Wednesday, January 2, 2013

greece and the golden dawn

 greece right now is in financial trouble like many mediterranean and poorer economies. we know already that greek PM samaras also has alters, and formerly played at least 2 famous musicians. (or still plays them). greece formerly ran the world. we know that all great former nations are later humbled, this is necessary in the divine design since g-d is jealous over everything that exalts itself and MUST AFTERWARDS HUMILIATE  IT. he cant change its his character. now theres a new movement in greece called the golden dawn. its a political party run by a tiny fat little loudmouthed jew and an even more loudmouthed jew kapo. they´re hilarious but the greeks think they´re gonna save their coutry. stupid greeks.
 this is the golden dawn party. not to be mixed up with the golden dawn esoteric hermetic movement, a kindof sorcerers lodge active within several european countries. they perform weird rituals. of course like in all things sorcery or hermetic, a jew runs the show too. but this golden dawn is a political party in greece. the bnai brith jew politicians and moguls there have mansions while the simple greeks cant pay the gas bill. or afford petrol for their car.  remember in school when they taught u about the french revolution with people being too poor to buy bread while the sun king louis the 14th held lavish feasts and banqets at his fancy castle. guess what the jew aristocrats love to do this. non-illuminated sheeple who know not of the new ALF order ask themselves how the world can be so cruel. but readers of my blog know why they are the way they are and why this is repeated over and over again. u see it pays to listen to wise people. the heart of the wise is in the house of mourning. the heart of fools in the beer hall.
 here this is the other golden dawn. we´re not talking about this one right now.
 no this is the wrong one.
 pinoccio´s nose is growing during this interview. look at this fat loudmouthed little jew, hahahhaa
hilarious guy... and the greeks have no clue. masonry is a plague from hell sent to torture all mankind.
 you´re a clown
 his kapo does all the work for him. bitch-slapping other politicians in front of tv-cameras, and much more such nonsense. the heat is on in greece. this guy loves to play his role, believe me the other tiny jews envy him for his role. they love nothing more than to rebel rouse and start the revolution. its in their blood. they all have a high liver. jews are spiritually earthly people.

 no no, this is the wrong golden dawn..
 the kapo is the second guy in charge and "speaker" of the party. what the nazis pulled off in germany 80 yrs ago must have been very similar.thats what u get when u let such scum worm its way into your country. u get 70 yrs guilttrippin. so dont let it happen. dont give them an inch of space. let them know the jig is up.
 ya i know. u´re the shit. even a dyslexyc, wheelchair-riding anorexic pygmy from mabongo could rule over a country with the help of egyptian magic and masonry. thats why the new ALF order despises masons from th e bottom of their heart. masons are not even real people. theyre liars.
 reminds me of jean marie le pen in france. similar gig. theyre all jews. then in the press interview the typical anti israel BS propaganda. do these people ever rest ? theyre insane.has anybody some zyklon B left i need to de-louse this simian creature right now...and his kapo as well..
 thanx for still voting and believing we count the votes. which of course doesnt happen...
 this is his bouncer in the middle.probly learned his trade in some tel aviv nightclub hehe
 what a jewk, now he fires away against his golf buddy samaras. thas just plain silly. the 2 of them meet afterwards and watch the videofootage and laugh themselves into a coma together of how stupid the greeks are. probly they also love greek sex and poof each other up the backside. dot forget many jews love that stuff. i dont konw how but thats just how they tick.
 b-tchslapping a political opponent hurts more than greek sex but the aftermath is less strenuous.
 boobooboo i´m the jew kapo, i´l slap you, so do what i say. boobooboo...
 nikolaos (every student of revelations chapter 3 and 4 knows it) means "victor over the people". thas exactly what this guy and his weird bounder are.
 i send them these 2 gifts into their fancy jew mansions in athens. for the kapo a tool to toss his salad
 and for the jew dwarf a golden shower, for an exciting daily warm evening experience
we all know that nations that formerly were hegemonial powers later have their payday.

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