Wednesday, February 13, 2013

the real torah she be al peh (oral thora)

ok here i wanna talk about a website i discovered that i still find amazing. theres a lady somewhere in the states by the name of barbara gilio and she makes these "shemologies " as she calls them.. what is a shemology ? its when you take a passage, or list of names or words from the old testament, and show how this list is forming a hidden sentence.. i hve to say i checked this by myself a year or 2 ago and have to admit its beyond a doubt that this is true and thats the reason why all those weird long lists of returning priests, conquered villages and other stuff that you first cant come to terms with, appears in the holy writ.. see g-d is master over time, and all the names of the leaders make perfect sense since they reflect what at that period happened with the people they represented ! this is the real "oral thora" if there isnt even such a thing.
some bible versions are written like a novel, without interruption, but some versions pay attention to the different forms of writing, theres poetry, then theres history accounts, and other forms of writing, and you can see it in the paragraphing and layout of the text ! so a recluse or researcher who wants to find more of those "shemologies" needs a hebrew dictionary (strongs) and needs to know the language and then he can start digging. believe me he will find a whole lot of em.
thats why much of tanakh contains seemingly senseless repetitions and lists, but they all have their place in the book, its just modern people are too shallow and dont pay enough attention. they think the book is just like harry potter or 50 shades of ALF.
"shemology" is the word
in mathew 1 we read the chronologies of the G-man, and we see how everything makes perfect sense, every jew should be satisfied about how accurate and detailed the ancestry is given, but of course the NT speaks bad of jews all the time, so no wonder they dont like it, hehe. of course biblecritics say "yes he has 2 chronologies, he cant be real, its all fake". you clowns, these 2 chronologies are made from different standpoints, he could have many more such chronologies, but that the 2 that the holy spirit chose to put in the book. its futile to argue with atheists, they think they are smarter than g-d. they simply cant catch the flow of how the book was written. its clearly not for everyone, so argueing is useless.
we can see she gets kinda carried away, like a raging prophetess in a frenzy or like u see it in the charismatic churches with people waving their arms in the air and do a flag-dance. but hey, to everyone his own...
so if you know hebrew and wanna go shemology-hunting, give it a shot, i know of few people who pursue this research.

here this woman started it all.
can anybody deny that these supposedly random names are merely reflections of the characters and historical events ? NOMEN EST OMEN. even the old romans knew this.
this is another blatant one. see david was the first ( and only) real awesome king the hebrews had all the other before and after were kinda mediocre. so in this ancestry line you can read how g-d gave israel anotherdebt-write-off and started afresh. clearly reflected in the names of his children. also when you start studying gematria you will see how languages form not by coincidence but every letter and word has a precise meaning and you willfind the connections in value and meaning of  words supposedly from complete different roots. check out the youtube channel of a guy called "signsmessenger".. this will give you some stuff to think about. he has also a great video about the astrologicel events during jesus birth. he calculated it all with a simple but accurate DOS software called skyglobe.
see this is the real "oral thora". not some silly argument by selfimportant buffoons clad in black robes wearing saturnian hats, or purple cloak and wearing a dagon bishop mitre.
this one i wanted to start out on, but then decided i´can do this later when i´m 70 or so, hehe....
here in my JPS tanakh we see an example how some bibles show clearly the different forms of writing..
by the way my tanakh is ridiculously small and its a pain to read, also contains cantillation marks who are meaningless to me. i need to get a better, bigger one so the reading is much more fun !
can you see the different writing forms, so there u dont even have to search, the list is right there you only need to be proficient in  the language and then can start the decoding...

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