Thursday, March 14, 2013

habemus papam

ma daddy was a sinner but ma mother was a saintly person
 but i ruined my life with drinkin, bad wives, takin pills and cursin´
 rock n roll u crucified me, left me all alone...
 i never shoulda turned my back on the old folks back at home....
 gimme that, church of the holy spook, church of the holy spook....
 church of the holy spook its good enough for me...
 it was good for my dear ole daddy, and my dear ole mammy too
 gimme that, church of the holy spook, i dont need nothin new....
 i believe in the church of the holy spook I believe that he´s in me....
 the TAO is like a river, so float along with me....
 when the sacred blood of the holy ghost is boiling in my veins...
 i think of jesus on the cross and i scream out for his pains
 gimme that, church of the holy jew
 church of the holy jew
 church of the holy jew its good enough for me
 it was good for ma dear old daddy and my dear old mammy too
 gimme that, church of the holy spook, i dont need nothin new...
 gimme that, church of the holy spook, i dont need nothin new...
 ------ guitar solo ----- (ALF playing on his inflatable air guitar) ---- guitar solo ------
 ------ still guitar solo ------- still guitar solo ------ still guitar solo------
 give me that, church of the holy spook, church of the holy spook...
 church of the holy spook its good enough for me....
 it was good for ma dear ole daddy and my dear old mammy too
 gimme that, church of the holy spook, I dont need nothin new...
gimme that, church of the holy spook I dont need nothin new...

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