Friday, January 18, 2013

what the new ALF order needs

 the new ALf order needs a bunch of stuff... along with a galil rifle and a jericho pistol.. it needs also other stuff...
 it needs a bunch of girls...
 then the new ALF order also needs a really cool retro 40s, 30s or 50s automobile chassis to turn it into a street rod for terrestrial transport.
 the new ALF order needs a UHC filter to see distant nebula and galaxies even better for visual observation
 it needs a losmandy mount to put a nice fancy scope on top.
 the new ALf order needs a mediterranean style, midwestern, pueblo or adobe house. or a spanish mission type house. all those european houses are boring. i really dig those exotic houses. they make you feel like you´re in a different place.
 the new ALF order also needs a motorbike suitable for a tall rider, probly the bonnie is a little too small, smoething bigger. please no racebike or showoff chopper with oversized engine. w´re not here to pose..
 the new ALF order needs a DSLR camera for long exposure shots to get some data to process with astrosoftware and finally photograph galaxies. isnt that awesome what we can do with amateur equipment nowadays ?
 the new ALF order needs a galil rifle and jericho pistol
 it also needs a DHC buffalo or caribou transport aircraft. i dont know why but it really needs that aircraft. travelling in jets is stupid. every idiot of the world running an idiot company screwing people off has a jet. therefore jets are anathema.
 then the new alf order needs a ford f150 pickup truck, a dodge ram or silverado. to cruize around in the utah desert...
 it needs an observatory. at second thought theres way too many observatories already. so why build another one ? but it would be so cool to have an observatory that looks like the groke form the moomins.. probably embedded in a moomin themepark, that would be killer... the groke almost looks like an observatory, and she´s cold too, so thats a great fit already...
 the new ALF order needs a nice sailboat. either a schooner to throw up in, but travel in style, or a lagoon catamaran to travel without seasickness and at doble speed but with fiberglass hull..
 of course the NAO also needs to build a moomin get customers away from adolf jiddlers silly ass disney themeparks in paris, orlando and CA where he built a copy of the neuschwanstein castle and called it disney castle. thats just plain stupid.
 it needs glass blanks to grind its own telescope mirrors with nothing more than abrasive grit, water a grinding tool made from old tiles and cement... then a razorblade and a flashlight to check the curve... thats how telescope mirrors are made by amateurs.
the new ALF order needs 613 supersoaker waterguns to ward off stupid people, who never ever wanna get smart, only steal your good energy and say all day things like "its a conspiracy", or "yeah thats your opinion but only an opinion" and other senseless crap..

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