Wednesday, January 2, 2013

thomas mitchell played hermann goering

since the entire nazi history u learn in school is only "their" side of things, and they shift all the blame on the german landser while never telling who played all the nazi brass and leaders, u gotta check with dallasgoldbugs website to see for yourself.

adolf jiddler = played by walt disney aka kermit roosevelt aka father coughlin the first radio pastor
hermann goering = thomas mitchell
eva braun = ethel roosevelt, sister of kermit roosevelt
helga goebbels, small daughter of josef goebbels = judy garland
joseph goebbels = meyer lansky = harold camping
adolf eichmann = maurice strong (his hanging in israel was a hoax)
wernher von braun = michael greenberg = hammerin´hank greenberg the baseball player
maurice greenberg = josef mengele
walter krupinski = also still alive
the red baron = also still alive

check the website for all pictures.

 other famous nazi generals like the desert fox erwin rommel, also must have been highranking mason jews.
when they said the nazis abolished freemasonry and judaism it was only a cover so decades later they could freewheel without anyone sayin snap. they always had the argument "well do u abolish masonry or judaism like the nazis. u must be a nazi too."

see the pattern ? the germans are the problem. the christians, the americans the arabs, the terrorists are teh problem. the immigrants are the problem. guess whos never the problem.

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