Friday, January 18, 2013

german comedians kaya yanar and dieter nuhr are the same guy

people think dieter nuhr and kaya yanar are both german comedians, one a turk the other a plain german. truth is theyre both the same guy and theyre both a jew. dont believe me, believe polskaweb. and get a friggin subscription goddammit.

 ok i had this on my desktop for a while so now it goes to the blog and then to the files, so i have space for new stuff.. we can see same wrinkles.
 same guy. just different makeup.
 my famly say i´m crazy for even proposing theyre the same guy. like a magician who makes u believe he pulls a live rabbit out of his ass, these guys use every trick in the book. take their talmud away and they scream bloody murder. its their precious, their precioussssssss....
 same ear
eye and brows

 same guy
wikifake. some vedic people say we live in the kali yuga, the age of deception. some muslim people say we live in the west in the dajjjal system, the deceiver with the one eye. we can see the muslims are so rigorous in their observation because they also have been handed some truth, just not the whole one. so everybody gets a part of the truth and in the end we always end u argueing again, lol.
same signature. 

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