Thursday, January 17, 2013

renate kühnast is ellen ehni

just watched my brother flip on our brandnew kingsize tv for the evening news...and theres a lady who reminds me strongly of renate kühnast, a german politician of the greens party. went straight to the mac to do some matchups, and lo-and-behold, theyre really similar.. well after a time it really gets routine..

so the person playing renate kühnast from the german greens party now also is "tageschau sprecher" that kinda tells you that this whole news really is completely preselected, you get everything out of the same hand, employment, entertainment, laws and "justice" and also evening news. ok lets show some ears and faces now.. by the way both women are kinda medium size so not dwarflike and not really tall so the height matches too pretty much..

 ok heres the nose, half covered with shadow on left image, but in later images we´ll see the similarity
 now watch the ear at 45. does that look alike. i betcha. pay attention to the bumpy antitragus for both girls.
 the profile too isnt such a far fetch..
 another ear at 45. thats really siimilar to say the least. by the way both women like  short haircuts n bangs.
 same round outer ear shape.
 same short cut, similar bangs, similar ear.
 watch the weird structure on the antitragus.
 i painted the triangle in between eyes and forehead, both women have it. why is she looking upward. is she having an apparition of mary or something.. i dunno
 at 45 the same facial outline. so thats the same skull then. since in all 3 axes its the same result.
 watch the lil sack of skin just above the eye towards the inside. i spotted it with my huge magnifying glass.
 then these 2 rifts just above the nose. and same lips, nose and chin.. holy crap so many coincidences today.
 and more coincidence.
 i´m tired of writing funny stuff here...
whos gonna pay me for this shit ? why do I NEVER GET F_CKIN PAID.... i need to start my ALF bank..
i should start selling indulgences or something really soon.... brother Tetzel the indulgence vendor... great idea
 both women hve a hexagram on forehead therefore they must be the same person. i just rang up tony greenberg its what he said. dont believe me, look up his number in the phonebook and ask him.
 same outer ear structure. and whats that renate is flashing me the evil eye....she tries all the dirty tricks, hehe
 profile again... but its just coincidence. its a conspiracy...
 coincidence, conspiracy !
 call the cops, its a conspiracy !
 CY !
 renate has a slight grin to her face, she just read my latest bestseller "50 shades of ALF".. she´s still caught up in her girlish little daydreams, hehe...
 its obvious...
what jimbo the jew writes on his wikipedia might be great for some things, but doesnt meet the intergalactic ALF standard for print & press. its totally subjective and i dont believe a word.

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