Wednesday, February 13, 2013

must watch conspiracy movies

so during our lives most people have watched tons of tons of movies. much of them having great influence on their thinking, reasoning, how they dress, basically everything from unimportant superficial stuff like dresscode all the way down to intense hidden desires and emotions. movies wield tremendous power. i can remember these movies from the top of my head about the whole conspiracy/cult theme, that were really good. theyre older movies so not so terribly overproduced like today, if you want a movie to relax on weekend why not start with these instead of "the dark jew rises" or all those other ones hollywood cranks out now like a mad automaton... the above movie i once watched on youtube, but now it has disappeared. first we went to see it with our school class in 1999 when it came out. some say it was kubricks last great movie and he purposefully showed some of the scenes of the dark meetings these sinister lodges hold.
ok this is another good one. it shows you how the whole gambit works. this man swears an oath to this "brotherhood of the bell" at young age, then all his life has a successful career without even hearing from them, he thought this oath was just random play and devoid of meaning. then some 30 yrs later when the club asks a fevour in return, and for him to kill a guy, he freaks out and starts exposing people. too late he realizes the brotherhood not just has people in the establishment, they ARE THE ESTABLISHMENT, up to the highest ranks. this movie is free on youtube. go watch it ! adn dont watch "the dark jew rises" !
very good movie ! we watched it back in the 90s in school when talking about cults etc. watched it again just months ago free on youtube. very nifty movie with peter fonda as christlike cult-leader with tremendous charismatic radiation, trying to get ever more young californian kids to follow his messiah-cult.
this one came out in 2006 and i imediately liked the title and the story and decided to watch it, havent regretted it yet. hve to add most of these illuminati / dan brown movies and books wont show you the real deal, theyre just kinda playing on the catchphrase like "illuminati", "elites" etc. and what people commonly believe to be true, but hey what do u expect by a movie that has 80 mio in production cost and only makes 100mio at the box office. these scriptwriters and producers first of all wont ever reveal the whole truth, but its true that sometimes they give awesome hints in their movies, since for all people when you know a secret you secretly wanna find somebody to share it with.. so yes i dont know if thats exactly how the CIA came to pass, but still the movies a great one. cinematographer was by the way robert deniro, who also got caught by dallas in playing a 911 character..but that just by the way..

ok sorry guys, i could make this list much longer, cant remember all the conspiracy related flics that are both informative, objective and worth watching, but anyway thats a good start. spare yourself the whole crap that the controlled opposition cranks out.... watch their IMDB stats. these people do movies all their lives, its like you being a doctor or poumber or engineer. so most of the movies made are kinda shallow, but then again its good to have something for everybody ! movies in fact are still a great thing to have... imagine the old greeks etc only having simple masks and an amphitheatre for all their far we have advanced...

this is another good movie you can watch. its from 1976. i dont know if its online somewhere in full length. why not check out at the local videotheque ?

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