegal...
 ok lets stop ranting, its not gonna make things better.. so here we are at the church.. we can see the G-man hovering above the entrance. if we look a bit closer... we can see...
 no, not the door, thats just regular artwork with metal plates of biblical stories... look above...
 no, not besides the entrance, thats just the regular charity work they do....
 here check out the sacred heart, the Bulla, right at the chest of the G-man... even before we have entered the building we already found one of the ancient symbols.... lets continue on...
 outside theres a little war memorial... seeing that hitler and his buddies played the popes during WW2, and german bishops saluted him with the hitler-salute during the munich olympics, its obvious that the whole gig is firmly intertwined. the symbols used in the masonic wars on the vehihcles, on uniforms, or on buildings, show that the same hand that feeds you your mundane culture, also brings you your mundane death in a grave in verdun, crete, stalingrad or some other place. since in the wars all officers and generals are masons, and can have you run or drive around on exactly the routes that they want..

 this pics supposed to be one step further down, but anyway they built a catholic "Kindergarten" right next to church, so we see how everythings connected.. on the other side, theres also a school, the "waldschule", no further than 50yards from the church.. you will later see a pic of cathlic kids painted for their "communion" at young age about 8 or 9.. i remember when i was in 2nd grade, all the cathlic girls in our class argued which had the prettyest dress, haha hilarious.. so many memories...
 ok here again an inscription of all the fallen men, mostly in their early twenties, below the aforementioned war memorial... so every 3 or 4 generations, theres a great war, and the nations get sifted anew... throughout history, g-d never stopped all wars (only later in the kingdomdays will there be world peace).. it is meant as a purification process much as you prune a rosebush or a fruit tree... the nations are seen as grass on the field or oceans of water, since people constantly multiply in huge modern pussified churches we dont hear about the true character of g-d but he is just as much a fighter as he is the harmless lamb. its part of his character.since modern churches dont teach truth but are mass controll tools, you cant expect to learn about g-ds true character there, so go into the forest, desert or monastery to spend some time with him.
 ok then i entered the building, and lo-and-behold, the old ladies were sitting there again doing their "hail mary" thing... remember i talked about it in earlier posts... we can see them here sitting and left side of altar, theres the old mother goddess, wrapped in light and a smaller candle altar below her feet... i took some pics then decided to come back later since it was all dark and i didnt wanna disturb.
 so instead i cruised around in the village with my bike... here this mother mary stele is standing left hand, when you exit the village..
 ok why are now these pictures here and not elsewhere ? I, ALF must have taken too much stimulants and pills lately, seeing I cant even get my blogposts straight... anyway... we can see the G-man wrapped in darkness, while the mamacona fully lit and all those grannies praying to her. i will later show exactly what they pray and how often they do this. you will be surprised !
 they stood up once during their ordeal, but thats about the only movements they made, apart from moving their lips. we can see its actually not like they are doing the event, its like an invisible spirit source bringing them together and they are just the robots/ vessels through which its operating. just watch the gigantic whirl of arabs running around the kaaba in mecca. its very similar.
 ok so i scooted around in the village. here the school right next to the church. its a nice and small elementary school.
 we can see the kids did some clay tiles.. really cool stuff !! i did that too but with cuneiform engravings...2 summers ago...
 ok we can see since we´re in germany everythings VERBOTEN.. Ordnung muss seyn ! i´d better drive on before i get epileptic seizures... (remember all this stuff you hear as a kid influences you for life. so its a big deal difference to grow up in the US or germany where all your life you hear "you cant do this you cant do that"...)
 so i checked out the cemetery with all the funny german names like harnischmacher, mangler, schultz, schroth, Fecker lol and many more...some names are still so funny they crack me up just by hearing them... we can see when the simple souls have spent their lives paying tax to the government, being in their sports or music clubs, passing holidays in egypt or mallorca or spain or italy, and passed their retirement, they will lie here on the local cemetery..german cemeteries dont hve the obelisks, pyramids and other fancy crap you´ll see on american cemeteries. but theres red candles people put down on the graves, and take care of the graves fo their ancestors. what i really like about jewish religion is they dont make a huge fuzz about graves.. check out the huge gravesite on mount of olives in J-town, they put some stones on the graveplate, say a short prayer, a flash of memory and thats it... jews are very much alive and enjoy the here and now much as they hope for the next life.. isnt that great ? i wish all people could have this practice... today in germany we can see not just have our parents been screwed over by liars, and in return screwed us over, (and our history been raped and lied about), but also all the old people getting older and older and sitting on their stuff, and few young people being born, and we pay tax for their retirement money and they just dont go away.. its like you live in a retirement home ! fuck that shit.. this place blows big time.. dont raise kids here. move to australia or the states or go kill yourself, seriously.. this place blows.
 theres a really cool tree in the middle... dont even know what type this is, a pine or cedar probly ? kinda looks like the cedar on the flag of lebanon...
 we can see some construction guy put a pyramid on his logo. this stuff is really everywhere. you cant walk around and not see it, unless youre blind.
 here some woman having an egyptian statue on her nail polish studio. many germans also love to vacation in egypt... they go kiteboarding in hurghada or kairo and check out the old archeological sites. we can see the spiritual attraction between arab and german blood, 100 yrs ago even had the same colors on the flags. red-white-black.
 ok now i returned to the chapel but now it was empty, the ladies had gone. i took some pictures. here the altar up front. we can see st. clemens and st. konrad are the patron sints of this chapel.. very far back between the two masonic pillars theres a silvercoated box for the wafers. i remember when i was a kid during mass, the priest would make a huge connandrum about climbing up the stairs with his incense thingy, then taking out the wafers and later feeding them to us into the mouth... we thought it would make us super holy or something. LOL..
 then i photographed the "beichtstuhl"..thats the little box you go inside to tell the priest all your little nasty secrets.. i dont know which jew invented this practice but actually its pretty funny, you always know whats going on in the village.... dont be fooled in any village in the world theres many secrets going on between the inhabitants. village gossip.. some people have big secrets and even take them to their graves or only tell about shortly before they die. like women who got raped by sb during a war, or people killing their relatives, stuff like that. so dont underestimate the power of confession. its important to do to get things off your heart by speaking it out and releasing it.. but confessing to a priest is completely unscriptural. like everything else in the RCC.
 here we can see kids who are "good catholics", and how theyre being involved in the youth work..
 here again the confession box. some people also call it the glory hole.
 then right side of main altar another tiny mary next to the sacred water, she wears a cross adn roses. probly shes now a rosicrucian, what do i know !
 everywhere in the church the painters worked carefully to give the impression of genuine marble, but its only several layes of paint.
 here again st. clement and st. conrad..

 no western church is complete without a huge pipe organ. we read in the prophets "thy pipes and thy tabrets were prepared in thee", so this practice also might be very old.. we can see on greek paintings the double-flute. a flute is a very basic instrument, its only a reed with holes and a mouth plug. just like a drum very easy to build.
then later some old lady came in to see what was going on. she wanted to know what those pictures are for and if i wanted to sell them.. she also helped me switch on more lights, which was really cool....
ok now i´m gonna paste the "hail mary" here.. i asked this woman about the prayer meeting and she said these grannies prayed here EVERY SINGLE DAY, thats 7 days a week no interruption !! imagine that.. incredible... so this place must actually generate quite some spiritual power. no wonder the mason architects line up most of their building perfectly so the energy flow gets channelled perfectly.

 everybody knows the "ave maria"... its an old classic... i will show you now the prayer these old ladies said
 remember they do this every evening for probly 30+ years
 first they recite some catechism (blue), then the LORD´s prayer (green), then 3 hail maries. another short line of catechism, and another lords prayer.afterwards 10 hail mary´s.
 then another short catechism skit. then again 10 hail maries. again some catechism, then 3 hail maries.
 now 10 hail maries. some catechism. then again 10 hail maries.

again some catechism, then for the last time 10 hail mary´s.then they finish with some more catechism (blue).
so all in all they pray about 40 times to mother mary (semiramis, the queen of heaven), and only 2 times say the LORD´s prayer. and about 6 times repeat to praise the trinity (a pagan concept found in all pagan religions), from their catechism written by popish jew clerics. how mch more rediculous can it possibly get ?

we can see the ancient mystery religion very much alive, and practiced go to my youtube channel and enjoy the new videos i uploaded the last 3 nights without stop. enjoy and get smart. cheers ALF.

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