Friday, January 11, 2013

freeze ! you´re completely surrounded.... by freemasonry

 i wanted to write this post for a long long time, but never could make up my mind. now i just took a break from playing SWAT4 and think its good time for making this post... i wanna describe here (not exhaustively, but to give a little insight), how freemasonry, and the mystery religion surrounds us all day every day in daily life, in our education, at home, in school, on the radio waves on tv simply everywhere. it follows us from cradle to grave. yet most people are completely indifferent to it, and say all those signs and symbols are merely coincidence. which of course is idiocy, since the world is run by symbols and names, who have tremendous power. they have so much power, that the ruling elites CANNOT RULE without them.  this obelisk that you see here in front of an egyptian temple. obelisks, phallic powerpoles used in ancient egypt ripe with esoteric wisdom, were dug out !! and then set up in all big metrooles on earth, where masonic rulers ruled over large populations.. so these obelisks followed together with the esoteric mystery teachings around the world. think about that..
 here we see a group of women dressed in masonic apparel before WW2. masonry was more "en vogue" before ww2. but stil is today, but not as much. religious movements always get born and then after a while people start something new.
 so the ISS that orbits our earth, is almost named like ISIS, it really makes you think. isis was the egyptian mother goddess. in essence all pagan multigod religions are the same. thats why they share all the same roots and symbology. in any case the fallen angels from the mount of hermon, demand being worshipped as demigods. even in esoteric new age movements and witches lodges today they are worshipped openly. they pretend jesus is the bad guy and his church has failed since the people failed. which of course is bunk. jesus will come back at the beginning of the 7th day at anno mundi 6000, in about 250 years. read the hebrew calendar, its that easy...
 so why is my mother cleaning every saturday for 40 years angrily the entire house like a literal "putzteufel", because she does not know how important the saturday, sabbath really is. and thus, trying to be a good christian (but in reality a demonic christian), she dishonors the holy day with her antics for many many years.
 we can see here a ship for a croisiere for old rich people , they are travelling on a gigantic luxury temple that also has the egyptian eye on its tip.AIDA also is an opera about an egyptian story, and just like with the magic flute, the stage is full of egyptian stuff, pyramids etc...
 then we have masonic characters that dont exist, and are being found in our dictionarys but they arent real. since anne frank is played by audrey hepburn. but people have no idea. they are under the spell of this ageold power.
 our childrens stories like grimms fairytales or this alice in wonderland or the wizard of oz also are written by jews or sorcerers, etc and they let esoteric teachings flow into it. all our children read these as kids, they already get under the pull of the old fallen spirit of world. and later have to make an active decision to serve the higher g-d (or refuse). g-d wants to be honored by people actively choosing him. just like a woman or a courting knight in shining armour.
 the names of the greek roman babylonian and egyptian gods and also nordic gods, or african voodoo demons, are everywhere today in society. originally g-d said "dont even mention their names, i hate them" he is jealous. but nobody pays fact people who use these names get help by selling their merchandise and running their business. it really is like that...thats why they do it..
 then all the lies that cause wars, like 911, pearl harbour or archduke ferdinand. nothing but a bunch of hoax. bu wars are part of the human experience. it is designed like that.
 then you have cults like mormonism where people take holy scripture and use the words of it and make them out to mean something else. like the jews do to some extent in their talmud. and when you talk to them and say "all people?" they mean something else, since they say goys are no people, only jews are.... thats just an example of deception. the muslims also are allowed to use deception to advance jihad or their islam... islam is even more deluded than judaism. also the muslims believe all land that they once had, like spain, must be reconquered... its really silly !! probably thats why they want israel so bad...which of course is idiocy...
 see this pergamon altar called "the seat of satan" in book of revelation. notice the shape. it stands today in berlin. berlin lost 2 world wars after bringing it there and rebuilding it completely.
 now look at those american capitols. dont they look much alike ? and in the middle they took kindova copy of the roman pantheon with its huge freestanding round roof.
 then billions of folks believe the pope is real. and say merely the RCC is a bit deluded but still an ok church. the truth is the jews have always run this "church" which is arrayed in scarlet color has killed countless true saints, albigensers, huguenots, protestants, and holy people by these deluded jew false pastors. still today the popes are actors. just search this blog.
 then you have "christian bookstores" like this now suddenly after some 20 years, apear with a pyramid like this. u can see how much the mystery religions and their boss lucifer hate christ and wanna reverse everything. look at the new entertainment park "belantis" they built in germany. its a huuuuuuuge triangle and there are weird pyramid rides and entertainment. its crazy. crazy....
 even tho g-d hates these demigods and wants all the glory for himself..
 then people celebrate winter solstice and use the tree decked with gold and silver from the book of jeremiah, and bake sacred cookies and give each other presents. all like pagans.these rituals are firmly engrained in culture.
 the grimms brothers and their fairytales... schoolbooks of all the big publishers also often have masonic symbols on them. masonry is the regular power prevailing if no other power is over a thing or matter.
 then loonie jew truthers like this of course flash their signs 24/7 all day long. believe me the jews are the most deluded people inthe world. just like its described in the book...while they try to "save the world" without their king, they do exactly the opposite, hahahah. thats funny.....
 then mother mary statues on every friggin street corner. the entire world is covered with this craze. can you see why g-d needs to send the fire baptism for the world to get rid of all this crap ? when he comes back he wants none of all this bullshit on his planet. its the work of our hands and our twisted minds, and needs to be removed. in the past often iconoclasts tried this, but afterwards it came again anew.
 even when you smoke marlboros you hve a floating capstone of a pyramid. people have no clue and say its just smokes it has no meaning. how wrong they are.
 then we listen to music for entertainment. even classical composers known today were mostly jew masons. can u imagine mozart fdieing at age 33 ? 33 is a masonic number. most likely that was fake, seeing all the other masons faking their deaths and fooling us (the noninitiated) all. we learn this in school and its in our dictionaries ! and g-d lets it happen because the entire world he has given to satan, the prince of this world, who can do as he pleases with us. can u see his power ? our entire reality is a matrix. and people dont wanna break out. they dont wanna rethink or rewire their heads. it costs them too much so they go along with the flow. all the while singing superchristian songs like "i wanna swim against the stream " etc blablabla. but all singing and talk is most people are cheap.
 then u get sick and need a doctor. he has also this hermetic sign on his chest or the red johanniter temple cross on the ambulance cars...also in medical terminology there are many acronyns of ancient greek adn roman mythology. to hebrew thought greek adn roman roots are pagan and flawed. to normal people, they know nothing better than to teach their kids latin and are proud of the greek philosophers...really funny.
 we can really see jerusalem of the olam haba being a different jerusalem from the one right now, since jerusalem is firmly in masonic hand.
 do i even have to talk about gaga and all those other popstars who flood us 9to5 with their symbolry.
 then the german philosophers that many people love, were all into the mysteries. and our kids write essays on them in school and have to study them. all the other really good books we never get taught, but hve to  spend much time afterwards to search them out and find them.
 on many operas theres also a flood of mystery symbols present. like at the badische staatstheater in karlaruhe, my local village theres the "one eye" symbol on the invitation pamphlets.. just like every other bigger city under heaven.
 we dont know that in g-ds eyes (and he cant change himself its merely the way he is, just like all galaxies in the same universe have the same shape, these laws are just omnivaluable in the entire universe)... so in his eyes everything that is not out of his energy is evil. imagine that... even if i build a moomin themepark that looks completely harmless, or play in a nice band etc. it still is not considered holy and pleasing to him. really it is impossible to please him by design. so the entire jesus and offering thing really is important even if we modern people cant relate to it as an african who has sacrificed his share of chickens.
 the philosophers already...
 in astronomy theres also no end to the names from greek adn roman mythology, all pagn names.
 our politicians greet each other with hermetic handshakes and people deny it has any meaning.
 when we feel bad we run to the shrink adn he helps us with help of psychology, psyche was a greek goddess.
 do i even have to talk about this complete silly pyramid at the israeli court building. who outrules the knesset anytime, since its more powerful. all parliaments in the world are merely showtheatre. in all time adn ages kings and materially powerful men ruled b the power given to them by priests.
 you hve names of cities like here suez, which is just zeus inverted... thats where the suez canal is. without it egypt today would be bankrupt.
 then those composers write operas etc and use geometry or their esoteric background to forment their work, and while we listen to it it influences us through the spirits attached.
 the talkshows on tv are about handpicked themes and handpicked moderators, so also theres a filter (just like in the evening "news" what we hear about and what not....
 people use tarot cards and oracles, to get help for their future. all this originally was forbidden for israelis, even tho today they excell in every sort of craft and scheme...
 we have the proliferation of technology, thinking we can solve our problems or give us new purpose in life, and always want to prolong our lives and heal cancer etc. while we ignore our creator and his alluring call to serve him adn get into his flow...
 even on our countries the old laylines that druids and priests formented and helped built our churches and castles on them. we are totally in negation that it even exists. some weirdo newage people follow these leylines and also are spiritually receptive for them. theres a global energy grid of a dodecahedron vibrating all around the world.. here we can see a heptagram overlaid over france... look at the mars point in verdun, france, where in ww1 80 000 people were masonically sacrificed in a single battle. can you see now how things arent merely coincidence ? the sun in over paris, the center of france.. the venus over the menhirs in the bretagne, the moon at the katharers castle at carcassonne and
g-d knows the end before the beginning, and knew exactly in the latter days before the restoration of the world thered be rampant materialism, technology and broken families. but he lets it all happen since he gave us free agency, an incredible puwerful gift.
our supersmart jew politicians always create for themselves loopholes to park theri money (liechtenstein, switzerland, cayman), and other places that are beyond all jurisprudence. or they create district of columbia taken half from maryland andhalf from virginia, thus giving power to the virgin mary (or better yet the spirit that hides behind this name, since spirits lie all the time and never tell you what theyre really up to). even the highest g-d lies to you sometimes, when he doesnt yet fully show you what he will later demand from you. since he always wants more and more over time. all spirits are like this !!
even on the war machines that people later use to kill each other, theres al the symbolry, under which people are born and die again, without even wanting to know whats going on... this is just a tiny small excerpt. i could write days on this single post. robably i will add some more pics later... but you can go and look yourself. start in your room and later your house. what kinda symbols can you detect ? download "secret mysteries of all ages, by manly p hall, free as a pdf" and check how many symbols you can spot all around you in the airwaves, cinema, internet, company brand names, at work, your church or your car. you will soon realize. symbols are everywhere adn they have a meaning...

 now here 3 pictures of flags delivered to families whose sons fell in iraq. the flag is folded ritually in a triangular pattern (just like the military salute of ALL ( ALL !!!) armies on earth, where you put your hand against your temple forming a perfect triangle)... look where tehy place the medal on to of the pyramid. doesnt that look nifty ?
 here also you can see the head of the fallen soldier overlaid perfectly on the eye of the pyramid. along with his dog tag and other stuff...
here it shows how they have to fold the flag. when i was in SLC in 2005, on BYU campus people in the middle of the day would stop and salute the flag for an entire minute. its a sort of ritual to them.. they are really forthcoming and let you sleep in their homes when they think they can convert you to mormonism. when they see they cant they jail you and ostracize you, since lucifer gives them power to sit on the best land and continue with their senseless antics.. am i saying all wars are bad ? no i dont say that. america as a nation still has a higher level of order and justice than most other nations. so i´d rather live there than anywhere else. why wold i wanna live in a retarded 3rd class country where government is just as corrupt ? that dont make sense..
baseball, americas passtime game no1 is basically running around on a circle+square with checkerboard lawn. its funny that i only realized this a couple months ago, even tho its so obvious.
 also most numbers in baseball are multiples of 3. sacred numerology is pretty important to masons. soccer as played today also was born in the freemasons tavern in london. just like the YMCA, whom my famly until today is ardent member of, i always asked myself what this red triangle is really all about, but so far havent figured it out. but its obvious the YMCA is a kinda lukewarm thingy and obviously started by masons. i mean do i even show you the "village people" song called "YMCA", its as queer as it gets. when i was in jail and that song was on the radio one of the old convicts said turn off the radio right now or i´ll break it to shreds, hahaha he hated that song... many convicts have a good heart and were framed by lawyers and the whole system, so they have a feeling for whats good and whats wrong, only they have certain weak spots and thats why they go back to the joint time and again...

 so whose this, its david icke also known under the name sir richard branson... he´s trying to go to space with his superduper virgin galactic spaceship 2... in the foreground we can see kirk douglas, or was it the astroNOT buzz aldrin that punched bart sibrel for exposing him ? hmm i cant remember exactly...
ok now heres his spaceship, nice, huh ? its a floating pyramid with an eye. how much more masonic can it get ? this thing is never gonna go anywhere. and when obamba says we´ll fly to mars i´ll believe it in 1000 years. why not first fly to the moon when we havent even been there. these people are so firmly intertwined with this system of lies, i believe in ancient egypt it was similar, those people who we today think were duper strong pharaos in reality probably were the same kinda actors that we have today, and common unspiritual people think theyre our heros.. but its all described in the NT that the world reveres false idols, who are being blinded by materialism and money and false sense of power.. its all there to read for anyone if he only wants to.
 ok so here a college graduate from 1922, whats he having on his head. its a mortarboard, a square academic cap. when i was younger, i really thought this hat looks flashy and cool, and thought it was a bummer that german grads didnt get this hat.. now with internationalisation of bachelor and master, its only a matter of time until this practice is adopted in all countries in the world. why ? because this hat actually isnt just a hat, it has an intrinsic meaning, its the square mortarboard of a stonemason whereon he rests the cement before he scrapes it off with his trowel to put it underneath the stones when he sets up a new wall.. funny huh ? and the US kids even call this hat "mortarboard" its so obvious.. so when you learn in university u come under the filter and the spell of the masonic world system as it is, you rest your hope on it and send your kids to learn and do chores to rise in this system..
at graduation celebrations sometimes thousands of kids sit there with their mortarboards, and later throw them into the air.


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